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The Gold Standard

The Bloomberg Terminal - the gold standard in the finance industry - is a computer software system that provides finance professionals with real-time, state-of-the-art tools for research and analysis of markets, instruments and company data from around the world.

Thanks to the genorosity of Greg Yess '82, students have access to 12 full-access Bloomberg Terminals in a classroom setting.

A group of courses taught in the Greg Yess '82 Bloomberg Finance Lab by Professor Mikhail Munenzon provide opportunities for students to develop a real-world understanding of investing and trading through work utilizing the Bloomberg Terminals. As part of this group of courses, students get the unique opportunity to manage part of the University Endowment in a setting run as an institutional investment firm. With a portfolio of nearly $3 million today and long-term results equivalent to top 10% of professionally managed mutual funds, this student managed fund is one of the largest of its kind in the country.

Students also have an opportunity to achieve Bloomberg Market Concepts certification, which in addition to their relevant coursework, provides a significant advantage for their internship and job prospects in the lucrative and highly competitive finance career paths.



Clay Anderson presenting in Bloomberg Lab

“Having this open area with multiple terminals really allows for us to do as much digging as we want, with more time to make in-depth analysis that can help better the portfolio. It’s really great to see people giving back to the students, believing in us and reinvesting in us so we can do the best we can when we enter the workforce.”

- Clay Anderson ’23