Music Education Course Requirements
Completion of all program requirements, including passing state tests and assessments, qualifies one to teach general, vocal, and instrumental music in grades PK-12. Earning endorsements in any other subject requires completion of an approved program in that area including the ISBE content area exam.
The goal of the licensure program in Music Education is to develop a high degree of competence in basic musicianship as well as to promote professional qualities essential for teaching music. The 21st century music educator connects musical understanding with performance through many styles of music, develops creative and engaging encounters with music, relates effectively to individuals and society, and adjusts to the changing demands in the field of music education.
Professional Education: Music Education (13.5 units)
The professional education courses listed below are used to compute your professional education grade point average for TEP and student teaching acceptance. These courses are required for the Music Education major.
First year, fall |
Music 224 or 225 |
Techniques*: Percussion or Vocal |
First year, spring |
Music 132 Music 221 or 223 |
Foundations and Principles of Music Education Techniques*: String or Brass |
Sophomore year |
EDUC 257 or Music 250
Music 221, 222a, 222b, 223, 224, or 225 Music 232 |
Disability Rights (may be taken junior year concurrently with 232 or 333)
Techniques*: String, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, or Vocal
Elementary General School Methods |
Junior year, fall |
Music 333A Music 222a, 222b, 224, 225 |
Instrumental Music Methods Techniques*: Woodwind, Percussion or Vocal |
Junior year, spring |
Music 333B Music 221, 222a, 222b or 223 |
Choral Music Methods Techniques*: String, Woodwind or Brass |
Junior year, May Term |
EDUC 365** |
Reading, Writing and Communication in the Content Areas |
Senior year |
Music 497A Music 221, 222a, 222b, 223, 224, 225 |
Student Teaching in Music Techniques: String, Woodwind, Brass, Percussion, or Vocal |
*Prior to student teaching, candidates must complete five of the six required techniques (Music 221, 222a, 222b, 223, 224, 225) courses. First year students may not enroll in Music 222a or 222b and must seek instructor approval to enroll in Music 225.
**Music 328 or Music 329 and EDUC 257 and EDUC 365 must be completed prior to student teaching
Music Education students are also invited to enroll in EDUC 225 (SI) Education and Social Justice; and EDUC 255 Child and Assessment. If one wishes to use the clinical experiences attached to these courses in fulfillment of their 100 hours of pre-student teaching requirement, they will have to also sign up for EDUC 125 and EDUC 126.
Major Requirements: Music (16.5 units)
The content courses listed below are used to compute your music major grade point average for TEP and student teaching acceptance.
First year, fall |
Music 100A Music 103 (1) Music 181 (.5) Ensemble (.25) |
Keyboard Skills Music Theory 1 Applied Concentration |
First year, spring |
Music 100B Music 104 (1) Music 183 (.5) Ensemble (.25) |
Keyboard Skills Music Theory II Applied concentration |
Sophomore year, fall |
Music 201 (.5) Music 203 (1) Music 205 (.5) or Music 207 (.5) Music 281 (.5) Ensemble (.25) |
Survey of Music History I Music Theory III Functional Piano I OR Keyboard Harmony I (keyboard majors) Applied Concentration |
Sophomore year, spring |
Music 202 (.5) Music 204 (1) Music 206 (.5) or Music 208 (.5) Music 283 (.5) Ensemble (.25) |
Survey of Music History II Music Theory IV Functional Piano OR Keyboard Harmony II (keyboard majors) Applied Concentration
Junior year, fall/spring (select 1) |
Music 385 (1) Music 386 (1)
Music 387 (1) Music 388 (1) Music 329
Romanticism and Music Modernism, Post-Modernism, and Contemporary Trends in Music Instrumental Music Music and the Stage Choral Conducting (if choral focus)
Junior year, fall
Music 385, 386, 387, or 388 (1) Music 381 (.5) Ensemble (.25) |
History of Musical Style (select from above, if needed) Applied Concentration
Junior year, spring |
Music 328 Music 385, 386, 387, or 388 (1) Music 383 (.5) Ensemble (.25) |
Instrumental Conducting (if instrumental focus) History of Musical Style (select from above, if needed) Applied Concentration
Senior, spring or fall |
Music 481 or 483 (.5) |
Applied Concentration
Additional Requirements
Music 14X Convocation, First year.
Music 15X Recital Attendance (each semester excluding fall first year and the semester of student teaching)
Participation in at least one major ensemble or the equivalent during each semester in residence, excluding the semester of student teaching. (Any ensembles taken beyond those required may be applied to the elective category.)
