Loni Walker
Associate Professor and Chair of Biology
Mon: 2-3:30 p.m.
Tue: 2-3:30 p.m.
Fri: 10-11:30 a.m.

Dr. Walker is a Plant Biologist with a research interest in understanding growth and developmental processes in plants. Previously, she utilized a variety of physiological, molecular, genetic, and cellular techniques in her approach to understanding the molecular mechanisms of auxin action in Arabidopsis thaliana. Some of these techniques included mutagenesis, mutant isolation, mutant analysis, and molecular cloning techniques. During graduate school, and since arriving at IWU, Dr. Walker's primary research interest has been to understand how environmental factors such as light and gravity influence growth and development in the moss Ceratodon purpureus. Dr. Walker has supervised IWU students in studying the effects of light, gravity, and plant growth regulators on growth and development of protonemata in C. purpureus.
Dr. Walker teaches
- General Biology (BIOL101)
- Plant Anatomy and Physiology (BIOL 315)
- Topics in Cell Biology (BIOL 330)
- Cell Biology (BIOL 340)
- Topics in Plant Biology (BIOL 375)