┼╨╙╞ ┘?┘╦*  %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 %%Creator: Adobe Illustrator(R) 8.0 %%AI8_CreatorVersion: 13.0.0 %%For: (Rickabaugh Graphics iMac) () %%Title: (IWU_HEAD_FC.eps) %%CreationDate: 9/26/18 4:09 PM %%BoundingBox: 217 110 575 502 %%HiResBoundingBox: 217.1094 110.2969 574.8906 501.7031 %%DocumentProcessColors: %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset Adobe_level2_AI5 1.2 0 %%+ procset AGM_Gradient 1.0 0 %%+ procset Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 1.3 0 %%+ procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 1.3 0 %%+ procset Adobe_cshow 2.0 8 %%+ procset Adobe_shading_AI8 1.0 0 %AI5_FileFormat 4.0 %AI3_ColorUsage: Color %AI3_IncludePlacedImages %AI7_ImageSettings: 1 %%DocumentCustomColors: (PANTONE 342 C) %%+ (PANTONE 428 C) %%+ (WHITE) %%CMYKCustomColor: 1 0 0.71 0.43 (PANTONE 342 C) %%+ 0.02 0 0 0.18 (PANTONE 428 C) %%+ 0 0 0 0 (WHITE) %%CMYKProcessColor: 1 1 1 1 ([Registration]) %%AI6_ColorSeparationSet: 1 1 (AI6 Default Color Separation Set) %%+ Options: 1 16 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 %%+ PPD: 1 21 0 0 60 45 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 () %AI3_TemplateBox: 396.5 305.5 396.5 305.5 %AI3_TileBox: 90 -90 702 702 %AI3_DocumentPreview: PC_ColorTIFF Simple %AI5_ArtSize: 792 612 %AI5_RulerUnits: 0 %AI5_ArtFlags: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 %AI5_TargetResolution: 800 %AI5_NumLayers: 3 %AI8_OpenToView: -40 564 2 1443 965 2 0 0 6 75 0 0 %AI5_OpenViewLayers: 333 %%PageOrigin:0 0 %AI7_GridSettings: 72 8 72 8 1 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 %AI9_Flatten: 1 %AI12_CMSettings: 00.6 %%EndComments %%BeginProlog %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_level2_AI5 1.2 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 5.0 Level 2 Emulation) %%Version: 1.2 0 %%CreationDate: (04/10/93) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated └╢▌о╩╙╞╡) userdict /Adobe_level2_AI5 26 dict dup begin put /packedarray where not { userdict begin /packedarray { array astore readonly } bind def /setpacking /pop load def /currentpacking false def end 0 } if pop userdict /defaultpacking currentpacking put true setpacking /initialize { Adobe_level2_AI5 begin } bind def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_level2_AI5 eq { end } if } bind def mark /setcustomcolor where not { /findcmykcustomcolor { (AI8_CMYK_CustomColor) 6 packedarray } bind def /findrgbcustomcolor { (AI8_RGB_CustomColor) 5 packedarray } bind def /setcustomcolor { exch aload pop dup (AI8_CMYK_CustomColor) eq { pop pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } { dup (AI8_RGB_CustomColor) eq { pop pop 3 { 1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll } repeat 4 -1 roll pop setrgbcolor } { pop 4 { 4 index mul 4 1 roll } repeat 5 -1 roll pop setcmykcolor } ifelse } ifelse } def } if /setAIseparationgray { false setoverprint 0 setgray /setseparationgray where{ pop setseparationgray }{ /setcolorspace where{ pop [/Separation (All) /DeviceCMYK {dup dup dup}] setcolorspace 1 exch sub setcolor }{ setgray }ifelse }ifelse } def /gt38? mark {version cvr cvx exec} stopped {cleartomark true} {38 gt exch pop} ifelse def userdict /deviceDPI 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt put userdict /level2? systemdict /languagelevel known dup { pop systemdict /languagelevel get 2 ge } if put /level2ScreenFreq { begin 60 HalftoneType 1 eq { pop Frequency } if HalftoneType 2 eq { pop GrayFrequency } if HalftoneType 5 eq { pop Default level2ScreenFreq } if end } bind def userdict /currentScreenFreq level2? {currenthalftone level2ScreenFreq} {currentscreen pop pop} ifelse put level2? not { /setcmykcolor where not { /setcmykcolor { exch .11 mul add exch .59 mul add exch .3 mul add 1 exch sub setgray } def } if /currentcmykcolor where not { /currentcmykcolor { 0 0 0 1 currentgray sub } def } if /setoverprint where not { /setoverprint /pop load def } if /selectfont where not { /selectfont { exch findfont exch dup type /arraytype eq { makefont } { scalefont } ifelse setfont } bind def } if /cshow where not { /cshow { [ 0 0 5 -1 roll aload pop ] cvx bind forall } bind def } if } if cleartomark /anyColor? { add add add 0 ne } bind def /testColor { gsave setcmykcolor currentcmykcolor grestore } bind def /testCMYKColorThrough { testColor anyColor? } bind def userdict /composite? 1 0 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough 0 1 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough 0 0 1 0 testCMYKColorThrough 0 0 0 1 testCMYKColorThrough and and and put composite? not { userdict begin gsave /cyan? 1 0 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /magenta? 0 1 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /yellow? 0 0 1 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /black? 0 0 0 1 testCMYKColorThrough def grestore /isCMYKSep? cyan? magenta? yellow? black? or or or def /customColor? isCMYKSep? not def end } if end defaultpacking setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset AGM_Gradient_Sep 1.0 0 %%Title: (AGM Gradient Procset) %%Version: 1.0 0 %%CreationDate: (4/26/96) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated └╢▌о╩╙╞╡) userdict /defaultpacking currentpacking put true setpacking userdict /AGM_Gradient_Sep 5 dict dup begin put /AGM_Gradient_Sep_private 100 dict def /initialize{ AGM_Gradient_Sep begin AGM_Gradient_Sep_private begin _compositeJob{ initializeSinglePassSeps }{ initializeMultiPassSeps }ifelse initializeSeps AGM_Gradient_private begin /_fillSD newSpotDict def /_rampSD newSpotDict def /_nCustomColorSD nd end AGM_Gradient_Sep_private { dup xcheck 1 index type /arraytype eq and { bind }if pop pop }forall AGM_Gradient_Sep { dup xcheck 1 index type /arraytype eq and { bind }if pop pop }forall end currentdict readonly pop end }def /terminate{ currentdict AGM_Gradient_Sep eq{ end }if }def AGM_Gradient_Sep_private begin /initializeSeps{ /currentoverprint { _of } def _noImage not _level2PS not and{ /linealFill{ currentoverprint{ 0 0 1 1 rectfill }{ mySave 8 setImageParms _color{ _nCustomColorSD begin cyan magenta yellow black _spotColor{ spot1/tintImage spot1/tintValue get 1 exch sub makeByte8 put spot2/tintImage spot2/tintValue get 1 exch sub makeByte8 put }if end 4{ makeByte8 4 1 roll }repeat true 4 _nCustomColorSD ncolorimage }{ _nCustomColorSD/black get 1 exch sub makeByte8 _nCustomColorSD bwImage }ifelse myRestore }ifelse }def }if /_whiteBytes 1 makeByte8 pt /knockOut{ _noImage _level2PS or currentoverprint or{ gsave false setoverprint 1 setgray 0 0 1 1 rectfill grestore }{ 8 setImageParms _whiteBytes /_image load 5 execImage }ifelse }def /newSpotDict{ 11 dict dup begin /nSpots 2 def /spot1 7 dict def /spot2 7 dict def end }def /initSpotData { begin /name nd /tintImage nd /tintValue nd /spot_C nd /spot_M nd /spot_Y nd /spot_K nd end }def /initSpotDict{ begin /cyanInk nd /magentaInk nd /yellowInk nd /blackInk nd /cyan nd /magenta nd /yellow nd /black nd spot1 initSpotData spot2 initSpotData end }def /copySpotDict{ /_dst xp begin cyanInk magentaInk yellowInk blackInk cyan magenta yellow black spot1 spot2 end _dst begin /spot1 spot1 maxlength dict def /spot2 spot2 maxlength dict def spot2 copy pop spot1 copy pop /black xd /yellow xd /magenta xd /cyan xd /blackInk xd /yellowInk xd /magentaInk xd /cyanInk xd end }def /setCustomColor { 1 index /Black eq{ 6 1 roll 5 npop 1 exch sub setgray }{ 6 1 roll _ccAry1 astore exch dup null eq{ pop 0 }if setcustomcolor }ifelse }def /setCStop{ /_colorStyle exch pt _colorStyle 0 eq{ 0 0 0 4 -1 roll 1 exch sub _spotColor{ /_colorStyle 3 pt /Black 1 index 1 exch sub }if }if _colorStyle 2 eq{ 3 npop }if _rampSD _fillSD copySpotDict _colorStyle 4 eq{ pop 9 2 roll 3 npop 6 -2 roll } if _colorStyle 3 eq _colorStyle 4 eq or{ _fillSD begin /_spot1 spot1 pt /_spot2 spot2 pt end exch dup _spot1/name get eq{ _spot1 _spot2 }{ _spot2 _spot1 }ifelse begin begin /name xd 1 exch sub /tintValue xd 4{ tintValue mul 4 1 roll }repeat _spotColor not{ /tintValue null def }if end /tintValue 0 def end }if _fillSD nsetcustomcolor }def /renderCMYK{ spot1/name get null eq spot2/name get null eq and dup not{ pop spot1 spotConverted }if dup not{ pop spot2 spotConverted }if }def /currentInk{ true _inRipSep{ currentcolorspace 0 get dup /DeviceGray eq 1 index /DeviceCMYK eq or{ pop currentcmykcolor add add add 0 eq{ pop false }if }{ /Separation eq{ currentcolor 0 eq{ pop false }if }if }ifelse }{ currentgray 1 eq{ pop false }if }ifelse }def /currentInkN{ _nCustomColorSD begin /_spot1 spot1 pt /_spot2 spot2 pt renderCMYK end { currentInk }{ gsave _spot1 begin name null ne{ spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K name tintValue setCustomColor currentInk }{ false }ifelse end _spot2 begin name null ne{ spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K name tintValue setCustomColor currentInk }{ false }ifelse end grestore or } ifelse }def /fill_ /fill load def /fillOvp{ currentoverprint{ _inRipSep{ currentcolorspace 0 get dup /DeviceGray eq 1 index /DeviceCMYK eq or{ pop currentcmykcolor add add add 0 eq{ newpath }if }{ /Separation eq{ currentcolor 0 eq{ newpath }if }if }ifelse }{ currentgray 1 eq{ newpath }if }ifelse }if fill_ }def /fill{ _nCustomColorSD begin /_spot1 spot1 pt /_spot2 spot2 pt renderCMYK end { fillOvp }{ _spot1 begin gsave name null ne{ spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K name tintValue setCustomColor }{ 1 setgray }ifelse fillOvp grestore end _spot2 begin name null ne{ gsave true setoverprint spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K name tintValue setCustomColor fillOvp grestore }if end newpath }ifelse }def /expandSpot{ _spotColor{ /_len xp _rampSD begin spot1 begin tintImage null ne{ tintImage _len expandOne /tintImage xd }if end spot2 begin tintImage null ne{ tintImage _len expandOne /tintImage xd }if end end }{ pop }ifelse }def /rampImage{ currentoverprint{ rectImage }{ _enabledSmoothShade{ fillRamp }{ _color{ _rampSD begin /cyanInk _cyanData 0 ne def /magentaInk _magentaData 0 ne def /yellowInk _yellowData 0 ne def /blackInk _blackData 0 ne def end _nSamples setImageParms _nSamples expandSpot _cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _nSamples 4 expandColor true 4 _rampSD ncolorimage }{ _rampSD begin /cyanInk false def /magentaInk false def /yellowInk false def /blackInk true def end _nSamples setImageParms _blackData _rampSD bwImage }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }def /nsetcustomcolor where{ pop }{ /nsetcustomcolor { /_nCustomColorSD xp _nCustomColorSD begin 4 copy /black xd /yellow xd /magenta xd /cyan xd 4 copy 0 ne /blackInk xd 0 ne /yellowInk xd 0 ne /magentaInk xd 0 ne /cyanInk xd end setcmykcolor }def }ifelse /nsetcustomcolorend where{ pop }{ /nsetcustomcolorend { /_nCustomColorSD null pt }def }ifelse }def /initializeSinglePassSeps{ /_decodeNorm [0 1] pt /_decodeInvert [1 0] pt /spotConverted { begin name null eq{ false }{ tintValue null eq tintImage null eq and{ true }{ _inDistiller{ false }{ false currentpagedevice/SeparationColorNames get{name eq or}forall not }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse end }def /dictImage { 20 dict dup begin /Dict xd /Decode xd /DataSource xd /ImageMatrix xd /BitsPerComponent xd /Height xd /Width xd /ImageType 1 def Dict end /_image load 1 execImage }def /bwImage{ begin gsave currentoverprint{ blackInk{ [/Separation /Black /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace _decodeInvert dictImage }{ 5 npop }ifelse }{ /DeviceGray setcolorspace _decodeNorm dictImage }ifelse grestore end }def /ncolorimage where{ pop }{ /ncolorimage{ begin renderCMYK{ cyanInk magentaInk and yellowInk and blackInk and not currentoverprint and{ pop pop gsave cyanInk{ 8 copy [/Separation /Cyan /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace 3 npop _decodeNorm dictImage }if magentaInk{ 8 copy [/Separation /Magenta /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace 4 -1 roll 3 npop _decodeNorm dictImage }if yellowInk{ 8 copy [/Separation /Yellow /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace 4 -2 roll 3 npop _decodeNorm dictImage }if blackInk{ 4 -3 roll [/Separation /Black /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace 3 npop _decodeNorm dictImage }{ 8 npop }ifelse grestore }{ /_colorimage load 10 execImage }ifelse }{ 6 npop gsave spot1 begin name null ne tintImage null ne and{ [/Separation name /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace 4 copy tintImage name /Black eq{ _decodeNorm }{ _decodeInvert }ifelse dictImage }{ 1 setgray fill }ifelse end spot2 begin true setoverprint name null ne tintImage null ne and{ [/Separation name /DeviceGray{}] setcolorspace tintImage name /Black eq{ _decodeNorm }{ _decodeInvert }ifelse dictImage }{ 4 npop 1 setgray fill }ifelse end grestore }ifelse end }def }ifelse /getRampColorSpace{ /_renderCMYK _rampSD begin renderCMYK end pt _renderCMYK not{ _rampSD begin [/DeviceN [ spot1 begin name null ne tintImage null ne and{ name }if end spot2 begin name null ne tintImage null ne and{ name }if end ] _inDistiller { /DeviceCMYK [ spot1 begin name null ne tintImage null ne and{ spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K 1 }{ 0 0 0 0 0 }ifelse end spot2 begin name null ne tintImage null ne and{ spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K 2 }{ 0 0 0 0 0 }ifelse end 5 1 roll 6 -2 roll add dup 1 eq { pop 8 /index cvx 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx 9 1 /roll cvx }{ 2 eq { 8 /index cvx 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx 10 1 /roll cvx }if }ifelse 4 1 /roll cvx 5 -2 /roll cvx 8 /index cvx /mul cvx /exch cvx 9 /index cvx /mul cvx /add cvx 7 1 /roll cvx 3 1 /roll cvx 4 -2 /roll cvx 7 /index cvx /mul cvx /exch cvx 8 /index cvx /mul cvx /add cvx 6 1 /roll cvx 2 1 /roll cvx 3 -2 /roll cvx 6 /index cvx /mul cvx /exch cvx 7 /index cvx /mul cvx /add cvx 5 1 /roll cvx 5 /index cvx /mul cvx /exch cvx 6 /index cvx /mul cvx /add cvx 4 1 /roll cvx 6 -2 /roll cvx /pop cvx /pop cvx ] cvx bind }{ /DeviceCMYK {} }ifelse ] setcolorspace end /_nColorSpace currentcolorspace pt }if _nSamples 1 gt{ /_ndx 0 pt [blendColor] cvx exec }if _renderCMYK{ /_C0 [currentcolor] pt /_C0_Space currentcolorspace pt }{ /_C0 [ _nCustomColorSD begin spot1 begin name null ne{ tintValue }if end spot2 begin name null ne{ tintValue }if end end ] pt /_C0_Space _nColorSpace pt }ifelse _nSamples 1 gt{ /_ndx _nSamples 1 sub pt [blendColor] cvx exec }if _renderCMYK{ /_C1 [currentcolor] pt /_C1_Space currentcolorspace pt }{ /_C1 [ _nCustomColorSD begin spot1 begin name null ne{ tintValue }if end spot2 begin name null ne{ tintValue }if end end ] pt /_C1_Space _nColorSpace pt }ifelse /_rampColorSpace _C0_Space pt _spotColor{ nsetcustomcolorend }if }def }def /initializeMultiPassSeps{ /invertXfer{ [ { 1 exch sub }/exec load systemdict /currenttransfer get exec /exec load ] cvx systemdict /settransfer get exec }def /ccThrough{ gsave 1 setCustomColor currentcmykcolor grestore add add add 0 ne }def /spotConverted { begin _isCMYKSep not{ false }{ name null eq{ false }{ tintValue null eq tintImage null eq and{ true }{ spot_C spot_M spot_Y spot_K name ccThrough }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse end }def /spotChannel { _isCMYKSep{ pop false }{ /_spotDict xp _spotDict/name get null eq{ false }{ _spotDict/spot_C get _spotDict/spot_M get _spotDict/spot_Y get _spotDict/spot_K get _spotDict/name get ccThrough }ifelse }ifelse }def /getChannelData { _isCMYKSep dup{ pop renderCMYK }if { _blackPlate{ 4 1 roll 3 npop blackInk }{ _yellowPlate{ 4 2 roll 3 npop yellowInk }{ _magentaPlate{ 4 3 roll 3 npop magentaInk }{ 3 npop cyanInk }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse { true /nonZeroData }{ true /zeroData }ifelse }{ 4 npop spot1/name get null ne spot1 spotChannel and{ spot1/tintImage get dup null ne{ false /nonZeroData }{ pop false /noData }ifelse }{ spot2/name get null ne spot2 spotChannel and{ spot2/tintImage get dup null ne{ false /nonZeroData }{ pop false /noData }ifelse }{ false /noData }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }def /renderChannelData { /_tmp xp _tmp /nonZeroData ne currentoverprint and{ pop _tmp /zeroData eq{pop}if 4 npop }{ _tmp /nonZeroData eq{ { invertXfer }if systemdict/image get 5 execImage }{ pop _tmp /zeroData eq{pop}if 4 npop knockOut }ifelse }ifelse }def /bwImage{ begin gsave dup dup dup getChannelData exch pop false exch renderChannelData grestore end }def /ncolorimage{ begin pop pop gsave spot2/name get null ne spot2 spotChannel and{ true setoverprint }if getChannelData renderChannelData grestore end }def /getRampColorSpace{ /_renderCMYK _rampSD begin renderCMYK end pt _nSamples 1 gt{ /_ndx 0 pt [blendColor] cvx exec }if _renderCMYK{ /_C0 [currentcolor] pt /_C0_Space currentcolorspace pt }{ /_C0 [ _nCustomColorSD begin 0 spot1 begin name null ne tintValue null ne and spot1 spotChannel and{ pop tintValue }if end spot2 begin name null ne tintValue null ne and spot2 spotChannel and{ pop tintValue }if end 1 exch sub end ] pt /_C0_Space /DeviceGray pt }ifelse _nSamples 1 gt{ /_ndx _nSamples 1 sub pt [blendColor] cvx exec }if _renderCMYK{ /_C1 [currentcolor] pt /_C1_Space currentcolorspace pt }{ /_C1 [ _nCustomColorSD begin 0 spot1 begin name null ne tintValue null ne and spot1 spotChannel and{ pop tintValue }if end spot2 begin name null ne tintValue null ne and spot2 spotChannel and{ pop tintValue }if end 1 exch sub end ] pt /_C1_Space /DeviceGray pt }ifelse /_rampColorSpace _C0_Space pt _spotColor{ nsetcustomcolorend }if }def }def end end defaultpacking setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset AGM_Gradient 1.0 0 %%Title: (AGM Gradient Procset) %%Version: 1.0 0 %%CreationDate: (4/26/96) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated └╢▌о╩╙╞╡) userdict /defaultpacking currentpacking put true setpacking userdict /AGM_Gradient 20 dict dup begin put /AGM_Gradient_private 201 dict def /initialize { AGM_Gradient begin AGM_Gradient_private begin initializeVars /bd systemdict/mark get def /ed _level2PS { (>>) }{ (counttomark 2 idiv dup dict begin {def} repeat pop currentdict end) } ifelse cvx def _level2PS{ initializeLev2 }{ initializeLev1 }ifelse queryDevice initializeRectFill initializeShading initializeOps _producingSeps{ AGM_Gradient_Sep/initialize get exec }{ initializeComposite }ifelse _illustrator{ /f{}def /F{}def /s{}def /S{}def /b{}def /B{}def }if /image where{ /image get /_image xd }if /colorimage where{ /colorimage get /_colorimage xd }if AGM_Gradient_private { dup xcheck 1 index type /arraytype eq and { bind }if pop pop }forall AGM_Gradient { dup xcheck 1 index type /arraytype eq and { bind }if pop pop }forall end currentdict readonly pop end }def /initializeAI { pop pop AGM_Gradient/AGM_Gradient_private get /_illustrator true put AGM_Gradient/initialize get exec AGM_Gradient begin }def /unload{ systemdict/languagelevel known{ systemdict/languagelevel get 2 ge{ userdict/AGM_Gradient_Sep 2 copy known{ undef }{ pop pop }ifelse userdict/AGM_Gradient 2 copy known{ undef }{ pop pop }ifelse }if }if }def /terminate{ currentdict AGM_Gradient eq{ end }if }def AGM_Gradient_private begin /initializeVars{ /_d255 256 array def 0 1 255{ _d255 exch dup 255 div put }bind for /_d255- 256 array def 0 1 255{ _d255- exch 1 _d255 2 index get sub put }bind for /_sSave nd /_dUserSpace matrix defaultmatrix def /_bUMatrix matrix def /_imageMatrix matrix def /_saveMatrix matrix def /_xm matrix def /_ccAry1 5 array def /_bbox 4 array pt /_level2PS systemdict/languagelevel known dup{ pop systemdict/languagelevel get 2 ge }if def /_level3PS _level2PS systemdict/shfill known and def currentdict /_illustrator known not{ /_illustrator false def }if }def /initializeOps { AGM_Gradient begin currentdict/Bc known not{ /Bc{ _renderFlag 2 eq _enabledSmoothShade or{ 6 npop }{ pushBSpace _rampIndex 0 eq{ pop pop setCStop }if linealFill popBSpace }ifelse }def }if currentdict/Bg known not{ /Bg{ 10 npop /_gradName xp /_renderFlag xp /_enabledSmoothShade false pt _renderFlag 2 ne{ _illustrator{ _of setoverprint }if /_enabledSmoothShade _level3PS{ _usingSmoothShade _producingSeps not currentoverprint not or and _noImage not and }{ false }ifelse pt _illustrator _eo and _renderFlag 3 eq or{ eoclip }{ clip }ifelse _gradNames _gradName 2 copy known{ get mark exch aload pop /_gradType xp 1 sub dup /_rampIndex xp /_maxRampIndex xp mark exch aload pop 0 0 }if pop pop getRampData }{ mark mark }ifelse }def }if currentdict/Bm known not{ /Bm{ _renderFlag 2 ne{ _gradType 0 eq{ linealRamp }{ radialGrad }ifelse }{ 6 npop }ifelse }def }if currentdict/Bh known not{ /Bh{ 2 npop /_yHi xp /_xHi xp /_radHilite _xHi 0 ne _yHi 0 ne or pt }def }if currentdict/Bn known not{ /Bn{ AGM_Gradient_private begin dict /_gradNames xp end }def }if currentdict/Bd known not{ /Bd{ AGM_Gradient begin AGM_Gradient_private begin /_nColorsBd xp /_gradType xp /_gradName xp }def }if currentdict/BD known not{ /BD{ currentdict/_gradNames known not{ /_gradNames 20 dict def }if ] _nColorsBd _gradType ] _gradName exch /_gradNames xput end end }def }if currentdict/Bb known not{ /Bb{ AGM_Gradient/AGM_Gradient_private get /_illustrator get not{ AGM_Gradient begin }if AGM_Gradient_private begin _producingSeps{ AGM_Gradient_Sep/AGM_Gradient_Sep_private get begin }if mySave }def }if currentdict/BB known not{ /BB{ /_tmp xp cleartomark cleartomark _tmp dup _renderFlag myRestore _producingSeps{ end }if _illustrator dup end not { end }if { 2 ne exch 0 gt and{ 2 eq{ s }{ S }ifelse }{ pop newpath }ifelse }{ pop newpath }ifelse }def }if currentdict/Xm known not{ /Xm{ _xm astore pop }def }if end }def /queryDevice{ /_inDistiller systemdict /currentdistillerparams known def /_inRipSep _level2PS{ currentpagedevice/Separations 2 copy known{ get }{ pop pop false }ifelse }{ false }ifelse _inDistiller or def /_noImage /lv1Fix where{ pop lv1Fix }{ false }ifelse def /_useShells where{ /_useShells get /_usingShells xp }{ /_usingShells false def }ifelse /_useSmoothShade where{ pop }{ /_useSmoothShade false def }ifelse /_forceToCMYK where{ pop }{ /_forceToCMYK false def }ifelse /_cyanPlate 1 0 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /_magentaPlate 0 1 0 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /_yellowPlate 0 0 1 0 testCMYKColorThrough def /_blackPlate 0 0 0 1 testCMYKColorThrough def /_compositeJob _cyanPlate _magentaPlate and _yellowPlate and _blackPlate and def /_isCMYKSep _cyanPlate _magentaPlate or _yellowPlate or _blackPlate or def /_compositeSpotDevice where{ pop }{ /_compositeSpotDevice _compositeJob not _inRipSep or{ 1 }{ 0 }ifelse def }ifelse /_producingSeps _compositeSpotDevice 0 ne def /_deviceDPI 72 0 matrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /_dpiThreshold where{ pop }{ /_dpiThreshold 600 def }ifelse /_screenFreqThreshold where{ pop }{ /_screenFreqThreshold 150 def }ifelse /_contoneDevice where{ pop }{ /_contoneDevice false def }ifelse /_subSampleOK _deviceDPI _dpiThreshold le currentScreenFreq _screenFreqThreshold le and _contoneDevice not and def }def /initializeRectFill{ /rectfill where dup{ exch pop not _producingSeps or }{ not }ifelse { /rectfill{ gsave newpath 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 1 index rlineto 1 index neg 0 rlineto pop pop closepath fill grestore }def }if }def /initializeLev1{ /currentScreenFreq{ currentscreen pop pop }def /_byte 1 string def /colorimage where{ pop }{ /colorimage{ pop pop /_blackTmp xp /_yellowTmp xp /_magentaTmp xp /_cyanTmp xp /_cnt 0 pt [ _byte dup 0 _cyanTmp /_cnt cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx .3 /mul cvx _magentaTmp /_cnt cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx .59 /mul cvx _yellowTmp /_cnt cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx .11 /mul cvx _blackTmp /_cnt cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx /add cvx /add cvx /add cvx 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx /dup cvx 0 /lt cvx{ pop 0 }/if cvx /dup cvx 1 /gt cvx{ pop 1 }/if cvx 255 /mul cvx /cvi cvx 256 /mod cvx /dup cvx 0 /lt cvx{ pop 0 }/if cvx /put cvx /_cnt dup cvx 1 /add cvx /pt cvx ] cvx bind /_image load 5 execImage }def }ifelse }def /initializeLev2{ /level2ScreenFreq{ begin 60 HalftoneType 1 eq{ pop Frequency }if HalftoneType 2 eq{ pop GrayFrequency }if HalftoneType 5 eq{ pop Default level2ScreenFreq }if end }def /currentScreenFreq{ currenthalftone level2ScreenFreq }def }def /initializeShading{ _useSmoothShade _level3PS and{ /_usingSmoothShade true pt initializeLev3_Ops }{ /_usingSmoothShade false pt }ifelse }def /initializeLev3_Ops { /initShFill{ /_index _gradType 0 eq {0}{_maxRampIndex 1 sub} ifelse pt /_rampFuncsArray _maxRampIndex array pt /_boundsArray _maxRampIndex 1 sub array pt /_encodeArray _maxRampIndex 2 mul array pt /_beginCoord _rampPoint pt /_colorSpace null pt /_firstFill _rampIndex _maxRampIndex eq pt /_lastFill false pt }def /linealShFill{ popBSpace _xm aload pop pushBSpace /_size _index 1 add pt _size _maxRampIndex lt { /_rampFuncsArray _rampFuncsArray 0 _size getinterval pt /_boundsArray _boundsArray 0 _size 1 sub getinterval pt /_encodeArray _encodeArray 0 _size 2 mul getinterval pt }if bd /ShadingType 2 /ColorSpace _colorSpace _rgbInCMYK{ /Function [ _cData sampFunc _mData sampFunc _yData sampFunc _kData sampFunc ] }{ /Function bd /FunctionType 3 /Domain [0 1] /Functions _rampFuncsArray /Bounds _boundsArray /Encode _encodeArray ed }ifelse /Extend [_firstFill _lastFill] /Domain [0 1] /Coords [_beginCoord 0 _endCoord 0] ed shfill }def /radialShFill{ /_size _maxRampIndex _index sub pt _size _maxRampIndex lt { /_rampFuncsArray _rampFuncsArray _index _size getinterval pt /_boundsArray _boundsArray _index _size 1 sub getinterval pt /_encodeArray _encodeArray _index 2 mul _size 2 mul getinterval pt }if /_rampLen _beginCoord _endCoord sub pt bd /ShadingType 3 /ColorSpace _colorSpace _rgbInCMYK{ /Function [ _cData sampFunc _mData sampFunc _yData sampFunc _kData sampFunc ] }{ /Function bd /FunctionType 3 /Domain [0 1] /Functions _rampFuncsArray /Bounds _boundsArray /Encode _encodeArray ed }ifelse /Extend [_lastFill _firstFill] /Domain [0 1] /Coords [_xHi _rampLen mul _yHi _rampLen mul _endCoord 0 0 _beginCoord] ed shfill _radHilite{ _xHi _rampLen mul _yHi _rampLen mul translate }if }def % /sampFunc{ /_tmp exch pt bd _tmp length 1 eq { _tmp 0 get /_tmp 2 string pt dup _tmp 0 3 -1 roll put _tmp 1 3 -1 roll put }if /FunctionType 0 /Order 1 /Size [_tmp length] /Domain [0 1] /BitsPerSample 8 /DataSource _tmp /Range [0 1] ed }def /fillRamp{ /_invert _midPoint 0.5 lt pt _rampIndex _maxRampIndex eq { initShFill }if getRampColorSpace _colorSpace null eq{ /_colorSpace _rampColorSpace pt }{ _colorSpace _rampColorSpace ne _rgbInCMYK or{ /_index _index 1 _gradType 0 eq{ sub pt linealShFill }{ add pt radialShFill }ifelse initShFill /_colorSpace _rampColorSpace pt } if }ifelse /_endCoord _endPoint pt /_rgbInCMYK false pt _producingSeps _forceToCMYK or _rgbRamp and { _spotColor{ _renderCMYK }{ _isCMYKSep }ifelse }{ false }ifelse { _compositeJob{ /_rgbInCMYK true pt _cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _nSamples 4 expandColor dup length string copy /_kData exch pt dup length string copy /_yData exch pt dup length string copy /_mData exch pt dup length string copy /_cData exch pt }{ _rampFuncsArray _index _cyanPlate{_cyanData}if _magentaPlate{_magentaData}if _yellowPlate{_yellowData}if _blackPlate{_blackData}if _nSamples expandOne sampFunc dup begin /Decode [1 0] def end put /_invert false pt }ifelse }{ _rampFuncsArray _index bd /FunctionType 2 /Domain [0 1] /N 0.5 log _invert{1 _midPoint sub}{_midPoint}ifelse log div _gradType 0 eq{ _invert{/C1}{/C0}ifelse _C0 _invert{/C0}{/C1}ifelse _C1 }{ _invert{/C0}{/C1}ifelse _C1 _invert{/C1}{/C0}ifelse _C0 }ifelse ed put }ifelse _rampIndex 1 ne{ _boundsArray _index _gradType 1 eq{1 sub}if _endCoord put } if 0 1 _invert {exch}if _encodeArray _index 2 mul 1 add 3 -1 roll put _encodeArray _index 2 mul 3 -1 roll put _rampIndex 1 eq { /_lastFill true pt _gradType 0 eq{ linealShFill }{ radialShFill }ifelse }if /_index _index 1 _gradType 0 eq{ add pt }{ sub pt }ifelse }def }def /initializeComposite{ /bwImage{ pop /_image load 5 execImage }def /rampImage{ _enabledSmoothShade{ fillRamp }{ _color{ _nSamples setImageParms _rgbRamp _forceToCMYK not and{ _redData _greenData _blueData _nSamples 3 expandColor true 3 null ncolorimage }{ _cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _nSamples 4 expandColor true 4 null ncolorimage }ifelse }{ _nSamples setImageParms _blackData null bwImage }ifelse }ifelse }def /setCStop{ /_colorStyle exch pt _colorStyle 0 eq{ 1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll }if _colorStyle 2 eq{ _forceToCMYK{ 3 npop setcmykcolor }{ setrgbcolor 4 npop }ifelse }if _colorStyle 3 eq{ 1 exch sub /_tmp xp pop 4{ _tmp mul 4 1 roll }repeat }if _colorStyle 4 eq{ _forceToCMYK{ 6 npop setcmykcolor }{ 3 -1 roll pop pop 1 exch sub /_tmp xp 3{ 1 exch sub _tmp mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll }repeat setrgbcolor 4 npop }ifelse }if _colorStyle 2 ne _colorStyle 4 ne and{ null nsetcustomcolor }if }def /nsetcustomcolor { pop setcmykcolor }def /nsetcustomcolorend { }def /ncolorimage{ pop /_colorimage load 10 execImage }def _noImage not _level2PS not and{ /linealFill{ 8 setImageParms _color{ currentcmykcolor 4{ makeByte8 4 1 roll }repeat true 4 null ncolorimage }{ currentgray makeByte8 null bwImage }ifelse }def }if /getRampColorSpace{ _nSamples 1 gt{ /_ndx 0 pt [blendColor] cvx exec }if /_C0 [currentcolor] pt /_C0_Space currentcolorspace pt _nSamples 1 gt{ /_ndx _nSamples 1 sub pt [blendColor] cvx exec }if /_C1 [currentcolor] pt /_C1_Space currentcolorspace pt /_rampColorSpace _C0_Space pt _spotColor{ nsetcustomcolorend }if }def }def /npop{ {pop}repeat }def /xd{ exch def }def /nd{ null def }def /pt{ AGM_Gradient_private 3 1 roll put }def /xp{ exch pt }def /xput{ dup load dup length exch maxlength eq{ dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def }if load begin def end }def /mySave{ save /_sSave xp }def /myRestore{ _sSave type /savetype eq{ _sSave restore }if }def /gMark{ counttomark 2 add -1 roll }def /execImage{ /_tmp xp { exec }stopped{ $error /errorname get /undefinedresult ne{ stop }{ _tmp npop }ifelse }if }def /pushBSpace{ newpath gsave _bUMatrix astore concat }def /popBSpace{ grestore }def /makeByte8{ /_tmp 0 pt 255 mul cvi 8 string 8{ dup _tmp 3 index put /_tmp _tmp 1 add pt }repeat exch pop }def /setImageParms{ 1 8 2 index 0 0 1 0 0 _imageMatrix astore }def /linealFill{ 0 0 1 1 rectfill }def /testCMYKColorThrough{ gsave setcmykcolor currentcmykcolor grestore add add add 0 ne }def /expandOne { /_tmp xp dup type /stringtype ne{ _tmp string exch dup 0 ne{ 255 mul cvi 0 1 _tmp 1 sub{ 3 copy exch put pop }for }if pop }if }def /expandColor{ /_channels xp /_len xp _channels{ _len expandOne _channels 1 roll }repeat }def /blendColor{ _color{ _rgbRamp _producingSeps not and _forceToCMYK not and{ _redData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _greenData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _blueData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if /setrgbcolor cvx }{ _cyanData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _magentaData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _yellowData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _blackData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _spotColor{ _rampSD begin /_rampSD cvx /begin cvx spot1 begin tintImage dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255- /exch