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IWU Wireless/Connectivity Transition Plan

Transition Policy

  • Any employee who has been issued a University owned cellular device may assume ownership over the issued device once the University discontinues the plan. If an employee assumes ownership of the device, the cash value of the device will be considered income and subject to tax. Ownership of a University device does not guarantee the employee will be eligible for the Wireless/Connectivity Device Allowance (“allowance”). Eligibility for the allowance is covered by the Wireless/Connectivity Allowance Policy. 

Transition Plan

  • The Telecommunications Department will contact the employee 30 days prior to the termination of the University’s financial responsibility of the wireless plan.
  • Failure to transition to a personal plan within 30 days will result in service being discontinued to the device and the loss of the phone number. 

Within the 30 days the employee will need to do the following:

  • Review the Wireless/Connectivity Allowance Policy with their supervisor to determine their eligibility for the allowance.
  • Obtain a personal plan and assume all financial responsibility for the device.
  • If eligible for the allowance, complete the Wireless/Connectivity Device Allowance Request form and return it to the Payroll Office.