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Willie Brown with David and Mary Ann Webb Jared and Andy

The Illinois Wesleyan Associates was formed in 1953 when State Farm officials Adlai H. Rust and Clarence W. Heyl brought together a group of local business and professional leaders interested in supporting private higher education and local McLean County students.

In 2018, celebrating more than 65 years of service, the Illinois Wesleyan Associates launched a bold new financial aid initiative, The McLean County Scholarship Fund, which guarantees no less than $30,000 in scholarship support annually for McLean County students. This local fundraising effort will raise $2 million ($500,000 a year) over four years. 

The McLean County Scholarship Fund builds on the Illinois Wesleyan Associates legacy of financial support and commitment to the vitality of our local community, the quality of the private liberal arts tradition at Illinois Wesleyan, and the future of our brightest McLean County students.



To maximize their valuable investment, Associates are encouraged to participate in Illinois Wesleyan activities and to become active members of the campus community. A few of the many campus activities to which they are invited include:

  • McLean County Appreciation Day
  • Luncheons featuring national and international guest speakers
  • Faculty and guest lectures
  • University music and theatre productions
  • University art exhibits
  • Sporting events

Associate Board of Directors



Dick Wilson

Lucy Wisdom '95

Kimberly Sterling '92

Nancy Steele-Brokaw '71

J. Phillips

Scott Peterson '96

Beth Robb '78

Ron Greene

Russ Hagan '71

David Efaw

Andy Shirk


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