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Amy Coles

Dean of Curricular and Faculty Development

Office Number:
Ames 301B
Amy Coles

B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder; M.A., University of Colorado at Boulder; M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Amy graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2009 with her Ph.D. in Ancient History. Her forthcoming manuscript, entitled Gods, Landscape, and Community in Mid-Republican Colonization, focuses on the cults of the Latin and Roman colonies founded in Italy between 338 and 177 BCE.

Amy Pointing in Pompeii
Amy pointing in Pompeii.
She has two Master’s Degrees: one in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania and the second in Classics from the University of Colorado at Boulder, where her thesis topic pertained to the survival of militaristic religious rituals throughout the Roman Republic. She received the 2008-09 Oscar Broneer Traveling Fellowship for study at the American Academy in Rome, although her love of Rome began during her studies at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in 1998. Amy also spent a year in Greece in 2005-06 as the Wheeler Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. All of these trips abroad contributed to her study of Mediterranean religious, military, and colonial history, especially the melding of communities through organization of the sacred landscape.

Amy’s true love is teaching.  She has taught a variety of subjects including Greek, Roman, and Hellenistic History, Ancient Historiography, Ancient Religions, Roman Topography, Roman Art and Architecture, and Latin at all undergraduate levels. In May 2010, Amy also led students to Rome, Pompeii, and Paestum in the course "The Ancient Roman City." 
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History 120 The Ancient and Medieval West
History 212 Ancient Greece
History 214 Ancient Rome
History 219 Oracles and Empires in Ancient Colonization
History 309 Greek Art from Homer to Alexander
History 311 Art and Architecture of the Roman World
History 316 The World of Alexander the Great
History 318

Blood Rites and Mystery Cults