School of Educational Studies
Interdisciplinary Educational Studies
Concentration: Child and Family Studies
Substitutions to these courses are permissible with the approval of the advisor and department chair. Students may substitute a 300-level course in specific area studies with approval.
- Hlth 101 (LSI, U): Introduction to Public Health
- Hlth 230 (LSI): Human Nutrition
- Hlth 330 (AV): Human Sexuality
- Hist 249 (CHC, U): Revolutions in American Childhood & Family Life
- Psyc 270/370 : Special Topics (with approval)
- Psyc 253 : Life-span Development
- Psyc 252 : Child & Adolescent Development
- Psyc 259 : Social Psychology
- Psyc 359 (W): Advanced Social Psychology
- Psyc 369 : Special Topics in Clinical, Developmental, & Social Psychology
- Soc 200 (CSI): Social Problems
- Soc 240 : The Profession of Social Work
- Soc 270/370: Special Topics (with approval)
- Soc 311 (CHC, U): Marriage and Family
- Soc 362: Social Welfare and Human Services

Leah Nillas - Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Studies
Department - School Of Educational Studies