How to Apply for a Private Education Loan
Many students have used Private Education Loans as low cost financing options to help cover the cost of their education. There are many lenders that offer private education loans. Students have the right to select any lender that has alternative loans. IWU will process any loan through any lender of the student's choosing. IWU chooses not to recommend lenders to students to allow students the flexibility of using the lender that best fits their needs. Students are encouraged to shop for the right loan for them. To complete a private education loan application, students should either apply online or contact the lender directly.
Historically, over the past 3 years, students have obtained loans from the following lenders. This list is not all encompassing and students are encouraged to find their best option when using financing. Students are encouraged to read all terms and conditions before applying for a private loan. The lenders in this list appear in alphabetical order. Some lenders may not be on our lender list because they do very few loans for our students and we have insufficient information on their ability to lend to students.
Lender | Website | |
Alliant Credit Union |
Baxter Credit Union |
Citizens Bank, NA |
Citizens One |
College Avenue Student Loans |
Commerce Bank |
Commerce Bank made by Sallie Mae |
cuStudentLoans by Lendkey |
Discover Student Loans |
Elements Financial Federal Credit Union |
Meadows Credit Union |
Midwest Bank |
Motorola Employees Credit Union |
PNC Bank |
Sallie Mae Bank |
Sallie Mae on behalf of California Coast CU |
SunTrust Bank |
Thrivent Federal Credit Union |
University of Illinois Employees Credit Union |
Wells Fargo EFS |
***Students must complete and submit the Self-Certification form to their lender to finalize their loan. Students will receive this form from their lender. ***

Allecia Correll - Student Loan Coordinator - Financial Aid
Department - Financial Aid