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Finance Degree Requirements

Finance Major Requirements

Must be completed with a C- or higher by the end of the sophomore year.

Cumulative GPA in foundation courses must be at least 2.5.

Students who fail to meet these requirements will not be allowed to enroll in 300 level Business classes, except BUS 355, Business Law I.

Foundation Courses Sequence 

The following courses should be completed by the end of sophomore year.

  1. ACC 112 Introduction to Financial Accounting
  2. ACC 212 Introduction to Managerial Accounting 
  3. GW 100 Gateway Colloquium 
  4. MATH 110 Finite Mathetmatics or MAT 176 Calculus, or university credit for AP Calculus
  5. ECON 100 Introduction to Econonics
  6. ECON 227 Statistics for Business and Economics

Major Sequence in Finance

The following courses are to be taken upon successful completion of the foundation courses with the exception of BUS 355 which may be taken sooner.

  1. FIS 303 Financial Management
  2. FIS 306 Cases in Financial Modeling 
  3. FIS 309 Investments
  4. FIS 409 Portfolio Management
  5. BUS 331 Marketing: Principals & Management
  6. BUS 341 Organization & Management
  7. BUS 355 Business Law I (writing intensive course for general education purposes)
  8. BUS 490 Strategy & Policy
Additional Requirements

In addition, you are required to successfully complete any two of the following courses:

  1. FIS 300 Seminar in Finance
  2. FIS 305 Financial Statement Analysis
  3. FIS Derivatives 
  4. ECON 370 Special Topics (Requires Dept Head Approval
  5. FIS 455 Independent Study (Requires Dept Head Approval)
  6. ECON 311 Money and Banking
  7. ECON 352 International Finance


    • Internship 397 does NOT count as an elective toward any major or minor.
    • No more than one D in the major or minor permitted.
    • No course may be used to meet requirements of more than one major or those of a major and a minor
    • The University requires students to complete 11 course units numbered 300 or higher; at least 4 of them must be in the major department.

Finance Minor for Accounting Majors

The minor in finance for accounting majors is designed specifically for students majoring in accounting. A finance minor can give students insight into valuation methods, portfolio management, corporate finance, financial analysis, financial planning, and other topics. The finance minor will bridge the gap between the creation of financial statements and their use in business. 

A minimum of five finance and economics courses from the Departments of Accounting/Finance and Economics chosen from the following: 

  1. FIS 305 Financial Statement Analysis
  2. FIS 309 Investments
  3. FIS 409 Portfolio Management
  4. FIS 370 Special Topics in Finance - may be repeated for different topics
  5. FIS 304 Risk Management and Property/Liability Insurance Seminar
  6. FIS 307 Life/Health/Social Insurance
  7. ECON 311 Money and Banking
  8. ECON 352 International Finance
  9. FIS 300 Seminar in Finance - may be repeated for different topics


Finance Minor for Non-Accounting Majors

This minor in finance is designed for students who major in disciplines other than accounting, business administration, finance, international business, or marketing. It offers students in non-business fields an opportunity to complement their major, and broaden learning experiences and professional opportunities by providing training in financial topics and analysis.

A minimum of six courses to include:

  1. ACC 112 Introduction to Financial Accounting
  2. FIN 303 Financial Management
  3. ECON 227 Statistics for Business and Economics

Three additional finance courses chosen from the following list:

  1. FIS 305 Financial Statement Analysis
  2. FIS 309 Investments
  3. FIS 409 Portfolio Management
  4. FIS 370 Special Topics in Finance - may be repeated for different topics
  5. FIS 304 Risk Management and Property/Liability Insurance 
  6. FIS 307 Life/Health/Social Insurance
  7. FIS 300 Seminar in Finance - may be repeated for different topics
Bryan McCannon headshot

Bryan McCannon - Director of the School of Business and Economics and Robert S. Eckley Endowed Professor of Economics

Department - School Of Business And Economics