Two semesters of Titan Band are required for wind and percussion instrumental music education majors prior to student teaching. Register for fall semester only.
Pianists are required to take (at least) two semesters of accompanying as part of their ensemble requirement.
1.25 course units of electives. B.M.E. degree options include:
Advanced conducting (instrumental or choral)
Applied minor lessons
Chamber music (with an assigned faculty coach)
Diction courses
Independent study in music
Jazz history (US Diversity flag)
Keyboard literature
Latin-American music (Global Diversity flag)
Marching band practicum
May term music course
May term travel course in music
Opera history
Piano pedagogy
Practicum in conducting
Practicum in music education
Spring opera or fall musical
Vocal pedagogy
Music composition lessons
Music improvisation courses
Women in Popular Music (US Diversity Flag – spring semester only)
Substitutions in the prescribed courses of study may be permitted only by approval of the music faculty or an appropriate committee thereof. Substitutions must meet state guidelines and requirements.
Students may enroll for a maximum of five course units in fall and spring semesters. Any exceptions must be approved by the advisor.
The Upper Division B.M.E. Assessment is given during the spring semester of the sophomore year. The Upper Division Assessment consists of five major areas—musical competencies, writing skills, professional qualities, personal qualities, and academic skills. Musical competencies include sight-singing in major and/or minor keys, solfeggio skills, and performance skills acceptable for upper division status. Professional Education competencies include planning lessons and interview skills that focus on current issues and practices in music education
Music Education candidates must successfully pass all portions of the assessment and the applied upper division jury for admission to the Teacher Education Program and to upper division status within the B.M.E. program. If you are deficient on any portion of the exam, a remedial plan will be devised by the MTAC. One semester of probation (fall, junior year) may be granted.
Fall Semester
- MUS 014X Colloquia in Music
- MUS 181 Applied Concentration *
- MUS 100A Keyboard Basics **
- MUS 103 Music Theory I
- Techniques Course ***
- MUS 25X Titan Band ****
- Based on audition placement, one of the following:
- Gateway Colloquium
- General Education Course
- Physical Education (PEX or PEY)
Spring Semester
- MUS 015X Experiencing the Live Performance of Concert Repertoire
- MUS 183 Applied Concentration
- MUS 100B Keyboard Basics **
- MUS 104 Music Theory II
- MUS 132 Foundations and Principles of Music Education
- Techniques Course ***
- Based on audition placement, one of the following:
- General Education Course (or Gateway if not completed in the Fall)
- General Education Course
May Term
- Optional
* Lessons: register for the CRN with the student's instrument/instructor.
** Students can take a keyboard proficiency exam which is given during New Student Orientation, and if they test out of MUS 100A/B, then they take: MUS 205 (non-keyboard majors) or MUS 207 (keyboard majors) in the Fall semester and MUS 206 (non-keyboard majors) or MUS 208 (keyboard majors) in the Spring semester.
*** Choose from 221, 223, 224, or 225, depending on which are offered in a given semester. Defer the taking of 222 (a full-year course) until sophomore or junior year.
**** All wind and percussion music education students are required to participate in Titan Band for 2 semesters (X-credit). (Pianists and vocalists are exempt from this requirement.)
Fall Semester
- MUS 015X Experiencing the Live Performance of Concert Repertoire
- MUS 281 Applied Concentrations
- MUS 203 Music Theory III
- MUS 201 Survey of Music History I (CHC)
- MUS 205 Functional Piano I (non keyboard majors) or MUS207 Keyboard Harmony (keyboard majors) if not taken 1st year **
- MUS 227 Fundamentals of Conducting
- MUS 25X Titan Band ****
- Based on audition placement, one of the following:
- Techniques Course ***
- EDUC 257 Disability Rights (AV,U) or MUS 250 Music and the Exceptional Child
- General Education Course
* Private lessons: register for the CRN with the student's instrument/instructor.
** Keyboard Harmony (207/208) is offered in alternate years. In the year in which it is not offered, students should be encouraged to take an additional Gen Ed or PE course.
*** Choose from 221, 223, 224, or 225, depending on which are offered in a given semester. Defer the taking of 222 (a full-year course) until sophomore or junior year.
**** All Winds and Percussion music education students are required to participate in Titan Band for 2 semesters (X-credit). (Pianists and vocalists are exempt from this requirement.)

Leah Nillas - Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Studies
Department - School Of Educational Studies