Brian Law
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Mon: 1-2 p.m.
Tue: 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Wed: 1-2 p.m.
Fri: Noon-1 p.m.

Doctor of Philosophy – Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, June 2019
- PhD Thesis: “Protein-Protein Interaction Network Alignment and Evolutionâ€
- Supervised by Gary D. Bader
Master of Science – Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 2012
- Supervised by Gary D. Bader
Bachelor of Computer Science, Honours Bioinformatics – University of Waterloo, 2008
Law B. and G.D. Bader. Protein interaction networks are substantially rewired across evolution. Molecular Systems Biology. (In preparation.)
Khosravi P., Gazestani V.H., Pirhaji L., Law B., Sadeghi M., Bader G.D., and B. Goliaei. Inferring interaction type in gene regulatory networks using co-expression data. (2015) Algorithms for molecular biology 10: 23.
Law B. and G.D. Bader. GreedyPlus: an algorithm for the alignment of site-specific protein-protein interaction networks. (2015) Scientific Reports 5: 12074.
Khosravi, P., Gazestani V.H., Asgari Y., Law B., Sadeghi M., and B. Goliaei. Network-based approach reveals Y chromosome influences prostate cancer susceptibility. (2014) Computers in biology and medicine 54: 24-31.
Reimand J., Hui S., Jain S., Law B., and G.D. Bader. Domain-mediated protein interaction prediction: from genome to network. (2012) FEBS Letters. 586(17): 2751-63