Weather Emergencies
Winter Weather
In the event that weather conditions delays the start of the work and class day, or requires the closing of the university, the following will occur:
The President in consultation with the University Cabinet will make the decision about University-wide class cancellations, late starts, or early closures.
Individuals may work with faculty, coaches and supervisors about their personal needs regarding weather circumstances.
Information relating to university closing or delayed start will be sent to students, faculty and staff via the emergency notification system. To enroll in text notifications, text ALERTIWU to 226787. Information is also typically provided to local radio and television stations.
- Be aware of the Civil Defense sirens used if a tornado is sighted.
- If indoors, go to the lowest level of the building. Interior hallways or rooms are preferable, away from glass windows.
- If outdoors, go to the nearest ditch or depression, away from power lines, buildings, and trees. Do not stay in a car or attempt to outrun the tornado.
- After the tornado has passed, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is needed,
call 911. Be aware of dangerous structural conditions. Report damaged facilities to
Security at 309-556-111 (or x1111 from a campus phone).
Note: Gas leaks and power failures create special hazards. Do not light a match or smoke. Refer to section on utility failure. - Notify emergency personnel of persons with disabilities who are in the building and are not able to evacuate.
- Do not use elevators in case of fire.
- Once outside, move to a clear area a safe distance from and within sight of the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. If requested, assist emergency personnel. Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by Campus Safety or public safety personnel.
- If indoors, seek refuge in a doorway or under a desk or table. Stay away from glass windows, shelves, and heavy equipment. During an earthquake exit the building only after the shaking has stopped.
- If outdoors, move away from utility poles and buildings. Always avoid power or utility lines as they may be energized.
- After the initial shock, evaluate the situation and if emergency help is necessary, call 911. Be prepared for aftershocks.
- Report damaged facilities to Security at 309-556-111 (or x1111 from a campus phone).
Note: Gas leaks and power failures create special hazards. Please refer to the sections on utility failures. Do not light a match or smoke. - Do not use elevators in case of fire.
- Once outside, move to a clear area a safe distance from and within sight of the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel. If requested, assist emergency personnel. Do not return to an evacuated building unless directed to do so by Campus Safety or public safety personnel.

Karla Carney-Hall - Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Department - Dean Of Students