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Finance Course Plan

Example Finance Course Plan (first 3 semesters)

This is an example course plan based on the 2022-2023 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses. Course descriptions can be found within the  University Catalog

As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester towards completing graduation requirements using the degree audit tool.

Fall Semester

  • ECON 100 Introduction to Economics (CSI) *
  • Choose one of the following:
    • MATH 110 Finite Mathematics (FR) ** 
    • MATH 176 Calculus I (FR) ** 
  • Gateway Colloquium
  • Foreign Language Course
  • Physical Education (PEX)

*A student earning a score of 4 or 5 in both AP Microeconomics AND AP Macroeconomics is not required to take ECON 100 for any majors within Accounting & Financial Services.

** MATH 110 or MATH 176 should be taken during the first four semesters.

Spring Semester

  • ACC 112 Accounting for Decision Making I 
  • General Education Course (or ECON 100 if not taken in the first semester)
  • General Education Course (or Gateway if not taken in the first semester)
  • Foreign Language Course
  • Physical Education (PEY)

May Term

  • Optional

Fall Semester

  • ACC 212 Accounting for Decision Making II 
  • ECON 227 Statistics for Business and Economics ***
  • FIS 200 Introduction to Risk Management & Insurance (or MATH if not completed in the first year)
  • Foreign Language Course
  • Physical Education (PEY)

***ECON 227 may be taken in any of the first four semesters, but is normally taken in the sophomore year. If a student has received a unit of credit for AP Statistics (score of 4 or 5), s/he is not required to take ECON 227.


Study Abroad

Students interested in studying abroad should consult with an Finance faculty member to decide what semester(s) would be most appropriate.

Additional Information
  • Students should complete the following six courses by the end of their sophomore year in order to move onto upper-level courses in the department: (1) Gateway, (2) MATH 110, 176 or proficiency; (3) ECON 100; (4) ECON 227; (5) ACC 112; (6) ACC 212.
    • A grade of C- or higher must be earned in each of these courses.
    • In addition, a student's cumulative GPA in these six courses must equal or exceed 2.50.
  • Students interested in double majoring should consult with a Finance faculty member to consider a four-year plan.
Bryan McCannon headshot

Bryan McCannon - Director of the School of Business and Economics and Robert S. Eckley Endowed Professor of Economics

Department - School Of Business And Economics