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Kristine Nielsen

Associate Professor of Art

School Of Art
Office Number:
Art 205
Office Hours:

Tue: 12:5-2:05 p.m.
Thr: 12:5-2:05 p.m.
Kristine Nielsen
Ph.D. and M.A., Art History, University of Chicago
Cand.mag., Art History, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Kristine Nielsen is Associate Professor of Art History and a Faculty Affiliate of the International & Global Studies Program. From 2021-2023 she was the Director of the Humanities Program. Professor Nielsen teaches modern and contemporary art from a global perspective and explores a broader field of visual culture. She incorporates academic games in her teaching to inspire student engagement with the history of art and her courses in the Art History Program make frequent use of the Merwin & Wakeley Galleries.

Nielsen's research spans two primary areas. The first focuses on iconoclasm and public monuments in twentieth-century Germany, in particular the political monuments of the German Democratic Republic. Her second and more recent area of research centers on Nordic contemporary artists and the history of Nordic colonialism. Prior to joining the faculty at IWU, she was an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in the Humanities with the Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities. She also held a joint appointment as Visiting Assistant Professor in the School of Art and the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Nielsen’s research has received support from the Getty Research Institute, the Stone Summer Theory Institute, Knud Højgaards Fond, University of Chicago’s Lipman Fellowship, Century Scholarship, University Grant, Harrison Doolittle Travel Fellowship, Humanities Division Travel Grant, Kathleen J. Shelton Memorial Travel Fellowship, and Visiting Committee on the Visual Arts fellowship.


Courses taught

GW 100 Visual Literacy

ART 110 Close Looking

ART 115 Introduction to Art History

ART 220 Introduction to Visual Culture

ART 320 Global Modern Art

ART 322 Global Contemporary Art

ART 399  Art Seminar