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Power of Place

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For over 10 years, Illinois Wesleyan faculty have sponsored an annual intellectual theme with the goal of synthesizing learning around a central concept and creating a vibrant intellectual environment on-campus for students, faculty and staff. The theme guides the summer reading program for new students, lectures (like the Founder’s Day speaker, MLK Teach-In speaker, and John Wesley Powell keynote), co-curricular activities, and clustered courses. The annual theme works best when faculty, staff and students are inspired by how their current interests can be framed with the theme in mind.  

This year’s theme is The Power of Place will provide an exciting opportunity to think critically about various conceptualizations of place. 

Place is where we live. Our thoughts, values, perceptions, and actions are influenced by how we conceptualize a place and our place in the world. A place can be a physical location or the way a location develops social, cultural, political, and even economic meaning. A place can be a frame of mind where we go for reflection, rejuvenation, inspiration, and reconnection. Our imagination can be a place where we envision a future and live in harmony with our aspirations.

At IWU, we ask you to consider the power of place by critically examining how you shape and are shaped by the places in your lives.

Follow to engage with this exciting theme.

There are the annual theme.  how you plan to get involved.  There are events throughout the semester including:

  • Summer reading 
  • The Power of Place Kick Off featuring Dakesa Piña, PhD, IWU Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will be held on Wednesday, Oct 11 from 11:15am - 12:15pm in the Young Main Lounge. 
  • Power of Place & The Duchess of Malfi with Dr. Michele Gibbs on Oct 4
  • Power of Place & the IWU Peace Garden with Dr. James Simeone on Sept 15

Thanks in advance for all you do to support a dynamic intellectual experience for all Titans!