cvx /get cvx }{ dup null ne{ name type /nametype ne{ 1 exch sub }if }if }ifelse end /spot1 cvx /tintValue 3 -1 /roll cvx /put cvx spot2 begin tintImage dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255- /exch cvx /get cvx }{ dup null ne{ name type /nametype ne{ 1 exch sub }if }if }ifelse end /spot2 cvx /tintValue 3 -1 /roll cvx /put cvx /end cvx end /_rampSD cvx /nsetcustomcolor cvx }{ /setcmykcolor cvx }ifelse }ifelse }{ _blackData dup type /stringtype eq{ /_ndx cvx /get cvx _d255 /exch cvx /get cvx }if _enabledSmoothShade{ 1 /exch cvx /sub cvx 0 0 0 4 -1 /roll cvx /setcmykcolor cvx }{ /setgray cvx }ifelse }ifelse }def /useRectImage{ _subSampleOK _enabledSmoothShade not and{ { mark 0 1 dtransform atan cvi 90 mod 0 eq 1 0 dtransform atan cvi 90 mod 0 eq } stopped { cleartomark false } { and exch pop } ifelse }{ false }ifelse }def /linealImage{ _noImage{ rectImage }{ _producingSeps{ AGM_Gradient_Sep/AGM_Gradient_Sep_private get /rampImage get exec }{ useRectImage{ rectImage }{ rampImage }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }def /linealRamp{ pushBSpace _ramp{ linealImage }{ linealFill }ifelse popBSpace /_rampIndex _rampIndex 1 sub pt _rampIndex 0 gt{ getRampData }if }def /radialGrad{ /_usingShells currentoverprint _producingSeps and _usingShells or pt /_firstShell true pt _enabledSmoothShade not{ currentoverprint _producingSeps and{ newpath clippath pathbbox 1 add 4 1 roll 1 add 4 1 roll 1 sub 4 1 roll 1 sub 4 1 roll _bbox astore pop newpath _bbox 0 get _bbox 1 get moveto _bbox 2 get _bbox 1 get lineto _bbox 2 get _bbox 3 get lineto _bbox 0 get _bbox 3 get lineto closepath 6 copy gsave _bUMatrix astore concat 1 0 moveto 0 0 1 0 360 arc closepath eoclip fill popBSpace }{ fill }ifelse }if pushBSpace _radHilite{ _xHi _yHi _bUMatrix idtransform /_yHi xp /_xHi xp _rampPoint 1 lt{ 1 _rampPoint sub dup _xHi mul exch _yHi mul translate }if }if _rampIndex{ radialRamp /_rampIndex _rampIndex 1 sub pt _rampIndex 0 gt{ getRampData }if }repeat popBSpace }def /getNSamples{ 0 exch { dup type /stringtype eq{ length exch pop exit }if pop }forall dup 0 eq{ pop 1 }if }def /getRampData{ /_rampType gMark pt /_color _rampType 0 gt pt /_ccRGB _rampType 5 eq _rampType 6 eq or pt /_rgbRamp _rampType 4 eq _ccRGB or pt /_ccProcess _rampType 2 eq _rampType 3 eq or pt _producingSeps{ _rampSD initSpotDict /_spotColor _ccProcess _ccRGB or pt }{ /_spotColor false pt }ifelse /_ramp true pt 100 div /_rampPoint xp 100 div /_midPoint xp dup /_colorStyle xp _colorStyle 0 eq{ 2 }{ _colorStyle 1 eq{ 5 }{ _colorStyle 2 eq{ 8 }{ _colorStyle 3 eq{ _producingSeps{ _rampSD /spot1 get begin /name 3 index def /spot_K 4 index def /spot_Y 5 index def /spot_M 6 index def /spot_C 7 index def end }if 7 }{ _producingSeps{ _rampSD/spot1 get begin /name 4 index def /spot_K 8 index def /spot_Y 9 index def /spot_M 10 index def /spot_C 11 index def end }if 11 } ifelse }ifelse }ifelse }ifelse /_tmp xp _tmp index 100 div /_endPoint xp _gradType 1 eq{ _tmp 1 add index 100 div /_midPoint xp }if _producingSeps{ _tmp 2 add index /_nextColorStyle xp _nextColorStyle 3 eq{ /_tmp _tmp 4 add pt _tmp index dup _rampSD/spot1 get /name get ne{ _rampSD /spot2 get begin /name xd /spot_K _tmp 2 add index def /spot_Y _tmp 3 add index def /spot_M _tmp 4 add index def /spot_C _tmp 5 add index def end }{ pop }ifelse }if _nextColorStyle 4 eq{ /_tmp _tmp 5 add pt _tmp index dup _rampSD/spot1 get /name get ne{ _rampSD /spot2 get begin /name xd /spot_K _tmp 5 add index def /spot_Y _tmp 6 add index def /spot_M _tmp 7 add index def /spot_C _tmp 8 add index def end }{ pop }ifelse }if }if _rampType 3 eq _rampType 6 eq or{ /_tint2Data gMark pt }if _ccProcess _ccRGB or{ /_tint1Data gMark pt }if _rgbRamp{ /_blueData gMark pt /_greenData gMark pt /_redData gMark pt }if _producingSeps{ _ccProcess _ccRGB or{ _rampType 3 eq _rampType 6 eq or{ _rampSD /spot2 get begin /tintImage _gradType 0 eq{ _tint2Data }{ _tint1Data }ifelse def name null eq{ /name /Black def }if end }if _rampSD /spot1 get begin /tintImage _gradType 0 eq _rampType 2 eq or _rampType 5 eq or{ _tint1Data }{ _tint2Data }ifelse def _rampType 2 eq _rampType 5 eq or{ name null eq{ /name _rampSD/spot2 get /name get def /spot_C _rampSD/spot2 get /spot_C get def /spot_M _rampSD/spot2 get /spot_M get def /spot_Y _rampSD/spot2 get /spot_Y get def /spot_K _rampSD/spot2 get /spot_K get def _rampSD/spot2 get /name null put }if }{ name null eq{ /name /Black def }if }ifelse end }if }if /_blackData gMark pt _rampType 0 gt{ counttomark 4 add -3 roll /_yellowData xp /_magentaData xp /_cyanData xp }if _ramp{ /_nSamples [ _rampType 0 eq {_blackData}if _rampType 1 eq {_cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData}if _rampType 2 eq {_cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _tint1Data}if _rampType 3 eq {_cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _tint1Data _tint2Data}if _rampType 4 eq {_cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _redData _greenData _blueData}if _rampType 5 eq {_cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _redData _greenData _blueData _tint1Data}if _rampType 6 eq {_cyanData _magentaData _yellowData _blackData _redData _greenData _blueData _tint1Data _tint2Data}if ] getNSamples pt _enabledSmoothShade not {/_ramp _nSamples 1 gt pt} if } if setCStop }def /rectImage{ gsave /_sInc 1 pt /_bInc 1 _nSamples div pt /_nSubSamples _nSamples pt /_optimize false pt _subSampleOK{ /_uRampLen 1 0 dtransform _dUserSpace idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt pt /_pChange _uRampLen 0 eq{0}{_nSamples _uRampLen div}ifelse pt _pChange .5 gt dup /_optimize xp{ /_nSubSamples _uRampLen 2 div round cvi dup 1 le{pop 2}if pt /_bInc 1 _nSubSamples div pt /_sInc _nSamples 1 sub _nSubSamples 1 sub div pt }if }if 0 _nSubSamples [ /dup cvx _optimize { /round cvx /cvi cvx } if /_ndx /exch cvx /pt cvx blendColor 0 0 _bInc 1 /rectfill cvx _bInc 0 /translate cvx _sInc /add cvx ] cvx bind repeat pop _spotColor{ nsetcustomcolorend }if grestore }def /radialInit{ /_nRadSamples _nSamples dup 0 eq{pop 1}if pt /_sInc -1 pt /_rampLen _rampPoint _endPoint sub pt /_bInc _rampLen _nSamples div neg pt /_optimize false pt _subSampleOK{ /_uRampLen _rampLen 0 dtransform _dUserSpace idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 0 _rampLen dtransform _dUserSpace idtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 2 copy lt{ exch }if pop pt /_pChange _uRampLen 0 eq{ 0 }{ _nSamples _uRampLen div }ifelse pt _pChange .5 gt dup /_optimize xp{ /_nRadSamples _uRampLen 2 div round cvi dup 1 le{pop 2}if pt /_bInc _rampLen _nRadSamples div neg pt /_sInc _nSamples 1 sub _nRadSamples 1 sub div neg pt }if }if _radHilite{ /_xBCInc _xHi _rampLen mul _nRadSamples div pt /_yBCInc _yHi _rampLen mul _nRadSamples div pt }if }def /radialRamp{ _enabledSmoothShade{ fillRamp }{ /_saveMatrix _saveMatrix currentmatrix def radialInit % % true _producingSeps _rgbRamp not and{ _nSamples 1 gt{ pop /_ndx 0 pt [blendColor] cvx exec currentInkN /_ndx _nSamples 1 sub pt [blendColor] cvx exec currentInkN or }if }if { _rampPoint _nSamples 1 sub _nRadSamples [ /dup cvx _optimize{ /round cvx /cvi cvx }if /_ndx /exch cvx /pt cvx _usingShells{ /_firstShell cvx{ /_firstShell false pt }{ 0 0 3 index 360 0 arcn fill }/ifelse cvx }if blendColor _usingShells{ 0 0 3 /index cvx 0 360 /arc cvx }{ 0 0 3 /index cvx 0 360 /arc cvx /fill cvx }ifelse /exch cvx _bInc /add cvx /exch cvx _sInc /add cvx _radHilite{ _xBCInc _yBCInc /translate cvx }if ] cvx bind repeat pop pop }{ _usingShells{ 0 0 _rampPoint 360 0 arcn fill }if }ifelse _saveMatrix setmatrix _radHilite{ _xHi _rampLen mul _yHi _rampLen mul translate }if _usingShells _rampIndex 1 eq and{ fill }if _spotColor{ nsetcustomcolorend }if }ifelse }def end end defaultpacking setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginProcSet: Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 1.3 0 userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 known not { userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 53 dict put } if userdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 get begin /initialize { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 begin Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 { dup type /arraytype eq { dup xcheck { bind } if } if pop pop } forall } def /terminate { end } def currentdict /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars known not { /Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars 41 dict def } if Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin /plateindex -1 def /_newproc null def /_proc1 null def /_proc2 null def /sourcearray 4 array def /_ptispace null def /_ptiname null def /_pti0 0 def /_pti1 0 def /_ptiproc null def /_ptiscale 0 def /_pticomps 0 def /_ptibuf 0 string def /_gtigray 0 def /_cticmyk null def /_rtirgb null def /XIEnable true def /XIType 0 def /XIEncoding 0 def /XICompression 0 def /XIChannelCount 0 def /XIBitsPerPixel 0 def /XIImageHeight 0 def /XIImageWidth 0 def /XIImageMatrix null def /XIRowBytes 0 def /XIFile null def /XIBuffer1 null def /XIBuffer2 null def /XIBuffer3 null def /XIDataProc null def /XIColorSpace /DeviceGray def /XIColorValues 0 def /XIPlateList false def end /ci6colorimage /colorimage where {/colorimage get}{null} ifelse def /ci6image systemdict /image get def /ci6curtransfer systemdict /currenttransfer get def /ci6curoverprint /currentoverprint where {/currentoverprint get}{{_of}} ifelse def /ci6foureq { 4 index ne { pop pop pop false }{ 4 index ne { pop pop false }{ 4 index ne { pop false }{ 4 index eq } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6testplate { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin /plateindex -1 def /setcmykcolor where { pop gsave 1 0 0 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub 0 1 0 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub 0 0 1 0 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub 0 0 0 1 setcmykcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 exch sub grestore 1 0 0 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 0 def }{ 0 1 0 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 1 def }{ 0 0 1 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 2 def }{ 0 0 0 1 ci6foureq { /plateindex 3 def }{ 0 0 0 0 ci6foureq { /plateindex 5 def } if } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse pop pop pop pop } if plateindex end } def /ci6concatprocs { /packedarray where { pop dup type /packedarraytype eq 2 index type /packedarraytype eq or }{ false } ifelse { /_proc2 exch cvlit def /_proc1 exch cvlit def _proc1 aload pop _proc2 aload pop _proc1 length _proc2 length add packedarray cvx }{ /_proc2 exch cvlit def /_proc1 exch cvlit def /_newproc _proc1 length _proc2 length add array def _newproc 0 _proc1 putinterval _newproc _proc1 length _proc2 putinterval _newproc cvx } ifelse } def /ci6istint { type /arraytype eq } def /ci6isspot { dup type /arraytype eq { dup length 1 sub get /Separation eq }{ pop false } ifelse } def /ci6spotname { dup ci6isspot {dup length 2 sub get}{pop ()} ifelse } def /ci6altspace { aload pop pop pop ci6colormake } def /ci6numcomps { dup /DeviceGray eq { pop 1 }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop 3 }{ /DeviceCMYK eq { 4 }{ 1 } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6marksplate { dup /DeviceGray eq { pop plateindex 3 eq }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop plateindex 5 ne }{ dup /DeviceCMYK eq { pop plateindex 5 ne }{ dup ci6isspot { /findcmykcustomcolor where { pop dup length 2 sub get 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5 -1 roll findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 ne }{ pop plateindex 5 ne } ifelse }{ pop plateindex 5 ne } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6colormake { dup ci6numcomps exch 1 index 2 add 1 roll dup 1 eq {pop}{array astore} ifelse exch } def /ci6colorexpand { dup ci6spotname exch dup ci6istint { ci6altspace exch 4 1 roll }{ 1 3 1 roll } ifelse } def /ci6colortint { dup /DeviceGray eq { 3 1 roll 1 exch sub mul 1 exch sub exch }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { 3 1 roll {1 exch sub 1 index mul 1 exch sub exch} forall pop 3 array astore exch }{ dup /DeviceCMYK eq { 3 1 roll {1 index mul exch} forall pop 4 array astore exch }{ 3 1 roll mul exch } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6colortocmyk { dup /DeviceGray eq { pop 1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll 4 array astore }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop aload pop _rgbtocmyk 4 array astore }{ dup /DeviceCMYK eq { pop }{ ci6altspace ci6colortint ci6colortocmyk } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6makeimagedict { 7 dict begin /ImageType 1 def /Decode exch def /DataSource exch def /ImageMatrix exch def /BitsPerComponent exch def /Height exch def /Width exch def currentdict end } def /ci6stringinvert { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { dup 2 index exch get 255 exch sub 2 index 3 1 roll put } for } def /ci6stringknockout { 0 1 2 index length 1 sub { 255 2 index 3 1 roll put } for } def /ci6stringapply { 0 1 4 index length 1 sub { dup 4 index exch get 3 index 3 1 roll 3 index exec } for pop exch pop } def /ci6walkrgbstring { 0 3 index dup length 1 sub 0 3 3 -1 roll { 3 getinterval {} forall 5 index exec 3 index } for 5 {pop} repeat } def /ci6walkcmykstring { 0 3 index dup length 1 sub 0 4 3 -1 roll { 4 getinterval {} forall 6 index exec 3 index } for 5 { pop } repeat } def /ci6putrgbtograystr { .11 mul exch .59 mul add exch .3 mul add cvi 3 copy put pop 1 add } def /ci6putcmyktograystr { exch .11 mul add exch .59 mul add exch .3 mul add dup 255 gt { pop 255 } if 255 exch sub cvi 3 copy put pop 1 add } def /ci6rgbtograyproc { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin sourcearray 0 get exec XIBuffer3 dup 3 1 roll /ci6putrgbtograystr load exch ci6walkrgbstring end } def /ci6cmyktograyproc { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin sourcearray 0 get exec XIBuffer3 dup 3 1 roll /ci6putcmyktograystr load exch ci6walkcmykstring end } def /ci6separatecmykproc { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin sourcearray 0 get exec XIBuffer3 0 2 index plateindex 4 2 index length 1 sub { get 255 exch sub 3 copy put pop 1 add 2 index } for pop pop exch pop end } def /ci6compositeimage { dup 1 eq { pop pop image }{ /ci6colorimage load null ne { ci6colorimage }{ 3 1 roll pop sourcearray 0 3 -1 roll put 3 eq {/ci6rgbtograyproc}{/ci6cmyktograyproc} ifelse load image } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6knockoutimage { gsave 0 ci6curtransfer exec 1 ci6curtransfer exec eq { 0 ci6curtransfer exec 0.5 lt }{ 0 ci6curtransfer exec 1 ci6curtransfer exec gt } ifelse {{pop 0}}{{pop 1}} ifelse systemdict /settransfer get exec ci6compositeimage grestore } def /ci6drawimage { ci6testplate -1 eq { pop ci6compositeimage }{ dup type /arraytype eq { dup length plateindex gt {plateindex get}{pop false} ifelse }{ { true }{ dup 1 eq {plateindex 3 eq}{plateindex 3 le} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse { dup 1 eq { pop pop ci6image }{ dup 3 eq { ci6compositeimage }{ pop pop sourcearray 0 3 -1 roll put /ci6separatecmykproc load ci6image } ifelse } ifelse }{ ci6curoverprint { 7 {pop} repeat }{ ci6knockoutimage } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6proctintimage { /_ptispace exch store /_ptiname exch store /_pti1 exch store /_pti0 exch store /_ptiproc exch store /_pticomps _ptispace ci6numcomps store /_ptiscale _pti1 _pti0 sub store level2? { _ptiname length 0 gt version cvr 2012 ge and { [/Separation _ptiname _ptispace {_ptiproc}] setcolorspace [_pti0 _pti1] ci6makeimagedict ci6image }{ [/Indexed _ptispace 255 {255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc}] setcolorspace [0 255] ci6makeimagedict ci6image } ifelse }{ _pticomps 1 eq { { dup { 255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc 255 mul cvi put } ci6stringapply } ci6concatprocs ci6image }{ { dup length _pticomps mul dup _ptibuf length ne {/_ptibuf exch string store}{pop} ifelse _ptibuf { exch _pticomps mul exch 255 div _ptiscale mul _pti0 add _ptiproc _pticomps 2 add -2 roll _pticomps 1 sub -1 0 { 1 index add 2 index exch 5 -1 roll 255 mul cvi put } for pop pop } ci6stringapply } ci6concatprocs false _pticomps /ci6colorimage load null eq {7 {pop} repeat}{ci6colorimage} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /ci6graytintimage { /_gtigray 5 -1 roll store {1 _gtigray sub mul 1 exch sub} 4 1 roll /DeviceGray ci6proctintimage } def /ci6cmyktintimage { /_cticmyk 5 -1 roll store {_cticmyk {1 index mul exch} forall pop} 4 1 roll /DeviceCMYK ci6proctintimage } def /ci6rgbtintimage { /_rtirgb 5 -1 roll store {_rtirgb {1 exch sub 1 index mul 1 exch sub exch} forall pop} 4 1 roll /DeviceRGB ci6proctintimage } def /ci6tintimage { ci6testplate -1 eq { ci6colorexpand 3 -1 roll 5 -1 roll {0}{0 exch} ifelse 4 2 roll dup /DeviceGray eq { pop ci6graytintimage }{ dup /DeviceRGB eq { pop ci6rgbtintimage }{ pop ci6cmyktintimage } ifelse } ifelse }{ dup ci6marksplate { plateindex 5 lt { ci6colortocmyk plateindex get dup 0 eq ci6curoverprint and { 7 {pop} repeat }{ 1 exch sub exch {1 0}{0 1} ifelse () ci6graytintimage } ifelse }{ pop exch {0}{0 exch} ifelse 0 3 1 roll () ci6graytintimage } ifelse }{ ci6curoverprint { 8 {pop} repeat }{ pop pop pop {pop 1} 0 1 () /DeviceGray ci6proctintimage } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /XINullImage { } def /XIImageMask { XIImageWidth XIImageHeight false [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0] /XIDataProc load imagemask } def /XIImageTint { XIImageWidth XIImageHeight XIBitsPerPixel [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0] /XIDataProc load XIType 3 eq XIColorValues XIColorSpace ci6tintimage } def /XIImage { XIImageWidth XIImageHeight XIBitsPerPixel [XIImageWidth 0 0 XIImageHeight neg 0 0] /XIDataProc load false XIChannelCount XIPlateList ci6drawimage } def /XG { pop pop } def /XF { 13 {pop} repeat } def /Xh { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin gsave /XIType exch def /XIImageHeight exch def /XIImageWidth exch def /XIImageMatrix exch def 0 0 moveto XIImageMatrix concat XIImageWidth XIImageHeight scale /_lp /null ddef _fc /_lp /imagemask ddef end } def /XH { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin grestore end } def /XIEnable { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars /XIEnable 3 -1 roll put } def /XC { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin ci6colormake /XIColorSpace exch def /XIColorValues exch def end } def /XIPlates { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin /XIPlateList exch def end } def /XI { Adobe_ColorImage_AI6_Vars begin gsave /XIType exch def cvi dup 256 idiv /XICompression exch store 256 mod /XIEncoding exch store pop pop /XIChannelCount exch def /XIBitsPerPixel exch def /XIImageHeight exch def /XIImageWidth exch def pop pop pop pop /XIImageMatrix exch def XIBitsPerPixel 1 eq { XIImageWidth 8 div ceiling cvi }{ XIImageWidth XIChannelCount mul } ifelse /XIRowBytes exch def XIEnable { /XIBuffer3 XIImageWidth string def XICompression 0 eq { /XIBuffer1 XIRowBytes string def XIEncoding 0 eq { {currentfile XIBuffer1 readhexstring pop} }{ {currentfile XIBuffer1 readstring pop} } ifelse }{ /XIBuffer1 256 string def /XIBuffer2 XIRowBytes string def {currentfile XIBuffer1 readline pop (%) anchorsearch {pop} if} /ASCII85Decode filter /DCTDecode filter /XIFile exch def {XIFile XIBuffer2 readstring pop} } ifelse /XIDataProc exch def XIType 1 ne { 0 setgray } if XIType 1 eq { XIImageMask }{ XIType 2 eq XIType 3 eq or { XIImageTint }{ XIImage } ifelse } ifelse }{ XINullImage } ifelse /XIPlateList false def grestore end } def end %%EndProcSet %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 1.3 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator (R) Version 8.0 Full Prolog) %%Version: 1.3 0 %%CreationDate: (3/7/1994) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1998 Adobe Systems Incorporated └╢▌о╩╙╞╡) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars 112 dict dup begin put /_?cmyk false def /_eo false def /_lp /none def /_pf { } def /_ps { } def /_psf { } def /_pss { } def /_pjsf { } def /_pjss { } def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def /cf currentflat def /_lineorientation 0 def /_charorientation 0 def /_yokoorientation 0 def /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [ /e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0 ] def /_renderEnd [ null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1 ] def /_render -1 def /_shift [0 0] def /_ax 0 def /_ay 0 def /_cx 0 def /_cy 0 def /_leading [ 0 0 ] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fontSize 0 def /_fontAscent 0 def /_fontDescent 0 def /_fontHeight 0 def /_fontRotateAdjust 0 def /Ss 256 string def Ss 0 (fonts/) putinterval /_cnt 0 def /_scale [1 1] def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def /_hfname 100 string def /_hffound false def /Tx { } def /Tj { } def /CRender { } def /_AI3_savepage { } def /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_rgbf 3 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc { } def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_rgbs 3 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc { } def /_pd 1 dict def /_ed 15 dict def /_pm matrix def /_fm null def /_fd null def /_fdd null def /_sm null def /_sd null def /_sdd null def /_i null def /_lobyte 0 def /_hibyte 0 def /_cproc null def /_cscript 0 def /_hvax 0 def /_hvay 0 def /_hvwb 0 def /_hvcx 0 def /_hvcy 0 def /_bitfont null def /_bitlobyte 0 def /_bithibyte 0 def /_bitkey null def /_bitdata null def /_bitindex 0 def /discardSave null def /buffer 256 string def /beginString null def /endString null def /endStringLength null def /layerCnt 1 def /layerCount 1 def /perCent (%) 0 get def /perCentSeen? false def /newBuff null def /newBuffButFirst null def /newBuffLast null def /clipForward? false def end userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 known not { userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 100 dict put } if userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 get begin /initialize { Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 dup begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars begin /_aicmykps where {pop /_?cmyk _aicmykps def}if discardDict { bind pop pop } forall dup /nc get begin { dup xcheck 1 index type /operatortype ne and { bind } if pop pop } forall end newpath } def /terminate { end end } def /_ null def /ddef { Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop { { pop } repeat } def /hswj { dup stringwidth 3 2 roll { _hvwb eq { exch _hvcx add exch _hvcy add } if exch _hvax add exch _hvay add } cforall } def /vswj { 0 0 3 -1 roll { dup 255 le _charorientation 1 eq and { dup cstring stringwidth 5 2 roll _hvwb eq { exch _hvcy sub exch _hvcx sub } if exch _hvay sub exch _hvax sub 4 -1 roll sub exch 3 -1 roll sub exch } { _hvwb eq { exch _hvcy sub exch _hvcx sub } if exch _hvay sub exch _hvax sub _fontHeight sub } ifelse } cforall } def /swj { 6 1 roll /_hvay exch ddef /_hvax exch ddef /_hvwb exch ddef /_hvcy exch ddef /_hvcx exch ddef _lineorientation 0 eq { hswj } { vswj } ifelse } def /sw { 0 0 0 6 3 roll swj } def /vjss { 4 1 roll { dup cstring dup length 1 eq _charorientation 1 eq and { -90 rotate currentpoint _fontRotateAdjust add moveto gsave false charpath currentpoint 5 index setmatrix stroke grestore _fontRotateAdjust sub moveto _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto 90 rotate } { currentpoint _fontHeight sub 5 index sub 3 index _sp eq { 9 index sub } if currentpoint exch 4 index stringwidth pop 2 div sub exch _fontAscent sub moveto gsave 2 index false charpath 6 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto pop pop } ifelse } cforall 6 npop } def /hjss { 4 1 roll { dup cstring gsave false charpath currentpoint 5 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto } cforall 6 npop } def /jss { _lineorientation 0 eq { hjss } { vjss } ifelse } def /ss { 0 0 0 7 3 roll jss } def /vjsp { 4 1 roll { dup cstring dup length 1 eq _charorientation 1 eq and { -90 rotate currentpoint _fontRotateAdjust add moveto false charpath currentpoint _fontRotateAdjust sub moveto _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto 90 rotate } { currentpoint _fontHeight sub 5 index sub 3 index _sp eq { 9 index sub } if currentpoint exch 4 index stringwidth pop 2 div sub exch _fontAscent sub moveto 2 index false charpath moveto pop pop } ifelse } cforall 6 npop } def /hjsp { 4 1 roll { dup cstring false charpath _sp eq { 5 index 5 index rmoveto } if 2 copy rmoveto } cforall 6 npop } def /jsp { matrix currentmatrix _lineorientation 0 eq {hjsp} {vjsp} ifelse } def /sp { matrix currentmatrix 0 0 0 7 3 roll _lineorientation 0 eq {hjsp} {vjsp} ifelse } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf { } def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /XR { 0 ne /_eo exch ddef } def /H { } def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse /_doClip 0 ddef } if newpath } { /CRender { N } ddef } ifelse } def /n { N } def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf } ifelse } { /CRender { F } ddef } ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps } ifelse } { /CRender { S } ddef } ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S } ifelse } { /CRender { B } ddef } ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type /stringtype eq { pop } if } if newpath } def /u { } def /U { } def /q { _pola 0 eq { gsave } if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq { grestore } if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq { CRender } if } def /D { pop } def /*w { } def /*W { } def /` { /_i save ddef clipForward? { nulldevice } if 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage { } def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash /setstrokeadjust where {pop false setstrokeadjust} if newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ { end _i restore } def /_rgbtocmyk { 3 { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll } repeat 3 copy 1 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index 2 copy gt { exch } if pop 4 1 roll } repeat pop pop pop 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index sub 3 1 roll } repeat 4 -1 roll } def /setrgbfill { _rgbf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _rgbf aload pop setrgbcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /setrgbstroke { _rgbs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _rgbs aload pop setrgbcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /Xa { _?cmyk { 3 npop k }{ setrgbfill 4 npop } ifelse } def /XA { _?cmyk { 3 npop K }{ setrgbstroke 4 npop } ifelse } def /Xs { /_gf exch ddef 5 npop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setAIseparationgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /XS { /_gs exch ddef 5 npop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setAIseparationgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /Xx { exch /_gf exch ddef 0 eq { findcmykcustomcolor }{ _?cmyk {true}{/findrgbcustomcolor where{pop false}{true}ifelse}ifelse { 4 1 roll 3 npop findcmykcustomcolor }{ 8 -4 roll 4 npop findrgbcustomcolor } ifelse } ifelse /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /XX { exch /_gs exch ddef 0 eq { findcmykcustomcolor }{ _?cmyk {true}{/findrgbcustomcolor where{pop false}{true}ifelse}ifelse { 4 1 roll 3 npop findcmykcustomcolor }{ 8 -4 roll 4 npop findrgbcustomcolor } ifelse } ifelse /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc hvashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc hvawidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /XK { 3 -1 roll pop 0 eq { 1 exch sub 3 {dup 3 1 roll mul 5 1 roll} repeat mul 4 1 roll K } { 1 exch sub 4 1 roll 3 {1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat 4 -1 roll pop XA } ifelse } def /Xk { 3 -1 roll pop 0 eq { 1 exch sub 3 {dup 3 1 roll mul 5 1 roll} repeat mul 4 1 roll k } { 1 exch sub 4 1 roll 3 {1 exch sub 3 index mul 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat 4 -1 roll pop Xa } ifelse } def /A { pop } def /annotatepage { userdict /annotatepage 2 copy known {get exec} {pop pop} ifelse } def /XT { pop pop } def /Xt { pop } def /discard { save /discardSave exch store discardDict begin /endString exch store gt38? { 2 add } if load stopped pop end discardSave restore } bind def userdict /discardDict 7 dict dup begin put /pre38Initialize { /endStringLength endString length store /newBuff buffer 0 endStringLength getinterval store /newBuffButFirst newBuff 1 endStringLength 1 sub getinterval store /newBuffLast newBuff endStringLength 1 sub 1 getinterval store } def /shiftBuffer { newBuff 0 newBuffButFirst putinterval newBuffLast 0 currentfile read not { stop } if put } def 0 { pre38Initialize mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff endString eq { cleartomark stop } if shiftBuffer } loop } { stop } ifelse } def 1 { pre38Initialize /beginString exch store mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff beginString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 add store } { newBuff endString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 sub store layerCount 0 eq { cleartomark stop } if } if } ifelse shiftBuffer } loop } if } def 2 { mark { currentfile buffer {readline} stopped { % assume error was due to overfilling the buffer }{ not { stop } if endString eq { cleartomark stop } if }ifelse } loop } def 3 { /beginString exch store /layerCnt 1 store mark { currentfile buffer {readline} stopped { % assume error was due to overfilling the buffer }{ not { stop } if dup beginString eq { pop /layerCnt dup load 1 add store } { endString eq { layerCnt 1 eq { cleartomark stop } { /layerCnt dup load 1 sub store } ifelse } if } ifelse }ifelse } loop } def end userdict /clipRenderOff 15 dict dup begin put { /n /N /s /S /f /F /b /B } { { _doClip 1 eq { /_doClip 0 ddef _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse } if newpath } def } forall /Tr /pop load def /Bb {} def /BB /pop load def /Bg {12 npop} def /Bm {6 npop} def /Bc /Bm load def /Bh {4 npop} def end /Lb { 6 npop 7 2 roll 5 npop 0 eq { 0 eq { (%AI5_BeginLayer) 1 (%AI5_EndLayer--) discard } { /clipForward? true def /Tx /pop load def /Tj /pop load def currentdict end clipRenderOff begin begin } ifelse } { 0 eq { save /discardSave exch store } if } ifelse } bind def /LB { discardSave dup null ne { restore } { pop clipForward? { currentdict end end begin /clipForward? false ddef } if } ifelse } bind def /Pb { pop pop 0 (%AI5_EndPalette) discard } bind def /Np { 0 (%AI5_End_NonPrinting--) discard } bind def /Ln /pop load def /Ap /pop load def /Ar { 72 exch div 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt dup 1 lt { pop 1 } if setflat } def /Mb { q } def /Md { } def /MB { Q } def /nc 4 dict def nc begin /setgray { pop } bind def /setcmykcolor { 4 npop } bind def /setrgbcolor { 3 npop } bind def /setcustomcolor { 2 npop } bind def currentdict readonly pop end /XP { 4 npop } bind def /XD { pop } bind def end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_cshow 2.0 8 %%Title: (Writing System Operators) %%Version: 2.0 8 %%CreationDate: (1/23/89) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1992-1996 Adobe Systems Incorporated └╢▌о╩╙╞╡) currentpacking true setpacking userdict /Adobe_cshow 14 dict dup begin put /initialize { Adobe_cshow begin Adobe_cshow { dup