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PaperCut (Printing on Campus)

Student printing to Konica Copiers on campus

IWU's PaperCut print management solution streamlines printing from public computers and personally owned computers, phones, tablets, etc., to various Konica copiers across campus.  Documents are queued for 24 hours and can be released from the queue at the following Konica copiers:

  • Ames Library - 5 copiers in public spaces - Information Commons, floors 2,3, & 4
  • State Farm Hall 122 and the Main Floor Hallway near the study booths
  • CNS E204/210, Atrium entry level West, 2nd Floor Near Labs on NW side
  • Memorial Center near Campus Safety
  • Shirk Center main lobby
  • Hansen Center 1st floor

Setting up your device to print

Note: Instructions below apply to students. Faculty/Staff should enter an IT Support request - our team will help you set up Papercut on IWU-owned computers

  • Be sure your device is connected to the IWU campus network
  • Visit the website from the device that needs to print. The link will automatically direct you to the correct installation instructions for your device. Instructions for other platforms (Android, Mac, Windows, et) are found at the bottom of the page.  
  • The name of the printer you will add is - Secure follow me printing - Student
  • Be sure to enter your IWU NetID and password when prompted for a username and password - you may need to clear out your computer username and replace it with your IWU account.  
  • Print from your device and choose  secure follow me printing from the printer selection drop-down.

To retrieve your print job

  • Visit any of the Konica copiers listed above
  • Swipe your ID Card in the ID Card Reader attached to the front of the Copier or enter your ID Number (900XXXXXX) using the touch panel to login to the copier 
    • Note - the very first time you swipe your ID Card, you may be asked to enter your IWU ID and Password - This is your NetID (the part of your email address before @iwu.edu) and your email password
    • You will be prompted with a message indicating you have jobs waiting to print
    • Touch Close
  • Touch Release to view your waiting print jobs - your print jobs will be displayed
  • Select the items you wish to print.  Jobs you choose not to print will be deleted automatically
  • Press the Blue Start Button (the Start Button will be orange until you select your jobs) to print your documents
  • Press the Access Button on the right side of the touch panel twice to log off the copier


  • Students receive a $100 credit to print each semester.  If you deplete your quota please contact the IT Services Help Desk at it@iwu.edu
  • Black and white printing typically costs $0.04 per page, and color can range from $0.11-$0.20 per page.
  • Depending on the page size and whether or not color is being used, students can print between 500-2,500 pages with the $100.00 credit.
  • Students will receive an email to notify them that they are reaching the credit limit once they have around $5.00 left. If you require funds for your PaperCut printing account, please email us at it@iwu.edu.

Still Need Help?

Phone: (309)556-3900