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Overview & Requirements

Computer science is the study of what computers can and cannot do. Central to that study is the concept of the algorithm, a set of directions for solving a problem or accomplishing a task. Computer science studies algorithms in terms of their implementation in hardware and software, their analysis, and their applications.

Illinois Wesleyan's computer science curriculum provides students with:

  • a strong foundation in the fundamental principles of computing and the capabilities, limitations, and applications of algorithmic problem solving.  The study of these principles involves data structures and algorithms, their formal properties, linguistic abstractions, hardware realizations, and the applications of these concepts in diverse areas.
  • mastery of multiple approaches to programming and problem solving.
  • the ability to apply analytical methods that establish the correctness and efficiency of algorithms, use levels of abstraction to manage complexity, and to adapt to technological changes in the field.
  • the ability to convey technical information in written and oral communication to all audiences, experts and non-experts alike.


Major requirements and prerequisite structure

CS Curriculum Overview

Major Sequence in Computer Science

A minimum of twelve courses to include:

  1. CS 125, 126 or 127; students who are placed directly into CS 128 need to take an additional course that counts towards the major to replace this course.
  2. CS 128, 229, 253, 256, 354, and 355.
  3. Three additional upper-level courses in computer science.
  4. MATH 135 and 136.

Minor Sequence in Computer Science

A minimum of six courses to include:

  1. CS 125, 126 or 127; students who are placed directly into CS 128 need to take an additional course that counts towards the minor to replace this course.
  2. CS 128.
  3. CS 229 or CS 253.
  4. Two additional courses, both at the 300-level or above in computer science.
  5. MATH 135 or 136.


Only one of the courses CS 125, 126 and 127 will count towards the major or minor in computer science. Students in the major or minor with previous experience may opt to skip CS 125, 126, and 127, instead starting in CS 128. This requires approval of the department chair, and it requires taking an additional course that counts toward the computer science major or minor to take the place of the skipped course.

At most, one of CS 498 and CS 499 may count toward completion of the major degree requirements; neither may count for the minor degree requirements.

Andrew Shallue headshot

Andrew Shallue - Professor of Computer Science

Department - Computer Science