Midterm Grade Guide for Faculty
What is the purpose of midterm grades?
Midterm grades provide an opportunity for you to share with students their progress to date in your courses. For some students, this will be a good reminder that their efforts so far are allowing them to be successful and their study habits and learning strategies are working well for them. For other students this could be an early intervention strategy that allows the student to seek help and make changes to their course attendance, reading or note-taking skills, or homework/practice/study habits. The midterm grade reports also allow academic advisors to check in with students who are in trouble and help them with both academic and personal concerns that may influence their academic success.
When are midterm grades due?
For Fall 2024, midterm grades are due on October 11th by 4 PM. You can always find the midterm grade date by looking at the Academic Calendar.
How can I talk to my class about midterm grades?
You may want to explain to students in your classes about what midterm grade reports are and their intent to open up dialogue about their work in each class so far. You could also share when students can expect these reports, how they can access them in Banner, and that students may expect to hear from their academic advisor shortly after reports are posted.
Students may also benefit from knowing how much of their grade is completed at this point in the semester and a reminder of ways to meet with you to discuss their results.
What campus resources are available for my students?
You as faculty are best aware of the academic support services available for your individual classes and within your departments (tutoring, review sessions, teaching assistants, peer-to-peer support, mentoring, office hours). Be sure those resources are communicated clearly in your course materials and verbally in your class sessions. There are also university support services available:
- Tutoring within departments or within certain courses. Check the syllabus for those details and the tutoring offers here.
- Teaching Assistants (TA’s) in various courses
- The Writing Center –students can schedule appointments.
- The Office of Academic Advising
- The Hart Career Center
- Counseling and Consultation Services
- The Office of Student Accessibility Services
- The Dean of Students Office
- The Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- The Office of Residential Life