xcheck { bind } if pop pop } forall end Adobe_cshow begin } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_cshow eq { end } if } def /cforall { /_lobyte 0 ddef /_hibyte 0 ddef /_cproc exch ddef /_cscript currentfont /FontScript known { currentfont /FontScript get } { -1 } ifelse ddef { /_lobyte exch ddef _hibyte 0 eq _cscript 1 eq _lobyte 129 ge _lobyte 159 le and _lobyte 224 ge _lobyte 252 le and or and _cscript 2 eq _lobyte 161 ge _lobyte 254 le and and _cscript 3 eq _lobyte 161 ge _lobyte 254 le and and _cscript 25 eq _lobyte 161 ge _lobyte 254 le and and _cscript -1 eq or or or or and { /_hibyte _lobyte ddef } { _hibyte 256 mul _lobyte add _cproc /_hibyte 0 ddef } ifelse } forall } def /cstring { dup 256 lt { (s) dup 0 4 3 roll put } { dup 256 idiv exch 256 mod (hl) dup dup 0 6 5 roll put 1 4 3 roll put } ifelse } def /clength { 0 exch { 256 lt { 1 } { 2 } ifelse add } cforall } def /hawidthshow { { dup cstring show _hvax _hvay rmoveto _hvwb eq { _hvcx _hvcy rmoveto } if } cforall } def /vawidthshow { { dup 255 le _charorientation 1 eq and { -90 rotate 0 _fontRotateAdjust rmoveto cstring _hvcx _hvcy _hvwb _hvax _hvay 6 -1 roll awidthshow 0 _fontRotateAdjust neg rmoveto 90 rotate } { currentpoint _fontHeight sub exch _hvay sub exch _hvax sub 2 index _hvwb eq { exch _hvcy sub exch _hvcx sub } if 3 2 roll cstring dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg _fontAscent neg rmoveto show moveto } ifelse } cforall } def /hvawidthshow { 6 1 roll /_hvay exch ddef /_hvax exch ddef /_hvwb exch ddef /_hvcy exch ddef /_hvcx exch ddef _lineorientation 0 eq { hawidthshow } { vawidthshow } ifelse } def /hvwidthshow { 0 0 3 -1 roll hvawidthshow } def /hvashow { 0 0 0 6 -3 roll hvawidthshow } def /hvshow { 0 0 0 0 0 6 -1 roll hvawidthshow } def currentdict readonly pop end setpacking %%EndResource %%BeginResource: procset Adobe_shading_AI8 1.0 0 %%Title: (Adobe Illustrator 8 Shading Procset) %%Version: 1.0 0 %%CreationDate: (12/17/97) () %%Copyright: ((C) 1987-1997 Adobe Systems Incorporated └╢▌о╩╙╞╡) userdict /defaultpacking currentpacking put true setpacking userdict /Adobe_shading_AI8 10 dict dup begin put /initialize { Adobe_shading_AI8 begin Adobe_shading_AI8 bdprocs Mesh /initialize get exec } def /terminate { currentdict Adobe_shading_AI8 eq { end } if } def /bdprocs { { dup xcheck 1 index type /arraytype eq and { bind } if pop pop } forall } def /X! {pop} def /X# {pop pop} def /Mesh 40 dict def Mesh begin /initialize { Mesh bdprocs Mesh begin /emulate? /AI8MeshEmulation where { pop AI8MeshEmulation }{ systemdict /shfill known not } ifelse def end } def /bd { shadingdict begin } def /paint { emulate? { end }{ /_lp /none ddef _fc /_lp /none ddef /AIColorSpace AIColorSpace tocolorspace store /ColorSpace AIColorSpace topsspace store version_ge_3010.106 not systemdict /setsmoothness known and { 0.0001 setsmoothness } if composite? { /DataSource getdatasrc def Matrix concat currentdict end shfill }{ AIColorSpace makesmarks AIPlateList markingplate and not isoverprint and { end }{ /ColorSpace /DeviceGray store /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1] store /DataSource getplatesrc def Matrix concat currentdict end shfill } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } def /shadingdict 12 dict def shadingdict begin /ShadingType 6 def /BitsPerCoordinate 16 def /BitsPerComponent 8 def /BitsPerFlag 8 def end /datafile null def /databuf 256 string def /dataptr 0 def /srcspace null def /srcchannels 0 def /dstchannels 0 def /dstplate 0 def /srctodstcolor null def /getplatesrc { /srcspace AIColorSpace store /srcchannels AIColorSpace getnchannels store /dstchannels 1 store /dstplate getplateindex store /srctodstcolor srcspace makesmarks { dstplate 4 eq { {1 exch sub} }{ {srcspace tocmyk 3 dstplate sub index 1 exch sub 5 1 roll 4 {pop} repeat} } ifelse }{ {srcchannels {pop} repeat 1} } ifelse store /datafile getdatasrc store /rdpatch168 load DataLength () /SubFileDecode filter } def /getdatasrc { /rdcmntline load /ASCII85Decode filter } def /rdpatch168 { /dataptr 0 store 49 rdcount 4 { dup {pop srcchannels getint8} if dup {pop srctodstcolor dstchannels putint8 true} if } repeat {databuf 0 dataptr getinterval}{()} ifelse } def /rdpatch3216 { /dataptr 0 store 97 rdcount 4 { dup {pop srcchannels getint16} if dup {pop srctodstcolor dstchannels putint16 true} if } repeat {databuf 0 dataptr getinterval}{()} ifelse } def /rdcount { dup 0 gt { datafile databuf dataptr 4 -1 roll getinterval readstring exch length dataptr add /dataptr exch store }{ true } ifelse } def /getint8 { mark true 3 -1 roll { dup {pop datafile read} if dup {pop 255 div true} if } repeat { counttomark 1 add -1 roll pop true }{ cleartomark false } ifelse } def /putint8 { dup dataptr add /dataptr exch store dataptr exch { 1 sub exch 255 mul cvi databuf 2 index 3 -1 roll put } repeat pop } def /getint16 { mark true 3 -1 roll { dup {pop datafile read} if dup {pop 256 mul datafile read} if dup {pop add 65535 div true} if } repeat { counttomark 1 add -1 roll pop true }{ cleartomark false } ifelse } def /putint16 { dup 2 mul dataptr add /dataptr exch store dataptr exch { 2 sub exch 65535 mul cvi dup 256 idiv databuf 3 index 3 -1 roll put 256 mod databuf 2 index 1 add 3 -1 roll put } repeat pop } def /srcbuf 256 string def /rdcmntline { currentfile srcbuf readline pop (%) anchorsearch {pop} if } def /getplateindex { 0 [cyan? magenta? yellow? black? customColor?] {{exit} if 1 add} forall } def /aicsarray 4 array def /aicsaltvals 4 array def /aicsaltcolr aicsaltvals def /tocolorspace { dup type /arraytype eq { mark exch aload pop aicsarray 0 3 -1 roll put aicsarray 1 3 -1 roll put dup aicsarray 2 3 -1 roll put gettintxform aicsarray 3 3 -1 roll put counttomark aicsaltvals 0 3 -1 roll getinterval /aicsaltcolr exch store aicsaltcolr astore pop pop aicsarray } if } def /subtintxform {aicsaltcolr {1 index mul exch} forall pop} def /addtintxform {aicsaltcolr {1 sub 1 index mul 1 add exch} forall pop} def /gettintxform { /DeviceRGB eq {/addtintxform}{/subtintxform} ifelse load } def /getnchannels { dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin Channels end } def /makesmarks { composite? { pop true }{ dup dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin MarksPlate end } ifelse } def /markingplate { composite? { pop true }{ dup type /arraytype eq { dup length getplateindex gt {getplateindex get}{pop false} ifelse } if } ifelse } def /tocmyk { dup dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin ToCMYK end } def /topsspace { dup dup type /arraytype eq {0 get} if colorspacedict exch get begin ToPSSpace end } def /colorspacedict 5 dict dup begin /DeviceGray 4 dict dup begin /Channels 1 def /MarksPlate {pop black?} def /ToCMYK {pop 1 exch sub 0 0 0 4 -1 roll} def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /DeviceRGB 4 dict dup begin /Channels 3 def /MarksPlate {pop isCMYKSep?} def /ToCMYK {pop _rgbtocmyk} def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /DeviceCMYK 4 dict dup begin /Channels 4 def /MarksPlate {pop isCMYKSep?} def /ToCMYK {pop} def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /Separation 4 dict dup begin /Channels 1 def /MarksPlate { /findcmykcustomcolor where { pop dup 1 exch ToCMYK 5 -1 roll 1 get findcmykcustomcolor 1 setcustomcolor systemdict /currentgray get exec 1 ne }{ pop false } ifelse } def /ToCMYK { dup 2 get mark exch 4 2 roll 3 get exec counttomark -1 roll tocmyk 5 -1 roll pop } def /ToPSSpace {} def end def /Process 4 dict dup begin /Channels 1 def /MarksPlate { isCMYKSep? { 1 exch ToCMYK 4 array astore getplateindex get 0 ne }{ pop false } ifelse } def /ToCMYK { dup 2 get mark exch 4 2 roll 3 get exec counttomark -1 roll tocmyk 5 -1 roll pop } def /ToPSSpace { 4 array copy dup 0 /Separation put } def end def end def /isoverprint { /currentoverprint where {pop currentoverprint}{_of} ifelse } def /version_ge_3010.106 { version {cvr} stopped { pop false }{ 3010.106 ge } ifelse } def end end defaultpacking setpacking %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup userdict /_useSmoothShade true put userdict /_aicmykps true put userdict /_forceToCMYK true put Adobe_level2_AI5 /initialize get exec Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 AGM_Gradient /initializeAI get exec Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 /initialize get exec Adobe_shading_AI8 /initialize get exec Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 /initialize get exec %AI3_BeginRider currentpacking true setpacking setpacking %AI3_EndRider 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(ParticleSystem.aip) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe Deform Plugin) (Adobe Envelope Plugin) (Envelope and Warp.aip) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Pathfinder Suite) (Adobe Compound Shape) (PathFinderS.aip) %AI8_PluginGroupInfo (Adobe Planar Group) (Adobe Live Paint Plugin) (Live Paint.aip) %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np 1 Bn %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 86) (Unnamed gradient 86) 1 2 Bd [ < 0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C 0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C 0C0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B 0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A 0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A > < B3B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C 8B8A898887868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A79787877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A6968676665 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-3922.2314 4622.9312 L -3922.2314 4624.3438 L n u 0 O 0 0 0 1 k -3813.6592 4622.9688 m -3813.7109 4622.9312 L -3813.8438 4623.0352 L -3813.6592 4622.9688 L f -3814.5342 4623.1992 m -3814.5083 4623.2188 -3814.5205 4623.25 -3814.4946 4623.2695 C -3813.9814 4622.9727 L -3814.2109 4622.8047 -3814.3828 4623.312 -3814.5342 4623.1992 c f -3814.6855 4623.1699 m -3814.8843 4623.1006 -3814.9668 4623.2393 -3815.0132 4623.2871 C -3814.9434 4623.1792 -3814.6416 4623.3203 -3814.6855 4623.1699 C f -3832.2212 4623.2393 m -3832.2026 4623.2383 -3832.1782 4623.2344 -3832.1592 4623.2305 C -3832.1904 4623.2256 -3832.2109 4623.2305 -3832.2212 4623.2393 C f -3836.7964 4623.7119 m -3836.8442 4623.8228 L -3835.9907 4623.625 -3835.0273 4623.8262 -3834.1252 4623.7393 C -3834.1855 4623.7793 L -3831.8945 4623.8223 -3829.7822 4623.6367 -3827.5088 4623.5518 C -3827.5444 4623.5645 -3827.5566 4623.5967 -3827.5933 4623.6094 c -3827.4834 4623.5713 -3827.3618 4623.5 -3827.2388 4623.5088 C -3827.2073 4623.5342 -3827.2734 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4624.1016 -3916.4707 4623.9072 c -3916.2163 4624.1289 -3915.46 4624.1846 -3915.1797 4624.1763 C -3915.1899 4624.1968 -3915.2021 4624.2207 -3915.2461 4624.2129 C -3914.7012 4624.5 -3914.6006 4623.9463 -3914.0898 4624.2983 C -3914.0103 4624.0483 -3913.1626 4624.3774 -3912.8743 4624.0854 C -3912.8105 4624.1406 -3912.7898 4624.1899 -3912.8125 4624.2344 C -3911.8936 4624.2393 -3910.8789 4624.3296 -3910.1011 4624.3408 C -3909.4365 4624.1235 -3908.4922 4624.4395 -3907.9209 4624.1387 C -3907.4478 4624.2031 -3906.6816 4624.3271 -3906.0215 4624.207 C -3906.0852 4624.2432 L -3905.3398 4624.2256 -3904.4082 4624.21 -3903.8965 4624.0215 C -3903.6763 4624.3096 -3903.3545 4624.2524 -3903.0317 4624.3438 C -3902.5342 4624.21 -3901.5293 4624.25 -3900.7695 4624.1289 C -3900.6533 4624.2617 -3900.1426 4624.0723 -3900.1035 4624.2656 C -3897.9756 4623.8926 -3895.3442 4624.0225 -3893.0718 4624.3047 C -3893.1045 4624.3184 L -3892.8096 4624.2129 -3892.4697 4623.9785 -3892.1699 4623.8408 C -3892.1406 4623.8584 -3892.1436 4623.8896 -3892.2073 4623.8896 C -3891.7922 4623.8535 -3891.4033 4624.0435 -3890.9893 4624.0078 C -3890.9922 4624.0396 -3890.9922 4624.0396 -3891.0596 4624.0703 C -3890.6709 4623.9844 -3890.2559 4624.2246 -3889.7964 4624.0752 C -3889.7712 4624.1265 L -3889.4785 4624.0547 L -3889.4858 4624.1182 -3889.4971 4624.2144 -3889.6533 4624.1934 C -3886.0898 4624.2559 -3882.4116 4623.9248 -3878.7529 4623.9727 C -3878.8877 4624.0332 L -3878.1782 4623.9248 L -3878.1816 4623.957 -3878.2158 4623.9727 -3878.2495 4623.9873 C -3877.3457 4624.0952 -3876.4082 4623.915 -3875.5273 4623.9424 C -3875.5317 4623.9731 -3875.6653 4624.0352 -3875.5422 4624.0703 C -3874.8896 4623.896 -3874.4946 4624.2969 -3874.1682 4623.9355 C -3874.1377 4623.9512 -3874.1172 4624.0332 -3874.1836 4624.0625 C -3872.3701 4623.9424 -3870.5078 4623.9492 -3868.6807 4624.0078 C -3867.1587 4623.6807 -3865.4583 4623.9766 -3863.8772 4623.7168 C -3863.8853 4623.7822 L -3861.8389 4623.5537 -3859.6682 4623.7983 -3857.5469 4623.7524 C -3856.6663 4623.7783 -3856.0708 4623.7012 -3855.1855 4623.6968 C -3855.1636 4623.7783 L -3853.6738 4623.4688 -3852.0322 4624.0566 -3850.4785 4623.7158 C -3850.5852 4623.8262 L -3850.3442 4623.6553 -3849.6455 4623.8867 -3849.7373 4623.5928 C -3849.4629 4623.6812 L -3848.4067 4623.2944 -3847.5413 4623.8604 -3846.2471 4623.6094 C -3846.3323 4623.6792 L -3845.9878 4623.625 -3845.5869 4623.5815 -3845.3323 4623.6465 C -3845.3716 4623.6563 -3845.3535 4623.6768 -3845.4346 4623.6953 C -3844.3574 4623.9707 -3843.1582 4623.666 -3842.0215 4623.6768 C -3842.1499 4623.8062 L -3841.6006 4623.6543 -3840.5923 4623.7959 -3839.8701 4623.7256 C -3839.9141 4623.7871 L -3839.5483 4623.7012 L -3839.5391 4623.8228 L -3838.5986 4623.8315 -3837.7139 4623.7256 -3836.7964 4623.7119 C f -3827.3125 4623.5723 m -3827.3154 4623.5713 -3827.3193 4623.5713 -3827.3228 4623.5684 C -3827.3506 4623.5791 -3827.3369 4623.5771 -3827.3125 4623.5723 C f -3921.0166 4624.2031 m -3921.0596 4624.1953 -3921.0957 4624.1875 -3921.1318 4624.1768 C -3921.1233 4624.2031 -3921.0532 4624.1968 -3921.0166 4624.2031 c f U U U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (Unnamed Brush Pat) 0 A u 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7795 8494.3066 m -7599.0332 8494.3066 L -7599.0332 8434.2773 L -7795 8434.2773 L -7795 8494.3066 L n u 0 O 0.05 0.7 0.9 0 k -7774.96 8487.6826 m -7786.9639 8482.877 -7792.4199 8486.4893 v -7787.6582 8486.332 -7783.4912 8488.1455 v -7792.6182 8488.5146 -7795 8493.627 v -7792.0234 8490.7295 -7785.0781 8492.0342 v -7778.1357 8493.3389 -7761.6685 8497 -7766.8252 8491.4033 C -7770.0791 8490.0742 -7771.7061 8489.3457 -7774.96 8487.6826 C f 0.055556 0.84 1 0.17 k -7765.9961 8492.5361 m -7768.1016 8490.832 -7778.7441 8489.9785 -7777.4082 8486.04 c -7776.0723 8482.1025 -7773.4971 8480.5674 Y -7771.6094 8480.5576 -7770.6665 8480.5313 -7768.7773 8480.4258 C -7766.7656 8489.9189 -7765.9961 8492.5361 V f 0.05 0.7 0.9 0 k -7773.6641 8473.8223 m -7775.1621 8480.3965 -7775.9102 8481.6289 -7777.4082 8486.04 C -7775.4229 8480.7246 -7768.9844 8483.9238 v -7762.1191 8487.334 -7740.1914 8483.5215 -7754.6309 8473.7754 C -7762.2441 8474.5049 -7766.0508 8474.6289 -7773.6641 8473.8223 C f 0.055556 0.84 1 0.17 k -7777.9395 8455.5518 m -7775.7524 8456.7129 -7777.9355 8460.4229 v -7784.7813 8472.0479 -7783.6582 8478.9824 -7776.4814 8477.7471 c -7769.3047 8476.5117 -7754.1719 8473.25 -7750.8955 8477.0557 C -7752.9912 8468.4805 -7755.0435 8463.7432 -7757.1387 8453.8789 C -7774.4814 8448.1953 -7777.9395 8455.5518 v f 0.05 0.7 0.9 0 k -7619.0723 8481.8945 m -7607.0664 8481.8545 -7601.6094 8487.168 v -7606.3701 8484.9375 -7610.5381 8485.4902 v -7601.4121 8489.4326 -7599.0332 8493.9932 v -7602.0059 8490.6914 -7608.9512 8490.374 v -7615.8965 8490.0566 -7632.3652 8492.2891 -7627.2061 8484.9307 C -7623.9531 8483.6074 -7622.3252 8482.9893 -7619.0723 8481.8945 C f 0.055556 0.84 1 0.17 k -7628.0332 8486.502 m -7625.9307 8484.2559 -7615.2852 8486.1045 -7616.6221 8480.6709 c -7617.9595 8475.2373 -7620.5313 8472.2891 Y -7622.6274 8471.2666 -7623.6758 8470.7637 -7625.7715 8469.79 C -7627.2666 8482.5918 -7628.0332 8486.502 V f 0.05 0.7 0.9 0 k -7620.3633 8465.5 m -7618.8662 8471.5098 -7618.1191 8474.585 -7616.6221 8480.6709 C -7618.6523 8472.7314 -7625.0449 8474.9609 v -7634.6563 8478.3135 -7652.0996 8470.2891 -7639.3984 8461.8398 C -7631.7852 8462.7402 -7627.9766 8463.4609 -7620.3633 8465.5 C f 0.055556 0.84 1 0.17 k -7616.0938 8454.4844 m -7618.0264 8454.1357 -7616.0957 8457.2529 v -7609.3496 8468.1426 -7612.9688 8473.667 -7620.1445 8468.7422 c -7627.3203 8463.8154 -7640.2949 8463.0723 -7643.5713 8466.3662 C -7641.1289 8458.4092 -7639.3359 8454.8945 -7636.8926 8450.1504 C -7619.5527 8449.3164 -7616.0938 8454.4844 v f u 0.05 0.7 0.9 0 k -7631.4277 8455.6777 m -7645.8345 8456.3369 -7660.0845 8460.7295 -7673.8652 8464.9766 c -7689.4668 8469.7842 -7704.2051 8474.3262 -7719.1953 8473.9697 c -7724.2734 8473.8496 -7733.0762 8471.8438 -7742.3955 8469.7197 c -7759.1255 8465.9063 -7771.4551 8463.4072 -7778.5449 8464.8008 C -7779.6865 8464.9434 -7781.4863 8465.4102 V -7781.7852 8468.5225 -7782.2598 8470.5469 Y -7778.8242 8460.6113 -7734.5723 8476.4863 -7719.2637 8476.8496 c -7689.9629 8477.5449 -7661.0166 8459.917 -7631.2959 8458.5537 c -7614.2471 8457.7734 -7612.2988 8467.0625 Y -7612.8262 8464.4072 -7613.4404 8460.877 V -7615.3857 8459.167 -7616.8164 8458.1758 Y -7620.0762 8456.5244 -7624.7383 8455.3711 -7631.4277 8455.6777 c f -7762.8848 8437.3857 m -7749.8828 8438.6729 -7736.5156 8441.8896 -7729.6255 8445.3887 c -7712.3325 8454.1729 -7693.5723 8451.583 -7677.5039 8447.8906 C -7674.3438 8447.1602 L -7659.0684 8443.6074 -7628.6387 8436.5322 -7616.6074 8442.1514 C -7615.5615 8442.4521 -7613.9824 8443.4941 V -7612.5977 8442.3037 -7610.7383 8442.9473 -7611.8906 8441.8584 c -7622.8496 8431.4873 -7661.0234 8441.1514 -7678.1484 8445.085 c -7694.8721 8448.9258 -7712.4111 8450.9023 -7728.3213 8442.8213 c -7743.3535 8435.1865 -7784.4902 8429.9229 -7788.9609 8438.0117 c -7789.2578 8438.5488 -7788.5547 8438.6475 -7787.4473 8439.6074 C -7785.9785 8438.7324 -7784.71 8438.2754 Y -7781.6895 8437.0869 -7774.7485 8436.2119 -7762.8848 8437.3857 c f 0.02 0.28 0.72 0 k -7613.9824 8443.4941 m -7615.5615 8442.4521 -7616.6074 8442.1514 Y -7628.6387 8436.5322 -7659.0684 8443.6074 -7674.3438 8447.1602 C -7677.5039 8447.8906 L -7693.5723 8451.583 -7712.3325 8454.1729 -7729.6255 8445.3887 c -7736.5156 8441.8896 -7749.8828 8438.6729 -7762.8848 8437.3857 c -7774.7485 8436.2119 -7781.6895 8437.0869 -7784.71 8438.2754 C -7785.9785 8438.7324 -7787.4473 8439.6074 V -7785.8018 8441.0322 -7783.2598 8444.3594 -7781.7524 8453.8594 c -7781.0684 8458.1738 -7781.1904 8462.3262 -7781.4863 8465.4102 C -7779.6865 8464.9434 -7778.5449 8464.8008 Y -7771.4551 8463.4072 -7759.1255 8465.9063 -7742.3955 8469.7197 c -7733.0762 8471.8438 -7724.2734 8473.8496 -7719.1953 8473.9697 c -7704.2051 8474.3262 -7689.4668 8469.7842 -7673.8652 8464.9766 c -7660.0845 8460.7295 -7645.8345 8456.3369 -7631.4277 8455.6777 c -7624.7383 8455.3711 -7620.0762 8456.5244 -7616.8164 8458.1758 C -7615.3857 8459.167 -7613.4404 8460.877 V -7614.1328 8456.8984 -7614.9385 8451.8086 -7615.2256 8448.1563 c -7615.4346 8445.5049 -7614.7891 8444.1885 -7613.9824 8443.4941 C f U U U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (Unnamed Brush Pat 2) 0 A u 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7795 8497 m -7769.1089 8497 L -7769.1089 8471.1602 L -7795 8471.1602 L -7795 8497 L n *u 0 O 0.62 0.04 0.93 0 k -7769.4077 8475.3809 m -7769.2969 8475.2969 -7769.1973 8475.2061 -7769.1089 8475.1084 C -7769.1089 8472.3887 L -7769.7085 8471.6465 -7770.7285 8471.1602 -7771.5703 8471.1602 c -7772.1948 8471.1602 -7772.8989 8471.5254 -7773.1328 8471.8135 C -7773.2632 8471.9424 -7773.4199 8471.9941 -7773.5752 8471.9941 c -7773.7329 8471.9941 -7773.8613 8471.9424 -7773.9141 8471.8369 c -7774.0957 8471.4473 -7774.4351 8471.1865 -7774.9048 8471.1865 c -7775.6592 8471.1865 -7778.5239 8473.8682 -7778.5239 8474.625 c -7778.5239 8474.7549 -7778.4199 8474.8076 -7778.2373 8474.8076 c -7778.0029 8474.8076 -7777.6128 8474.7031 -7777.2476 8474.5215 C -7777.0132 8474.418 -7775.9199 8473.6094 -7775.6328 8473.6094 c -7775.2949 8473.6094 -7775.0605 8474.418 -7774.7207 8474.418 c -7774.4351 8474.418 -7773.3408 8473.4277 -7773.0796 8473.2441 c -7772.8452 8473.0879 -7772.0908 8472.334 -7771.4399 8472.334 c -7770.5288 8472.334 -7769.6157 8472.8262 -7769.6157 8473.8174 c -7769.6157 8474.3389 -7770.4238 8475.875 -7773.2632 8476.3701 c -7773.5239 8476.4209 -7774.8765 8476.3975 -7775.1895 8476.4209 c -7775.5029 8476.4473 -7777.0391 8475.9785 -7777.3789 8475.9014 c -7778.4199 8475.667 -7778.4985 8475.667 -7780.4512 8475.667 c -7780.5825 8475.667 -7780.6606 8475.667 -7780.6606 8475.5879 c -7780.6606 8475.5361 -7780.6333 8475.458 -7780.5557 8475.3535 C -7780.2949 8474.9639 -7780.0605 8474.4434 -7780.0605 8473.8438 c -7780.0605 8472.5146 -7781.4155 8471.1602 -7782.9263 8471.1602 c -7785.8428 8471.1602 -7785.8428 8472.8799 -7785.8428 8473.1143 c -7785.8428 8473.6621 -7785.5039 8474.7813 -7784.2549 8474.7813 c -7783.5508 8474.7813 -7783.2637 8474.4434 -7783.2637 8474.1309 c -7783.2637 8473.8965 -7783.3945 8473.7129 -7783.5771 8473.6348 c -7783.8389 8473.5313 -7783.9419 8473.3994 -7783.9419 8473.2705 c -7783.9419 8473.0098 -7783.5771 8472.7754 -7783.1343 8472.7754 c -7782.3262 8472.7754 -7781.5708 8473.5566 -7781.5708 8474.209 c -7781.5708 8476.293 -7785.9209 8476.8926 -7786.1548 8476.8906 c -7788.0254 8476.8799 -7789.2549 8477.9229 -7789.2168 8479.9521 c -7789.1938 8481.3066 -7790.3892 8484.8496 -7792.2646 8484.8496 c -7792.8389 8484.8496 -7793.2813 8484.5117 -7793.2813 8483.8076 c -7793.2813 8483.1563 -7793.0991 8482.7129 -7792.8892 8482.7129 c -7792.7861 8482.7129 -7792.6548 8482.8701 -7792.5254 8483.1563 C -7792.4727 8483.3135 -7792.2915 8483.418 -7792.0825 8483.418 c -7791.6133 8483.418 -7791.0151 8483.002 -7791.0151 8481.8281 c -7791.0151 8480.6563 -7791.7183 8480.1885 -7792.4468 8480.1885 c -7793.7754 8480.1885 -7795 8481.3066 -7795 8483.6768 c -7795 8485.6309 -7793.75 8486.5674 -7792.6812 8486.5674 c -7791.6133 8486.5674 -7791.2495 8485.9688 -7790.8848 8485.6826 c -7790.7549 8485.5791 -7790.6758 8485.5273 -7790.6245 8485.5273 c -7790.5469 8485.5273 -7790.52 8485.6055 -7790.52 8485.7617 c -7790.52 8486.3857 -7790.0508 8489.1738 -7790.0508 8489.7461 c -7790.0508 8490.4746 -7790.0508 8496.4395 -7792.1089 8496.4395 c -7793.0728 8496.4395 -7793.5679 8495.6846 -7793.5679 8494.7979 c -7793.5679 8494.1465 -7792.6289 8493.2891 -7792.3169 8492.8447 c -7791.7959 8492.1426 -7791.7959 8491.6201 Y -7791.7959 8491.4648 -7791.8477 8491.3857 -7791.9517 8491.3613 C -7792.9678 8491.2305 -7793.1768 8491.1514 -7793.1768 8490.8662 c -7793.1768 8490.3975 -7792.4209 8489.5898 -7792.0303 8489.4082 c -7791.7437 8489.2773 -7791.6133 8488.9912 -7791.6133 8488.7041 c -7791.6133 8488.418 -7791.7437 8488.0801 -7792.1865 8488.0801 c -7793.2021 8488.0801 -7794.9229 8490.71 -7794.9229 8491.2041 c -7794.9229 8491.6738 -7794.6616 8492.0117 -7794.27 8492.1953 c -7794.1665 8492.2461 -7794.1143 8492.377 -7794.1143 8492.5322 c -7794.1143 8492.6895 -7794.1665 8492.8447 -7794.2969 8492.9756 C -7794.5835 8493.21 -7794.9468 8493.9141 -7794.9468 8494.5381 c -7794.9468 8495.3789 -7794.4604 8496.3994 -7793.7207 8497 C -7791.0439 8497 L -7790.9341 8496.9082 -7790.8301 8496.8076 -7790.7285 8496.7002 c -7790.4678 8496.4395 -7790.3125 8496.3359 -7790.1812 8496.3359 c -7790.0254 8496.3359 -7789.6089 8496.9346 -7789.4785 8496.9346 c -7788.8008 8496.9346 -7788.8008 8496.3877 -7788.8008 8495.1895 c -7788.8008 8495.0059 -7788.8535 8494.1738 -7788.8535 8494.0176 c -7788.8535 8493.7578 -7788.7754 8493.627 -7788.6445 8493.627 c -7788.5396 8493.627 -7788.4102 8493.7305 -7788.2788 8493.8877 c -7787.5078 8494.8438 -7786.0596 8496.2529 -7784.0928 8497 C -7778.5278 8497 L -7777.3564 8496.5391 -7776.4448 8495.7979 -7775.7349 8494.9287 C -7775.5425 8495.7793 -7774.9136 8496.998 -7772.9766 8496.998 c -7771.9438 8496.998 -7771.0239 8496.4492 -7770.6079 8495.6201 C -7769.6665 8495.2891 -7769.1108 8494.2793 -7769.1108 8493.1318 c -7769.1108 8491.1953 -7770.3301 8490.5664 -7771.1797 8490.373 C -7770.3096 8489.666 -7769.5693 8488.7529 -7769.1089 8487.582 C -7769.1089 8482.0156 L -7769.8564 8480.0488 -7771.2646 8478.6006 -7772.2207 8477.8281 c -7772.3774 8477.6982 -7772.4551 8477.5938 -7772.4551 8477.5146 c -7772.4551 8477.125 -7770.2148 8477.0986 -7769.7461 8477.0986 c -7769.4863 8477.0986 -7769.3564 8476.8652 -7769.3564 8476.6309 c -7769.3564 8476.4209 -7769.4336 8476.2402 -7769.6157 8476.2129 c -7769.8237 8476.1885 -7769.9551 8476.1357 -7769.9551 8476.0059 c -7769.9551 8475.875 -7769.7988 8475.6924 -7769.4077 8475.3809 c f 1 D -7772.2988 8493.582 m -7772.23 8493.5693 -7772.1743 8493.5596 -7772.1421 8493.5596 c -7771.7783 8493.5596 -7771.2832 8493.9502 -7771.2832 8494.6543 c -7771.2832 8494.7109 -7771.2896 8494.7676 -7771.2998 8494.8242 C -7771.9854 8494.8105 -7772.3662 8494.3242 -7772.3662 8493.9648 c -7772.3662 8493.9023 -7772.3276 8493.7295 -7772.2988 8493.582 C f -7769.9185 8493.1582 m -7769.9185 8493.5488 -7770.0835 8494.043 -7770.3872 8494.3916 C -7770.5181 8493.3594 -7771.4956 8492.7266 -7772.2471 8492.7266 c -7772.8208 8492.7266 -7773.1846 8492.9863 -7773.1846 8493.2734 c -7773.1846 8493.3066 -7773.1846 8493.3818 -7773.1509 8493.458 C -7773.1812 8493.5762 -7773.1992 8493.7119 -7773.1992 8493.8613 c -7773.1992 8494.5439 -7772.6772 8495.4121 -7771.8086 8495.666 C -7772.1445 8495.9766 -7772.5825 8496.1914 -7772.9502 8496.1914 c -7774.4077 8496.1914 -7774.9292 8495.1738 -7774.9292 8494.3418 c -7774.9292 8494.125 -7774.9209 8493.9375 -7774.8945 8493.7676 C -7774.4512 8493.1338 -7774.1064 8492.6543 -7773.8179 8492.293 C -7773.4541 8492.002 -7772.9736 8491.6582 -7772.3423 8491.2139 C -7772.1709 8491.1865 -7771.9849 8491.1777 -7771.7676 8491.1777 c -7770.9336 8491.1777 -7769.9185 8491.6992 -7769.9185 8493.1582 c f -7771.7261 8480.4072 m -7771.4141 8480.4072 -7769.6157 8481.6055 -7769.6157 8484.7568 c -7769.6157 8487.7227 -7771.3276 8490.6377 -7774.5757 8490.6934 C -7774.5781 8490.666 -7774.5796 8490.6357 -7774.5796 8490.6064 c -7774.5796 8490.4814 -7774.7769 8488.7598 -7775.8911 8487.3984 C -7775.8086 8487.4082 -7775.7236 8487.4141 -7775.6328 8487.4141 c -7774.5132 8487.4141 -7773.6274 8486.293 -7773.6274 8485.3037 c -7773.6274 8484.3145 -7774.4351 8482.6738 -7776.9092 8482.6738 c -7779.1797 8482.6738 -7780.2173 8484.5098 -7780.3564 8485.8359 C -7781.6064 8486.1465 -7783.0449 8487.1895 -7783.0449 8489.1992 c -7783.0449 8491.6738 -7781.4048 8492.4814 -7780.4141 8492.4814 c -7779.4238 8492.4814 -7778.3047 8491.5957 -7778.3047 8490.4746 c -7778.3047 8490.4053 -7778.3086 8490.3369 -7778.3145 8490.2734 C -7777.0869 8491.2129 -7775.7246 8491.5293 -7775.5029 8491.5293 c -7775.4751 8491.5293 -7775.4468 8491.5303 -7775.4199 8491.5322 C -7775.5645 8494.6709 -7778.1621 8496.4922 -7781.3516 8496.4922 c -7783.6436 8496.4922 -7786.3008 8495.0586 -7786.3008 8494.0693 c -7786.3008 8493.6533 -7785.5181 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8487.6113 -7786.0669 8487.8711 -7786.0669 8488.418 c -7786.0669 8489.1738 -7787.0557 8489.4336 -7787.8115 8489.4336 c -7788.7231 8489.4336 -7789.2695 8487.8184 -7789.2695 8486.0986 c -7789.2695 8485.0703 -7788.8765 8483.5898 -7788.4009 8482.4229 c -7787.9727 8481.377 -7786.9492 8481.3984 -7786.5552 8481.3193 c -7786.5449 8481.3184 -7785.5605 8481.1162 -7785.2412 8480.8223 c -7784.8276 8480.4395 -7784.6992 8479.6191 -7784.6982 8479.6074 c -7784.6621 8479.252 -7784.6807 8478.1016 -7783.5845 8477.666 c -7782.4326 8477.209 -7781.0088 8476.8389 -7780.0088 8476.8389 c -7778.2896 8476.8389 -7776.6748 8477.3857 -7776.6748 8478.2969 c -7776.6748 8479.0527 -7776.9355 8479.6777 -7777.6909 8479.6777 c -7778.2373 8479.6777 -7778.4985 8479.1309 -7779.1758 8478.9746 C -7779.3325 8478.9482 -7779.4629 8478.9229 -7779.5918 8478.9229 c -7780.1133 8478.9229 -7780.5039 8479.1836 -7780.5039 8479.6777 c -7780.5039 8479.9121 -7780.1919 8480.5361 -7779.2285 8480.5361 c -7779.1235 8480.5361 -7778.4717 8480.4336 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-7759.8691 8495.8125 -7759.8877 8495.7832 C -7759.9785 8496.0176 -7760.3521 8495.8555 -7760.4209 8496.1191 C -7760.5742 8496.1426 -7760.7441 8495.9648 -7760.8906 8495.9395 C -7760.8623 8495.9199 L -7761.0415 8495.7891 -7761.2793 8495.875 -7761.4297 8496.0254 C -7761.4219 8495.9766 L -7761.5195 8495.959 -7761.7505 8495.9941 -7761.8735 8496.125 C -7762.1201 8495.957 -7761.9561 8495.2842 -7762.2295 8495.5645 C -7762.48 8495.5723 -7762.6221 8495.9727 -7762.5215 8496.1152 C -7762.9717 8495.9648 -7763.4834 8496.3281 -7763.9009 8495.9824 C -7763.9658 8496.0723 -7763.9248 8496.1289 -7764.0586 8496.1816 C -7764.7197 8496.0938 -7765.4551 8496.4453 -7765.9814 8496.0078 C -7765.79 8495.9141 -7765.9688 8495.7852 -7765.9727 8495.6582 C -7766.1309 8495.8574 -7766.1631 8495.4512 -7766.2197 8495.793 C -7766.2041 8495.9941 -7766.2197 8496.0918 -7766.0337 8496.1729 C -7766.4282 8496.2813 -7767.0283 8496.2813 -7767.2471 8496.0938 C -7767.1377 8496.1865 -7767.2227 8496.248 -7767.3086 8496.3086 C -7767.2803 8495.9873 -7767.5713 8495.9395 -7767.7915 8496.0527 C -7767.8223 8496.248 L -7767.9658 8496.0469 L -7768.0503 8496.1094 -7768.0591 8496.457 -7768.2773 8496.2695 C -7768.2891 8496.1934 -7768.3018 8496.1162 -7768.3418 8496.0605 C -7768.5693 8496.2207 -7768.8906 8496.4922 -7769.1377 8496.3262 C -7769.3398 8496.041 L -7769.4453 8496.0723 -7769.6235 8496.2441 -7769.4375 8496.3262 C -7769.8594 8496.1543 -7770.1309 8496.1328 -7770.2646 8495.8857 C -7770.9912 8496.4873 -7772.0459 8496.5117 -7772.8906 8496.4688 C -7772.8652 8496.3223 L -7773.0923 8496.1855 -7772.9834 8496.5781 -7773.1416 8496.4766 C -7773.0684 8496.3369 -7773.3145 8496.1729 -7773.1362 8496.002 C -7773.4609 8495.8477 -7773.5547 8496.2559 -7773.7656 8496.3223 C -7773.7979 8496.5146 -7773.5957 8496.1992 -7773.6367 8496.4434 C -7773.6729 8496.5117 -7774.0859 8496.293 -7774.1362 8496.584 C -7774.2178 8496.4697 -7774.1543 8496.2559 -7774.1104 8496.1377 C -7774.3086 8496.2793 L -7774.5513 8495.9395 -7773.7559 8495.6719 -7774.0107 8495.2529 C -7774.1934 8495.2988 L -7774.3682 8494.9941 -7773.71 8494.9551 -7774.1689 8494.8506 C -7774.3682 8494.9941 -7774.5381 8495.416 -7774.3608 8495.5449 C -7774.7754 8495.625 -7774.5527 8496.2383 -7774.9985 8496.2139 C -7775.1201 8496.043 -7774.6416 8496.1729 -7774.7275 8495.9336 C -7774.9375 8495.6992 -7775.1484 8496.0645 -7775.3354 8495.9824 C -7775.1279 8496.0918 -7775.3032 8496.3857 -7775.4375 8496.4395 C -7775.6641 8496.3018 -7775.29 8496.1641 -7775.6113 8496.1338 C -7775.6641 8496.3018 -7775.9595 8496.4277 -7775.7041 8496.5449 C -7775.8203 8496.9258 -7776.0381 8496.4395 -7776.2129 8496.7344 C -7776.3174 8496.4668 -7775.8823 8496.1152 -7776.2354 8495.9814 C -7776.1792 8496.2393 -7776.6704 8496.332 -7776.4839 8496.7148 C -7776.6221 8496.6406 -7776.6367 8496.4375 -7776.5361 8496.2793 C -7776.7334 8496.1201 -7777.0151 8496.75 -7777.0801 8496.2383 C -7777.1479 8496.502 L -7777.21 8496.416 -7777.2983 8496.3516 -7777.3994 8496.209 C -7777.5732 8496.2041 -7777.96 8496.5664 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8496.2266 C -7780.8975 8495.8682 L -7781.0693 8495.8652 L -7780.8467 8495.5781 -7781.1826 8495.6465 -7781.0566 8495.3438 C -7781.1743 8495.2969 -7781.3169 8495.3994 -7781.4307 8495.4785 C -7781.0864 8495.9629 -7781.8159 8496.1406 -7781.7158 8496.582 C -7782.1875 8496.7031 -7782.0107 8495.5078 -7782.5024 8496.1992 C -7782.4219 8496.3145 -7782.6533 8496.6504 -7782.3564 8496.5225 C -7782.6494 8496.4746 -7782.5557 8496.9658 -7782.9014 8496.7832 C -7782.6455 8496.6016 -7783.1763 8496.3359 -7782.8066 8496.0723 C -7782.8311 8496.2188 -7782.6001 8496.1836 -7782.5435 8496.1426 C -7782.6641 8495.9727 -7782.5186 8495.6973 -7782.8184 8495.6973 C -7783.0015 8495.7393 -7783.2524 8495.748 -7783.2158 8495.9785 C -7783.2085 8496.2314 -7782.9365 8495.9512 -7783.0537 8496.207 C -7783.4185 8496.2949 -7783.4795 8495.9102 -7783.6304 8496.3594 C -7783.3999 8496.3232 -7783.3423 8496.584 -7783.3467 8496.7578 C -7783.6143 8496.8633 L -7783.5625 8496.6953 L -7783.9922 8496.5742 -7783.6895 8497 -7784.1055 8496.9551 C -7784.3008 8496.623 L -7784.2017 8496.3369 -7783.6953 8496.75 -7783.7695 8496.2842 C -7784.04 8496.2656 -7784.1299 8496.502 -7784.3848 8496.3818 C -7784.3281 8496.3418 -7784.2505 8496.3301 -7784.1943 8496.2891 C -7784.2915 8496.2734 -7784.3877 8495.6563 -7784.7734 8496.0176 C -7784.9727 8496.1582 -7784.8262 8496.1836 -7784.8311 8496.3574 C -7785.2656 8496.4102 -7785.3955 8496.5879 -7785.6753 8496.6152 C -7785.6177 8496.2754 -7786.1699 8496.582 -7785.8608 8496.2344 C -7785.7188 8496.4336 -7785.0903 8496.4141 -7784.9365 8496.0898 C -7785.0947 8495.6865 -7784.5952 8496.1465 -7784.5024 8495.7383 C -7784.8506 8495.7285 -7784.8335 8495.332 -7784.8896 8495.0723 C -7784.9863 8495.0537 -7785.0801 8495.1641 -7785.1377 8495.2041 C -7785.1787 8495.4492 -7785.0522 8495.4453 -7785.0449 8495.6973 C -7785.4336 8495.6309 -7785.8081 8495.7676 -7786.0225 8496.0059 C -7786.1523 8495.8848 -7786.1113 8495.6406 -7785.9575 8495.6172 C -7786.4199 8495.6895 -7786.9141 8495.6563 -7787.3535 8495.582 C 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-7790.2666 8494.0156 -7789.9258 8494.0723 C -7789.3418 8494.1719 -7788.7407 8494.1719 -7788.2949 8494.1973 C -7788.2783 8494.3994 L -7788.0303 8493.9658 -7787.4521 8494.2393 -7787.1182 8494.0469 C -7786.5503 8494.2422 -7785.8848 8493.8535 -7785.5938 8494.2031 C -7784.5913 8494.0469 -7783.7148 8493.8945 -7782.6768 8493.9688 C -7782.8516 8494.2637 L -7782.6655 8494.0469 -7782.7305 8494.4336 -7782.5479 8494.3896 C -7782.7578 8494.1543 -7782.2949 8494.084 -7782.1665 8493.9033 C -7781.7041 8494.1328 -7781.1104 8493.8828 -7780.7007 8493.6758 C -7780.6846 8493.8789 L -7780.2705 8493.498 -7779.7759 8493.832 -7779.2598 8493.8945 C -7779.2007 8493.9785 -7779.1074 8494.1689 -7778.9536 8494.1465 C -7778.6738 8493.8184 -7778.5273 8493.8418 -7778.1167 8493.6367 C -7777.8169 8493.6367 -7777.3301 8493.7178 -7777.0254 8493.8457 C -7775.8975 8493.3848 -7774.7456 8493.6797 -7773.5732 8493.4023 C -7773.4888 8493.6406 L -7772.3521 8493.1309 -7770.9541 8493.5938 -7769.9839 8493.332 C -7770.0776 8493.7393 L -7769.7734 8493.8652 -7769.3843 8493.6328 -7769.4619 8493.3438 C -7769.1567 8493.4688 -7768.7007 8493.1465 -7768.5068 8493.4814 C -7768.1953 8493.5566 -7768.1255 8493.293 -7767.8662 8493.2383 C -7767.2422 8493.3926 -7767.0107 8493.3574 -7766.4224 8493.2813 C -7766.5684 8493.2559 L -7766.6328 8493.3457 -7766.6387 8493.5186 -7766.4922 8493.5449 C -7766.2725 8493.4316 -7765.6846 8493.6543 -7765.9033 8493.168 C -7765.2754 8493.4492 -7764.4385 8492.9395 -7763.8271 8493.3184 C -7763.8789 8493.1855 -7763.7246 8493.1602 -7763.6602 8493.0703 C -7763.1089 8493.0645 -7762.5293 8493.3359 -7762.0898 8493.1094 C -7762.0024 8493.1758 -7762.2295 8493.3359 -7762.0049 8493.3496 C -7761.8721 8493.2988 -7762.0024 8493.1758 -7761.8384 8493.1016 C -7760.9453 8492.8535 -7760.0303 8493.3574 -7759.2188 8493.293 C -7757.7754 8493.0361 -7756.2695 8493.166 -7754.8867 8493.123 C -7754.9023 8493.2207 L -7754.4395 8492.8477 -7753.8159 8493.6025 -7753.4463 8493.041 C -7753.3369 8493.1338 -7753.0283 8493.085 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-7724.6221 8492.8359 C -7723.9585 8493.2354 -7723.9087 8493.2246 -7723.1797 8493.0625 C -7723.2095 8493.127 -7723.2549 8493.1426 -7723.2061 8493.2031 C -7723.1699 8492.875 -7722.6929 8493.1719 -7722.6235 8492.8594 C -7721.5762 8492.9199 -7720.6113 8492.8301 -7719.5337 8492.8281 C -7719.7041 8492.8633 -7719.7896 8493.1309 -7719.5869 8493.1094 C -7719.3755 8492.9004 L -7719.3408 8492.9922 L -7719.2021 8492.9434 -7719.0513 8492.7813 -7719.1943 8492.6758 C -7716.4873 8492.3926 -7713.8242 8493.0508 -7711.1729 8492.9697 C -7710.5435 8493.1064 -7709.6475 8492.9814 -7708.9629 8492.9141 C -7706.9355 8493.3516 -7705.1079 8493.7041 -7703.0479 8493.3984 C -7703.3169 8494.2461 -7704.1675 8494.4414 V f -7794.2578 8494.2422 m -7794.1855 8494.4063 -7793.9497 8494.4961 -7794.1377 8494.7148 C -7794.1611 8494.5605 -7794.2822 8494.3887 -7794.2578 8494.2422 C f -7787.9619 8495.9297 m -7787.9536 8495.8809 -7787.8721 8495.9961 -7787.8521 8496.0225 C -7787.9297 8496.0352 -7788.0024 8496.1729 -7788.0645 8496.0879 C -7787.9854 8496.0762 -7787.9976 8495.998 -7787.9619 8495.9297 C f -7786.3521 8496.0273 m -7786.3765 8496.1729 -7786.7207 8496.2891 -7786.9238 8496.3066 C -7786.3521 8496.0273 L f -7784.8521 8496.6289 m -7784.7227 8496.752 -7784.7583 8496.8193 -7784.9326 8496.8154 C -7784.9453 8496.7383 -7784.8877 8496.6992 -7784.8521 8496.6289 C f -7784.7456 8496.2969 m -7784.6211 8496.293 -7784.5591 8496.3789 -7784.4985 8496.4629 C -7784.5029 8496.3369 -7784.7871 8496.541 -7784.7456 8496.2969 C f -7781.4893 8496.7207 m -7781.4111 8496.709 -7781.2417 8496.5879 -7781.1689 8496.75 C -7781.2505 8496.6367 -7781.5498 8496.9346 -7781.4893 8496.7207 C f -7779.9761 8496.5 m -7779.9272 8496.5098 -7779.9072 8496.5361 -7779.8506 8496.4961 C -7779.7607 8496.5625 -7779.8555 8496.6689 -7779.9312 8496.6826 C -7779.9761 8496.5 L f -7752.4287 8495.9141 m -7752.5923 8495.9863 L -7752.5684 8495.8418 L -7752.4287 8495.9141 L f -7740.3574 8495.9063 m -7740.1943 8495.8145 -7740.2441 8496.043 -7740.2168 8496.0645 C -7740.3643 8496.0801 -7740.1621 8495.8848 -7740.3574 8495.9063 C f -7733.8486 8495.1777 m -7733.8984 8495.1816 L -7733.8818 8494.8828 L -7733.8486 8495.1777 L f U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (Unnamed Brush Pat 5) 0 A u 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7795 8497 m -7769.0591 8497 L -7769.0591 8471.0557 L -7795 8471.0557 L -7795 8497 L n *u 1 D 0 O 0.62 0.04 0.93 0 k -7769.9858 8490.915 m -7769.2168 8490.958 -7769.0718 8491.7461 -7769.4526 8491.8086 c -7769.8086 8491.8672 -7769.9175 8492.0762 -7769.7866 8492.2588 c -7769.6675 8492.4277 -7769.1934 8492.8096 -7769.0635 8492.9395 C -7769.0615 8492.9395 -7769.0635 8495.668 -7769.0635 8495.6689 c -7769.0703 8496.5098 -7769.6494 8496.3994 -7770.3896 8497 C -7773.1104 8497 L -7773.2085 8496.9102 -7773.2993 8496.8105 -7773.3818 8496.6992 c -7773.6943 8496.3096 -7773.8774 8496.1533 -7774.0063 8496.1533 c -7774.1377 8496.1533 -7774.1895 8496.2832 -7774.2158 8496.4922 c -7774.2417 8496.6738 -7774.4238 8496.752 -7774.6318 8496.752 c -7774.8662 8496.752 -7775.1006 8496.6221 -7775.1006 8496.3613 c -7775.1006 8495.8926 -7775.1279 8493.6514 -7775.5186 8493.6514 c -7775.5967 8493.6514 -7775.7002 8493.7305 -7775.8311 8493.8877 c -7776.6025 8494.8438 -7778.0513 8496.2529 -7780.0176 8497 C -7785.5835 8497 L -7786.9722 8496.4521 -7787.9951 8495.5146 -7788.7495 8494.4336 c -7790.8066 8491.4912 -7791.0142 8491.1777 -7792.3423 8491.1777 c -7793.1768 8491.1777 -7794.1919 8491.6992 -7794.1919 8493.1563 c -7794.1919 8493.8613 -7793.4111 8494.8242 -7792.6553 8494.8242 c -7791.9521 8494.8242 -7791.5615 8494.3301 -7791.5615 8493.9648 c -7791.5615 8493.8613 -7791.6665 8493.4434 -7791.6665 8493.3662 c -7791.6665 8492.9229 -7791.3535 8492.9229 -7791.2754 8492.9229 c -7790.9897 8492.9229 -7790.7295 8493.2871 -7790.7295 8493.8613 c -7790.7295 8494.668 -7791.4585 8495.7354 -7792.6294 8495.7354 c -7793.9839 8495.7354 -7795 8494.5381 -7795 8493.1318 c -7795 8490.5527 -7792.8374 8490.293 -7792.2646 8490.293 c -7791.5361 8490.293 -7790.6504 8490.5527 -7790.1294 8490.9697 C -7790.0254 8491.0479 -7789.9209 8491.1006 -7789.8433 8491.1006 c -7789.6606 8491.1006 -7789.5303 8490.8906 -7789.5303 8490.6055 c -7789.5303 8490.1895 -7788.4102 8485.7344 -7784.1382 8485.7344 c -7782.8105 8485.7344 -7780.6753 8486.751 -7780.6753 8489.1992 c -7780.6753 8491.6738 -7782.3154 8492.4814 -7783.3057 8492.4814 c -7784.2959 8492.4814 -7785.4155 8491.5957 -7785.4155 8490.4746 c -7785.4155 8489.1465 -7784.3218 8488.8613 -7783.9038 8488.8613 c -7783.5137 8488.8613 -7783.0713 8488.9902 -7782.9663 8489.2773 C -7782.8623 8489.6152 -7782.7329 8489.7979 -7782.5498 8489.7979 c -7782.4722 8489.7979 -7781.8462 8489.668 -7781.8462 8488.834 c -7781.8462 8486.9072 -7783.9038 8486.6982 -7784.4248 8486.6982 c -7786.3535 8486.6982 -7788.6958 8488.9121 -7788.6958 8491.4395 c -7788.6958 8494.7461 -7785.7534 8496.4922 -7782.7583 8496.4922 c -7779.6064 8496.4922 -7778.4097 8494.6943 -7778.4097 8494.3818 c -7778.4097 8494.1465 -7779.6592 8493.7041 -7779.6592 8493.4961 c -7779.6592 8493.1582 -7778.9561 8492.2988 -7778.2266 8492.2988 c -7776.6631 8492.2988 -7775.96 8491.0742 -7775.96 8490.3457 c -7775.96 8490.2139 -7776.0386 8490.1367 -7776.1943 8490.1367 c -7776.4033 8490.1367 -7777.2622 8490.3184 -7777.4458 8490.3184 c -7778.0967 8490.3184 -7779.2314 8490.2637 -7779.9678 8489.1563 c -7780.5854 8488.2285 -7780.1143 8487.3135 -7780.3994 8486.5615 c -7780.5352 8486.2012 -7781.9375 8484.9473 -7781.9521 8484.7637 C -7781.9727 8484.7852 L -7782.1943 8484.7852 -7783.5566 8484.4688 -7784.7842 8483.5313 C -7784.7783 8483.5957 -7784.7744 8483.6621 -7784.7744 8483.7324 c -7784.7744 8484.8535 -7785.8936 8485.7383 -7786.8838 8485.7383 c -7787.8745 8485.7383 -7789.5142 8484.9297 -7789.5142 8482.457 c -7789.5142 8480.4463 -7788.0762 8479.4023 -7786.8262 8479.0938 C -7786.6875 8477.7676 -7785.6494 8475.9297 -7783.3794 8475.9297 c -7780.9058 8475.9297 -7780.0977 8477.5703 -7780.0977 8478.5615 c -7780.0977 8479.5498 -7780.9834 8480.6689 -7782.1025 8480.6689 c -7782.1934 8480.6689 -7782.2783 8480.666 -7782.3599 8480.6543 C -7781.2471 8482.0166 -7781.0498 8483.7373 -7781.0498 8483.8623 C -7780.6602 8484.584 -7780.1743 8485.1406 v -7779.3174 8486.125 -7779.4995 8487.2031 -7779.2935 8487.8711 c -7778.9185 8489.0986 -7778.4346 8487.793 -7778.4346 8487.6621 c -7778.4346 8487.6357 -7778.5391 8486.9854 -7778.5391 8486.8799 c -7778.5391 8485.918 -7777.9146 8485.6055 -7777.6802 8485.6055 c -7777.1846 8485.6055 -7776.9248 8485.9951 -7776.9248 8486.5166 c -7776.9248 8486.6465 -7776.9502 8486.7754 -7776.9766 8486.9326 C -7777.1328 8487.6104 -7777.6802 8487.8711 -7777.6802 8488.418 c -7777.6802 8489.1738 -7777.0542 8489.4336 -7776.2998 8489.4336 C -7774.8096 8489.9053 -7774.4238 8490.918 v -7774.0386 8491.9307 -7774.4238 8492.585 -7774.3721 8492.8447 c -7773.8774 8495.6846 -7772.3408 8496.4922 -7771.8193 8496.4922 c -7770.8286 8496.4922 -7770.3354 8495.5801 -7770.3354 8494.668 c -7770.3354 8494.0176 -7771.0913 8493.2617 -7771.2471 8493.0273 c -7771.4287 8492.7676 -7772.2065 8491.7959 -7772.4272 8491.6133 c -7772.5088 8491.5449 -7772.9038 8491.3242 -7773.0386 8491.0137 C -7773.3335 8490.626 -7773.3486 8490.4434 -7773.9814 8490.0625 c -7774.5454 8489.7246 -7774.1265 8489.418 Y -7773.8394 8489.1836 -7773.7881 8488.4814 -7773.7881 8487.96 c -7773.7881 8487.0215 -7772.8232 8486.3975 -7772.5889 8486.3975 c -7772.4595 8486.3975 -7772.3545 8486.4746 -7772.3545 8486.6055 C -7772.4858 8487.2041 -7772.4858 8487.3086 v -7772.4858 8487.3613 -7772.6934 8488.8213 -7772.6665 8488.96 C -7772.4551 8489.0381 -7772.0635 8488.541 -7771.6416 8488.1465 C -7770.6958 8487.6504 -7769.5674 8485.3311 -7769.5674 8483.2969 c -7769.5674 8480.0156 -7771.4951 8477.3594 -7774.8042 8477.3594 c -7777.3286 8477.3594 -7779.3618 8479.2861 -7779.3618 8481.2402 c -7779.3618 8481.8906 -7779.0479 8483.793 -7777.3286 8483.793 c -7776.7305 8483.793 -7776.4697 8483.5313 -7776.4697 8483.2705 c -7776.4697 8483.0898 -7776.5742 8482.8799 -7776.7822 8482.6465 C -7777.0166 8482.4111 -7777.1729 8481.9951 -7777.1729 8481.6309 c -7777.1729 8481.3975 -7776.9385 8480.25 -7775.5854 8480.25 c -7774.4648 8480.25 -7773.5791 8481.3701 -7773.5791 8482.3594 c -7773.5791 8483.3496 -7774.3857 8484.9902 -7776.8608 8484.9902 c -7779.3096 8484.9902 -7780.3247 8482.8555 -7780.3247 8481.5264 c -7780.3247 8477.0723 -7775.6631 8476.5254 -7775.4546 8476.5254 c -7775.1685 8476.5254 -7774.96 8476.3945 -7774.96 8476.2129 c -7774.96 8476.1338 -7775.0122 8476.0303 -7775.0898 8475.9258 C -7775.5073 8475.4053 -7775.7666 8474.5186 -7775.7666 8473.791 c -7775.7666 8473.2168 -7775.5073 8471.0557 -7772.9282 8471.0557 c -7771.5215 8471.0557 -7770.3232 8471.8887 -7770.3232 8473.2441 c -7770.3232 8474.416 -7771.3921 8475.1455 -7772.1982 8475.1455 c -7772.7715 8475.1455 -7773.1362 8474.8848 -7773.1362 8474.5977 c -7773.1362 8474.5186 -7773.1362 8474.209 -7772.6934 8474.209 c -7772.6152 8474.209 -7772.1982 8474.3125 -7772.0942 8474.3125 c -7771.7295 8474.3125 -7771.2354 8473.9209 -7771.2354 8473.2168 c -7771.2354 8472.3584 -7772.2246 8471.8633 -7772.9014 8471.8633 c -7774.3599 8471.8633 -7774.8818 8472.8789 -7774.8818 8473.7119 c -7774.8818 8475.041 -7774.5698 8475.25 -7771.6265 8477.3066 c -7770.5439 8478.0615 -7769.6064 8479.085 -7769.0591 8480.4727 C -7769.0591 8486.0381 L -7769.4951 8487.1816 -7770.1538 8488.1494 -7770.8174 8488.9121 C -7772.4351 8490.3477 -7772.5034 8490.7754 -7769.9858 8490.915 c f 0 D -7788.3169 8481.9863 m -7788.3169 8482.585 -7788.0562 8482.8477 -7787.7959 8482.8477 c -7787.6138 8482.8477 -7787.4058 8482.7422 -7787.1714 8482.5342 C -7786.9375 8482.2998 -7786.5195 8482.1445 -7786.1553 8482.1445 c -7786.1338 8482.1445 -7786.1055 8482.1465 -7786.0713 8482.1504 C -7786.4287 8481.5898 -7786.6943 8480.9199 -7786.7969 8480.126 C -7787.5313 8480.3594 -7788.3169 8480.8828 -7788.3169 8481.9863 c f -7782.7798 8477.8047 m -7782.7798 8477.7266 -7782.9102 8477.1016 -7783.7432 8477.1016 c -7785.1538 8477.1016 -7785.6431 8478.2012 -7785.8047 8478.998 C 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8476.1895 -7744.9302 8476.1367 -7744.9302 8476.0059 c -7744.9302 8475.877 -7744.7744 8475.6943 -7744.3838 8475.3809 C -7744.2734 8475.2988 -7744.1738 8475.209 -7744.0845 8475.1104 C -7744.0845 8472.3887 L -7744.6831 8471.6465 -7745.7046 8471.1621 -7746.5449 8471.1621 c -7747.1714 8471.1621 -7747.8745 8471.5273 -7748.1089 8471.8135 C -7748.2383 8471.9434 -7748.3945 8471.9951 -7748.5503 8471.9951 c -7748.7075 8471.9951 -7748.8374 8471.9434 -7748.8896 8471.8398 c -7749.0718 8471.4492 -7749.4102 8471.1895 -7749.8794 8471.1895 c -7750.6353 8471.1895 -7753.5 8473.8711 -7753.5 8474.626 c -7753.5 8474.7568 -7753.3955 8474.8086 -7753.2129 8474.8086 c -7752.9785 8474.8086 -7752.5879 8474.7041 -7752.2241 8474.5215 C -7751.9897 8474.418 -7750.8955 8473.6113 -7750.6079 8473.6113 c -7750.2695 8473.6113 -7750.0352 8474.418 -7749.6978 8474.418 c -7749.4102 8474.418 -7748.3169 8473.4277 -7748.0566 8473.2461 c -7747.8223 8473.0898 -7747.0664 8472.334 -7746.4155 8472.334 c -7745.5039 8472.334 -7744.5918 8472.8281 -7744.5918 8473.8184 c -7744.5918 8474.3398 -7745.3994 8475.877 -7748.2383 8476.3711 c -7748.4995 8476.4229 -7749.8535 8476.3975 -7750.1665 8476.4229 c -7750.4785 8476.4492 -7752.0161 8475.9814 -7752.3535 8475.9023 c -7753.3955 8475.668 -7753.4736 8475.668 -7755.4272 8475.668 c -7755.5576 8475.668 -7755.6362 8475.668 -7755.6362 8475.5898 c -7755.6362 8475.5381 -7755.6094 8475.46 -7755.5313 8475.3564 C -7755.2705 8474.9648 -7755.0361 8474.4434 -7755.0361 8473.8447 c -7755.0361 8472.5166 -7756.3906 8471.1621 -7757.9014 8471.1621 c -7760.8184 8471.1621 -7760.8184 8472.8809 -7760.8184 8473.1152 c -7760.8184 8473.6621 -7760.4795 8474.7822 -7759.2295 8474.7822 c -7758.5264 8474.7822 -7758.2402 8474.4434 -7758.2402 8474.1309 c -7758.2402 8473.8975 -7758.3706 8473.7148 -7758.5527 8473.6367 c -7758.8135 8473.5322 -7758.9175 8473.4023 -7758.9175 8473.2725 c -7758.9175 8473.0117 -7758.5527 8472.7773 -7758.1094 8472.7773 c -7757.3022 8472.7773 -7756.5474 8473.5586 -7756.5474 8474.21 c 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8471.1104 c -7783.6313 8471.1104 -7784.5679 8472.3594 -7784.5679 8473.4277 c -7784.5679 8474.4961 -7783.9697 8474.8613 -7783.6826 8475.2256 c -7783.5786 8475.3564 -7783.5264 8475.4336 -7783.5264 8475.4854 c -7783.5264 8475.5645 -7783.6055 8475.5898 -7783.7607 8475.5898 c -7784.3857 8475.5898 -7787.1729 8476.0586 -7787.7466 8476.0586 c -7788.4751 8476.0586 -7794.4395 8476.0586 -7794.4395 8474.002 c -7794.4395 8473.0361 -7793.6846 8472.543 -7792.7983 8472.543 c -7792.1475 8472.543 -7791.2881 8473.4814 -7790.8457 8473.793 c -7790.1426 8474.3145 -7789.6206 8474.3145 Y -7789.4648 8474.3145 -7789.3862 8474.2607 -7789.3599 8474.1563 C -7789.2305 8473.1416 -7789.1519 8472.9336 -7788.8662 8472.9336 c -7788.3975 8472.9336 -7787.5898 8473.6895 -7787.4072 8474.0801 c -7787.2778 8474.3662 -7786.9902 8474.4961 -7786.7041 8474.4961 c -7786.4185 8474.4961 -7786.0791 8474.3662 -7786.0791 8473.9229 c -7786.0791 8472.9072 -7788.71 8471.1895 -7789.2046 8471.1895 c -7789.6738 8471.1895 -7790.0122 8471.4492 -7790.1943 8471.8398 c -7790.2466 8471.9434 -7790.3774 8471.9951 -7790.5327 8471.9951 c -7790.6895 8471.9951 -7790.8457 8471.9434 -7790.9761 8471.8135 C -7791.21 8471.5273 -7791.9126 8471.1621 -7792.5386 8471.1621 c -7793.3794 8471.1621 -7794.3999 8471.6465 -7795 8472.3887 C -7795 8475.0654 L -7794.9082 8475.1738 -7794.8081 8475.2793 -7794.7002 8475.3809 C -7794.4395 8475.6426 -7794.3359 8475.7979 -7794.3359 8475.9287 c -7794.3359 8476.085 -7794.9346 8476.502 -7794.9346 8476.6318 c -7794.9346 8477.3086 -7794.3882 8477.3086 -7793.1895 8477.3086 c -7793.0063 8477.3086 -7792.1738 8477.2568 -7792.0176 8477.2568 c -7791.7568 8477.2568 -7791.6274 8477.3359 -7791.6274 8477.4648 c -7791.6274 8477.5693 -7791.7305 8477.6992 -7791.8862 8477.8301 c -7792.8442 8478.6016 -7794.2529 8480.0508 -7795 8482.0166 C -7795 8487.583 L -7794.4526 8488.9717 -7793.5166 8489.9941 -7792.4336 8490.75 c -7789.4912 8492.8066 -7789.1782 8493.0137 -7789.1782 8494.3418 c -7789.1782 8495.1758 -7789.6992 8496.1914 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205.623 Y 318.4053 210.9102 313.8193 215.3604 v 312.3579 216.7764 311.0322 217.8262 309.8945 218.584 c 309.0137 219.1553 308.2646 219.5664 307.6406 219.8613 c 306.5371 220.3838 305.9048 220.5225 Y 306.585 214.5029 306.8652 204.2021 v 306.8999 202.8906 306.9233 201.5 306.9429 200.0439 c 306.9932 196.3877 308.1865 192.8193 310.4214 189.9189 c 311.6602 188.3252 313.1436 186.543 314.8364 184.3096 c 321.2593 175.8291 333.4248 162.958 Y 339.8496 179.8896 338.1094 199.6152 v 336.3936 218.9727 327.1831 236.7666 326.8379 237.4424 C 327.2759 237.1719 334.125 232.8672 339.1484 226.5156 c 344.3276 219.9678 353.4795 202.6357 364.1099 177.3066 c 371.5112 159.6416 378.3594 149.7285 388.9033 142.4697 c 393.4741 139.3047 398.7725 136.6523 405.1172 134.082 c 426.0391 125.623 447.8359 127.627 Y 438.8184 149.1602 434.0273 169.4512 v 429.2217 189.7334 426.3984 207.4932 Y 413.958 212.1641 397.0156 229.3613 v 380.0649 246.5664 375.5566 254.582 Y 369.8335 253.1396 360.6016 252.3535 v 353.7344 251.7734 346.4824 252.6094 Y 361.3423 257.7666 375.6587 264.3467 v 389.9746 270.917 403.6533 278.6514 Y 406.2207 277.0527 409.6123 275.0381 414.0508 272.6738 c 427.5381 265.4395 458.2822 255.208 458.3135 255.1904 C 458.4648 247.665 457.9512 229.2578 450.3779 211.1309 C 466.3262 205.623 L 474.6504 209.4473 L 472.6904 220.6221 471.2998 245.208 470.8057 255.1904 C 470.9463 255.3008 491.9805 269.1426 498.4209 275.3555 c 504.8945 281.5801 504.9209 283.5996 Y 504.3496 295.2871 502.0781 306.52 498.3535 317.085 C 464.085 337.6191 L 449.6621 331.0093 L f 0 D 385.9238 218.4463 m 396.6631 207.5469 406.0215 200.9736 412.3828 197.2207 C 413.6836 189.9697 415.9102 178.4473 418.8848 165.8701 c 420.6182 158.5322 422.8447 151.1162 425.0313 144.5029 C 406.9932 160.6299 395.6738 185.1504 v 385.6953 206.7559 373.9009 228.2129 370 235.2119 c 369.1338 236.7158 368.6655 237.5781 Y 372.3599 232.9648 377.8711 226.6318 385.9238 218.4463 c f 496.2549 285.5117 m 495.6094 284.7207 494.4736 283.4082 492.498 281.5195 c 488.2822 277.4541 475.6807 268.7578 468.7246 264.1045 C 469.0068 268.5605 469.1279 273.0488 469.1279 277.5791 c 469.1279 294.9609 467.2129 311.8203 463.6055 327.9258 C 491.2578 311.3584 L 493.9473 302.9805 495.6279 294.3174 496.2549 285.5117 C f *U U LB %AI5_EndLayer-- %AI5_BeginLayer 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 255 79 79 0 50 Lb (PMS 428) Ln 1 A 0 A u 0 O 0.02 0 0 0.18 (PANTONE 428 C) 0 x 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 289.4688 321.1147 m 263.6558 326.9648 L 281.0679 313.938 L 279.25 304.4492 278.4858 294.5371 278.9238 284.3965 c 279.8701 262.4756 286.4224 241.9775 296.8135 224.6982 C 288.042 241.2979 282.8579 260.7295 282.8579 281.2988 c 282.8579 295.3145 285.1919 308.7432 289.4688 321.1147 C f 278.7295 370.1553 m 293.0371 348.2026 L 290.6968 343.7676 288.6177 339.1592 286.8281 334.3989 C 266.6035 339.208 L 289.9224 322.4375 L 293.8081 333.3086 299.1968 343.3447 305.79 352.249 C 278.7295 370.1553 L f 375.3042 393.2407 m 364.0112 443.6509 L 361.271 404.7568 L 350.6143 401.7534 340.6445 397.0854 331.5405 391.0801 C 321.3516 402.5894 L 325.1348 386.5068 L 318.625 381.5283 312.6689 375.8154 307.3452 369.4854 C 286.3555 383.3804 L 307.4697 354.4336 L 324.2104 375.9233 348.2202 390.3779 375.3042 393.2407 C f *u 1 D 564.9922 451.1719 m 527.7051 483.7627 479.8428 501.7031 430.2432 501.7031 c 404.8389 501.7031 380.0024 497.1001 356.4673 488.0093 c 350.8691 485.8428 345.312 483.4219 339.9927 480.79 c 316.9976 469.2183 296.7554 452.6768 279.8096 431.626 c 251.355 396.2808 234.8164 350.7051 233.2407 303.2793 c 232.6841 286.0596 234.0527 262.4922 234.9678 246.8857 c 235.3135 240.8926 235.5898 236.1729 235.6504 233.5371 c 235.8726 225.0557 235.9824 218.3955 235.9824 213.7471 c 235.9824 184.5264 231.6084 156.3945 223.271 131.7959 C 222.2451 128.7969 L 217.1094 113.7295 L 234.7065 121.1348 L 240.3994 123.5332 255.4438 131.3291 272.0132 151.7197 c 280.7446 162.4814 287.9292 173.6826 293.4043 185.0381 C 294.3716 183.0645 295.5415 181.2148 296.8779 179.4785 c 297.4243 178.7725 298.0117 178.0039 298.6055 177.2891 C 299.1299 176.6055 L 299.7715 175.793 300.4707 174.9365 301.1831 173.9727 c 306.7578 166.6279 315.7734 156.7861 320.6353 151.5713 C 326.4663 145.3965 L 332.8022 145.4336 L 333.8101 136.6826 341.2349 129.8848 350.2563 129.8848 c 356.7461 129.8848 362.3994 133.4111 365.4443 138.6426 C 369.4097 135.4844 374.2891 131.75 379.2119 128.3555 c 382.0186 126.4463 384.8599 124.749 387.895 123.1621 c 391.1318 121.4688 394.6592 119.8428 398.707 118.2119 c 415.7588 111.3184 433.0479 110.2969 441.8174 110.2969 c 451.1289 110.2969 457.377 110.6357 461.6279 111.1035 c 467.7588 111.7734 469.7324 112.7256 470.6846 113.2744 C 471.7451 113.8242 475.3164 115.8213 478.7275 118.7451 c 484.1855 123.4912 488.541 127.9834 491.6865 132.1094 c 491.9805 132.4941 492.2588 132.8857 492.54 133.2744 c 493.4531 134.5703 494.2168 135.7939 494.875 137.0273 C 495.9785 139.2959 L 496.4492 140.541 L 498.5322 145.9863 501.4883 156.9111 506.9014 187.6787 C 506.9619 187.9629 507.0127 188.2549 507.0586 188.5352 C 507.3398 190.124 L 507.709 192.3311 L 507.7539 192.6133 507.8027 192.9131 507.8623 193.1895 C 507.916 193.5508 507.9766 193.8916 508.0391 194.2217 c 508.1924 195.1045 508.333 195.958 508.4736 196.7842 c 508.626 197.6914 508.7822 198.5898 508.9414 199.4834 c 509.127 200.5713 509.2949 201.5947 509.4502 202.5859 c 509.543 203.1748 509.6563 203.7432 509.7314 204.3027 C 509.8545 205 509.9688 205.6865 510.0596 206.3232 c 510.917 211.4111 511.4307 214.877 511.7402 217.1367 C 511.7549 217.1543 511.7549 217.1611 511.7549 217.1992 C 511.7979 217.5557 511.8555 217.9189 511.915 218.2529 C 511.9277 218.4121 511.96 218.5664 511.9707 218.709 C 512.001 218.8574 512.0225 219.0176 512.0371 219.1553 c 512.0527 219.3135 512.0801 219.4561 512.1006 219.5771 C 512.1572 220.166 512.208 220.5176 512.2246 220.6816 c 512.4238 222.2363 513.123 230.3604 508.4736 238.5303 c 506.2842 242.4072 501.6289 248.3008 497.7236 252.9971 C 498.1914 253.3408 498.7021 253.6973 499.2295 254.0918 C 499.25 254.1025 499.2656 254.1025 499.2656 254.1182 C 504.2432 257.7881 507.9238 260.7588 510.2822 263.0234 c 516.0186 268.5264 521.917 275.2471 522.041 283.3369 C 522.041 283.9746 L 522.0244 284.2109 L 522.0078 284.4834 L 521.3691 297.543 518.834 310.4209 514.5137 322.7637 C 513.4834 325.6855 L 512.4561 328.6016 L 507.165 331.7686 L 499.2002 336.5337 L 494.6689 345.1997 489.1973 353.291 482.8545 360.6787 C 497.5029 386.8301 517.5078 408.8481 540.9902 424.5566 c 548.0361 429.2749 555.4258 433.4639 562.9736 436.9609 C 574.8906 442.5146 L 564.9922 451.1719 L f 0 D 344.8887 138.4326 m 342.3848 138.4326 L 342.3848 145.4902 L 342.3848 147.3525 L 339.4199 147.3525 L 339.4199 149.458 L 347.8945 149.458 L 347.8945 147.3525 L 344.8887 147.3525 L 344.8887 145.5049 L 344.8887 138.4326 L f 358.646 138.4326 m 358.4858 142.6514 L 358.4707 143.002 358.4565 143.373 358.4438 143.7568 c 358.4082 144.8252 358.3848 146.002 358.3848 147.1826 C 358.3413 147.1826 L 358.1045 146.21 357.8101 145.166 357.5117 144.1875 c 357.3774 143.7461 357.2422 143.3145 357.1108 142.9141 C 355.772 138.6094 L 353.8223 138.6094 L 352.6396 142.8555 L 352.4219 143.6689 352.1963 144.5811 351.9927 145.499 c 351.8672 146.0654 351.748 146.6338 351.6509 147.1826 C 351.6118 147.1826 L 351.5894 146.6455 351.5674 146.0811 351.5454 145.5146 c 351.5063 144.5107 351.4658 143.501 351.418 142.6191 C 351.2217 138.4326 L 348.9087 138.4326 L 349.3633 145.5313 L 349.6147 149.458 L 352.9355 149.458 L 354.0132 145.7715 L 354.0615 145.5938 354.1074 145.3994 354.1558 145.2168 c 354.4492 144.1084 354.7363 142.9385 354.9497 141.833 C 354.9995 141.833 L 355.229 142.7852 355.4941 143.835 355.7676 144.8145 c 355.8613 145.1504 355.9556 145.4775 356.0503 145.79 C 357.2188 149.458 L 360.479 149.458 L 360.8765 142.2871 L 361.0898 138.4326 L 358.646 138.4326 L f 536.2305 431.6699 m 509.9521 414.0918 488 389.1797 472.4697 359.4512 C 480.5771 350.8926 487.4248 341.1191 492.7295 330.4458 C 505.4072 322.8394 L 506.4365 319.9331 L 510.4941 308.3701 512.8623 296.293 513.4678 284.0215 C 513.4834 283.7432 L 513.4834 283.4746 L 513.4189 279.5527 510.6973 275.2773 504.3496 269.1914 c 500.333 265.3418 491.8877 259.2383 485.123 254.5518 C 497.458 240.6289 501.0352 234.3105 v 504.6104 228.0098 503.7246 221.6758 Y 503.1201 215.8594 499.2773 193.792 v 499.1553 193.0811 499.0322 192.3545 498.9043 191.623 c 498.8115 191.0586 498.7021 190.4951 498.6064 189.9434 c 492.6973 156.1924 489.7725 146.5313 487.9072 142.2559 C 487.7197 141.8496 L 487.1729 140.667 486.4238 139.4561 485.5703 138.251 c 481.7754 132.9443 476.2051 127.8906 473.1113 125.2051 c 469.9961 122.5254 466.5264 120.751 Y 463.3535 118.8486 441.8174 118.8486 v 433.126 118.8486 417.3926 119.8936 401.9102 126.1543 c 398.1787 127.6611 394.8691 129.1709 391.8638 130.7422 c 388.9966 132.2305 386.4292 133.7842 384.0332 135.4238 c 378.2061 139.4443 372.3013 144.0586 367.8223 147.708 c 367.5664 147.916 367.2969 148.1338 367.0508 148.3359 c 362.4561 152.1055 356.7109 154.1191 350.7871 154.0938 C 333.9414 153.9893 L 330.1436 153.9658 L 327.1987 157.0811 L 326.7002 157.625 314.6484 170.3799 308.0161 179.1445 c 307.0381 180.4395 306.1357 181.5547 305.311 182.5967 c 304.7217 183.3242 304.1753 184.0254 303.6597 184.7031 c 300.3325 188.9902 298.4609 194.3965 298.3896 199.9277 c 298.3896 199.9736 298.3896 200.0098 298.3652 200.0488 C 298.1997 212.1572 297.4028 219.501 297.3877 219.5771 C 296.8135 224.6631 L 296.3301 223.1543 294.5425 193.041 265.3726 157.1289 c 248.8457 136.7813 234.439 130.3125 231.376 129.0273 C 233.8193 136.1865 235.9312 143.7178 237.7251 151.5547 C 247.3276 161.168 L 238.5303 155.2314 L 240.4473 164.209 241.9414 173.5566 242.939 183.2178 C 252.9912 191.166 L 243.2476 186.2344 L 244.0684 194.8809 244.5083 203.7695 244.5361 212.832 C 255.2407 219.3301 L 244.5215 216.0469 L 244.5083 220.5439 244.396 226.4814 244.2104 233.75 c 244.1675 235.8281 243.9902 239.0225 243.7612 243.0449 C 256.4688 247.665 L 243.5757 246.2314 L 243.1543 253.541 242.6084 262.7988 242.2046 272.3516 C 261.1973 274.6084 L 242.0664 275.9443 L 241.7515 284.2109 241.583 292.5322 241.7236 299.8545 C 269.5459 297.3574 L 241.8613 304.4297 L 242.3125 316.2563 243.729 327.8013 246.0024 338.9707 C 265.0117 333.0938 L 247.1528 344.2866 L 250.8384 360.4614 256.3613 375.8032 263.4077 390.0547 C 282.2188 376.5796 L 266.6353 396.3105 L 271.4868 405.3306 276.979 413.8735 283.0435 421.8574 C 300.7231 402.3789 L 287.9292 428.0322 L 296.3149 438.208 305.665 447.373 315.8076 455.3076 C 330.2642 427.8916 L 322.7617 460.4849 L 329.4736 465.2339 336.5078 469.4473 343.7813 473.1221 c 348.9219 475.6597 354.1787 477.958 359.5459 480.0322 c 359.8594 480.1553 360.1699 480.2607 360.4805 480.373 c 362.3008 481.0376 364.123 481.6582 365.9688 482.252 C 373.189 446.0957 L 374.9307 484.8828 L 387.3682 488.1299 400.3223 489.8433 413.6279 489.8433 c 419.8955 489.8433 426.1055 489.4517 432.208 488.7109 C 427.0996 446.7734 L 442.0674 487.168 L 462.6191 483.2949 481.9473 475.2974 499.3535 463.9434 C 485.8516 439.1401 468.9707 414.5435 448.8672 391.0967 C 448.8506 391.0801 448.8408 391.0664 448.8408 391.0537 C 431.8604 402.144 412.001 408.582 390.8945 408.7568 C 382.4224 447.8179 L 379.1216 393.5576 L 381.125 393.6963 383.1499 393.75 385.1836 393.75 c 409.7266 393.75 432.2188 384.2637 449.8438 368.4448 C 451.9336 374.2109 454.2227 379.8789 456.6943 385.4189 c 462.9141 399.4194 470.2773 412.6431 478.6621 424.9512 c 487.0342 437.2573 496.4316 448.6162 506.7021 458.9004 C 506.6836 458.9165 506.6699 458.9165 506.6504 458.9282 C 499.4766 468.8091 491.7002 477.8179 483.4199 485.8428 C 511.8799 477.8623 537.709 463.6299 559.3643 444.7275 C 551.3545 440.9863 543.6182 436.6162 536.2305 431.6699 c f *U 469.1279 277.5791 m 469.1279 273.0488 469.0068 268.5605 468.7246 264.1045 C 475.6807 268.7578 488.2822 277.4541 492.498 281.5195 c 494.4736 283.4082 495.6094 284.7207 496.2549 285.5117 C 495.6279 294.3174 493.9473 302.9805 491.2578 311.3584 C 463.6055 327.9258 L 467.2129 311.8203 469.1279 294.9609 469.1279 277.5791 c f 375.0322 349.6948 m 389.8301 349.6948 403.5967 345.29 415.1055 337.7271 C 384.562 301.1748 L 384.5586 301.1699 L 384.5532 301.1641 L 384.5659 301.1738 L 438.3271 342.1641 L 432.9756 346.4976 427.0732 350.1816 420.7432 353.0938 c 410.1895 357.9492 398.4434 360.6597 386.0625 360.6597 c 385.3862 360.6597 384.7158 360.6353 384.0435 360.6191 c 383.543 360.6074 383.0405 360.6045 382.5425 360.584 c 381.853 360.5552 381.1694 360.5054 380.4849 360.46 c 379.959 360.4253 379.4321 360.3936 378.9092 360.3491 c 378.2349 360.2915 377.5645 360.2202 376.895 360.1465 c 376.3687 360.0889 375.8433 360.0283 375.3198 359.9609 c 374.6572 359.8755 373.9976 359.7827 373.3398 359.6816 c 372.8169 359.6011 372.2969 359.5127 371.7769 359.4229 c 371.1265 359.3101 370.4761 359.1968 369.8311 359.0688 c 369.3125 358.9663 368.7988 358.8506 368.2842 358.7383 c 367.645 358.5986 367.0039 358.4648 366.3706 358.311 c 365.8599 358.187 365.3564 358.0449 364.8491 357.9111 c 363.71 357.6108 362.5806 357.2881 361.4609 356.9414 c 360.9272 356.7759 360.3906 356.6167 359.8613 356.4409 c 359.2832 356.249 358.7124 356.041 358.1396 355.8364 c 357.6084 355.6465 357.0767 355.458 356.5503 355.2578 c 355.9902 355.0449 355.4351 354.8218 354.8804 354.5972 c 354.3491 354.3818 353.8203 354.1626 353.2949 353.9365 c 352.7559 353.7051 352.2192 353.4697 351.6865 353.2271 c 351.1489 352.9824 350.6167 352.729 350.0854 352.4731 c 349.5762 352.228 349.0659 351.9844 348.5625 351.7295 c 347.9912 351.4399 347.4287 351.1367 346.8652 350.8345 c 346.4131 350.5918 345.957 350.3574 345.5103 350.1069 c 344.5488 349.5679 343.5981 349.0122 342.6611 348.437 c 342.2944 348.2119 341.9385 347.9727 341.5757 347.7422 c 340.9624 347.3525 340.3496 346.9629 339.7476 346.5581 c 339.3291 346.2764 338.9189 345.9834 338.5059 345.6943 c 337.9712 345.3208 337.4385 344.9448 336.9131 344.5591 c 336.4951 344.2515 336.0825 343.938 335.6704 343.623 c 335.1592 343.2324 334.6528 342.8364 334.1514 342.4346 c 333.75 342.1128 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