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Student Senate Chief of Staff

Chloe Shapkauski

Email: senate.chiefofstaff@iwu.edu


Mission Statement: As Student Senate's Chief of Staff, my mission is to facilitate honest and transparent communication between the General Assembly, the Senators, and the IWU student body. I aim to create a comfortable and organized environment where individuals have the information they need to use Student Senate's resources effectively. I want everyone to understand the impact of the Student Senate on campus and how the entire student body can benefit from contributing to General Assembly discussions. As the chair of the Internal Affairs Committee, I strive to ensure that committee members feel heard, valued, and successful in their campus contributions. Overall, I aim to reduce misunderstandings between Senators, the Executive Board, Senate staff, and the student body, thereby facilitating meaningful change on campus.

Duties: Ensure clear communication between the Executive Board and Senators, maintain an understanding of the functions of Student Senate and the Student Senate Constitution, give necessary Bylaw interpretations, and run all Student Senate elections in accordance with the Elections Code.