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There are Cashiering Windows located on the east side of the main floor of Holmes Hall.

Cashier  Windows Hours of Operation:  

 Mon-Fri         8:30am – 4:00pm
(Windows open 30 minutes after and close 30 minutes before Business Office closure)

 Four O' Clock Hours:   

Mon - Fri   8:30 – Noon   1:00 - 3:30
(Windows open 30 minutes after and close 30 minutes before Business Office closure)

Students may:

  • Cash checks for up to $150.00 per day with University ID card
  • Make a payment on their tuition account
  • Pick up pay checks, reimbursement and refund checks
  • Purchase postage stamps

Faculty/Staff may:

  • Cash checks up to $200.00  per day
  • Purchase postage stamps
  • Pick up paychecks and reimbursement checks

Departments and School Clubs may make deposits at the Business Office window during business hours.

There is a $30.00 returned check fee for any checks returned by the bank.

For additional information, please call 1-309-556-3475.