Medical Amnesty Policy
I. Philosophy a. The health and safety of members of the À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ community
is a primary concern. b. Students need to seek immediate medical attention for themselves or others when
someone's health and/or safety is at risk. c. Students may be reluctant to seek assistance for themselves or someone else for
fear of facing consequences from IWU for policy violations. d. IWU seeks to remove barriers that prevent students from seeking the medical attention
they need. II. POLICY Note: This Policy only provides amnesty from violations of the Illinois Wesleyan's
Alcohol Policy and Substance Policy. It does not grant amnesty for criminal, civil,
or legal consequences for violations of Federal, State, or Local law. The Protections
of this Medical Amnesty will not apply to violations that are egregious, in the sole
judgment of the Dean of Students or designee, including, but not limited to, hazing,
sexual assault, weapons possession, possession of drugs that induce incapacitation
(e.g. Rohypnol or other "date rape drugs"), and all drug offenses beyond mere possession. a. Students who seek emergency medical attention for themselves related to consumption
of alcohol or drugs, or intoxication will not be charged with violations of the IWU
Alcohol and Substance Policy related to that consumption of alcohol (specifically
level 1 Alcohol or Drug Violations) provided that the student subsequently meets with
the Associate Dean of Students. In that meeting, the Associate Dean will work with
the student to determine what, if any, appropriate educational program or counseling
assessment might be helpful to the student. Failure to schedule this meeting or complete
required educational or counseling program may result in judicial charges. b. Students who seek emergency medical attention for someone else will not be charged
with violations of the IWU Alcohol and Substance Policy related to consumption of
alcohol or drugs, or intoxication, provided that the student subsequently meets with
the Associate Dean of Students. In that meeting, the Associate Dean will work with
the student to determine what, if any, appropriate educational program or counseling
assessment might be helpful to the student. Failure to schedule this meeting may
result in judicial charges. c. This policy only applies to individual students. In circumstances where a student
organization encounters a situations whereby one of their members or guests requires
emergency medical attention related to consumption of drugs or alcohol or intoxication,
the student organization is required to seek immediate medical assistance and remain
with the individual experiencing the medical emergency until medical assistance arrives.
In the event of such a scenario, the organization will be eligible to apply for medical
amnesty under this policy which will be granted under the sole discretion of the Dean
of Students or designee. If a representative of a student organization seeks medical
assistance, this act of responsibility may mitigate potential consequences for violations
of the Student Code of Conduct or other University policies that could arise against
the organization, i.e., the fact that an organization sough help will be favorably
considered in potential sanctioning for university policy violations. d. This policy applies only to those students who seek emergency medical assistance
in connection with an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency and does not apply
to individuals experiencing an alcohol or drug-related medical emergency who are found
by IWU employees. (i.e. University Police, Faculty, administrative staff, residence
hall staff). e. The À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ Medical Amnesty Policy is not intended to shield
or protect those students or organizations that repeatedly violate the Alcohol and
Substance Policy. In cases where repeated violations of the IWU Alcohol and Substance
Policy occur, IWU reserves the right to take judicial action on a case by case basis
regardless of the manner in which the incident was reported. Additionally IWU reserves
the right to adjudicate any case in which the violations are egregious. f. Application of this policy does not preclude students and organizations from being
charged with other violations of the Student Code of Conduct or University policies
related to the incident (e.g., property damage, physical violence, disorderly conduct,
being in possession of false identification, etc.).

Prince Robertson - Dean of Students for Community Standards and Advocacy
Department - Dean Of Students