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À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ’s Philosophy/Statement on Alcohol

A review of alcohol issues at IWU begins with guiding principles upon which policies and programs are built. Following is IWU’s philosophical statement regarding the consumption of alcohol, which is made available online and via the student handbook.

À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ exists primarily to provide students a liberal education of excellence – an education fostering the knowledge, skills and values needed to sustain a lifetime of learning, citizenship and leadership. An essential foundation of academic excellence is a learning environment free from both threats to one’s safety as well as other distractions from the pursuit of personal and academic achievement. The misuse or abuse of alcohol is such a threat to the safety and productivity of a healthy learning environment. It is a threat the University will not accept. To that end, IWU expects all members of the community to make informed and responsible decisions about the appropriate use of alcohol. The University, in turn, views as one of its fundamental obligations the responsibility to provide students and the other IWU community members with the information, guidance, and assistance needed to enhance their wellness. This obligation incorporates a holistic approach to wellness, including support for both the decision whether to consume alcohol or the manner by which to use it responsibly. The university affirms that, given such support, its students are endowed themselves with the ability and primary responsibility to regulate and monitor alcohol consumption compatible with a productive educational environment safe for all students.

The University community believes it is able to positively influence alcohol consumption patterns and associated behavior. The devastating consequences of alcohol misuse and abuse are too obvious and extensive to be left unattended. Alcohol misuse or abuse contributes to poor academic performance, interpersonal problems, motor vehicle accidents and fatalities, unplanned or unprotected sexual activity, physical and sexual assault, suicide and other unacceptable outcomes. The University recognizes that alcohol consumption by students and other community members is shaped by pervasive societal, family, and peer norms preexisting entrance to the University community. Consequently, profoundly re-shaping norms is a difficult task requiring more time than an undergraduate tenure. Still, the University aspires to create a norm where alcohol misuse or abuse by any community member, is firmly deterred and suitably remedied. The University acknowledges that students and other community members consume alcohol, but tolerates only the legal consumption of alcohol in a manner consistent with its educational mission and the immediate safety and long-term health of the consumer.

The specific policies adopted by the University to achieve the ideals reflected in this philosophical statement will be built upon two premises. First, the employment of alcohol education, as both a prevention measure and as a response to conduct indicative of misuse or abuse, is more effective and efficient than codes based solely on admonition and punishment. The University is committed to provide meaningful, comprehensive, and extensive education to students and others at all stages of their participation in the IWU community. Educational efforts will have as their goal the creation of an environment conducive to academic achievement, student safety, healthy lifestyles and a reduction of the pressure directed toward students, regardless of their age, to misuse or abuse alcohol.

The second premise recognizes the stake students have in the safe use of alcohol. The University community acknowledges that students, primarily, experience the negative consequences of alcohol misuse or abuse. They must live, interact and work collaboratively with peers who may misuse or abuse alcohol and thereby detract from the healthy, safe and constructive educational and social environments students rightfully expect. A corollary belief is that students are capable both of specifying that behavior which detracts from their safe and productive learning environment and determining the just consequence to those who conduct diminishes their academic opportunities. Therefore, students intelligently can and should assume a central role in consistently administering the University’s alcohol policy.

Efforts to address alcohol education must be multifaceted, with special emphasis placed on building bridges of communication and trust. The entire campus community, (students, faculty, parents, administration, alumni, and the Board of Trustees) actively shares in the responsibility of creating an environment that is conducive to healthy lifestyles that include emotional and psychological well-being.

Given our belief that À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ students are capable of making intelligent and informed decisions regarding alcohol use, it is the responsibility of the University to provide accurate information regarding AOD risks and thus empower members of the college community to make informed decisions that positively influence campus climate.