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Registered Student Organizations

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) is home to registered student organizations (RSOs) whose purpose is relevant to the mission of this office. These RSOs are part of the Council of Inclusion and Awareness (CIA), a multicultural programming and leadership development council committed to diversity, inclusion and social justice.

This council welcomes and supports RSOs whose missions include the advancement of groups that have been and continue to be underrepresented in higher education and beyond. The CIA also strives to include a multicultural and cross-cultural educational component in their programming. CIA's mission is to develop the leadership skills and talents of its student members. It is the goal of CIA member organizations to represent and promote diversity as they bring the Illinois Wesleyan community together through educational and inclusive collaboration. 

The Council of Inclusion and Awareness (CIA) 2024-2025


Registered Student Organization 


Contact Info

Amnesty International Leslie Contreras Iwuamnestyintl@gmail.com
Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC) Gianna Malabanan apac@iwu.edu
Black Student-Athlete Alliance (BSAA) Franchesca Smith bsaa@iwu.edu
Black Student Union (BSU)  Tyrin Sykes iwublackstudentunion@gmail.com
International Student Organization (ISO) Anjali Malali iso@iwu.edu
IWU Athlete Ally Chloe Heyl Cheyl@iwu.edu
IWU Pride Alliance Ghost Barker pride@iwu.edu
Japanese Culture and Language Club Copper Stone iwujclc@gmail.com
Jewish Students Association Melinda Burgin jsa@iwu.edu
Men of Color Tyrin Sykes iwumenofcolor@gmail.com
Muslim Student Association (MSA) Hirat Rahman Rahi msa@iwu.edu
Office of Multifaith Engagement Anjelia Dominguez adomingu@iwu.edu
Multifaith Ambassadors Melinda Burgin mburgin@iwu.edu
South Asian Student Association (SASA)  Suhaas Nukanaboina sasa@iw.edu
Spanish and Latino Student Association (SALSA)  Jennifer Rangel Martinez salsa@iwu.edu
Shringara Theatre Co. Daniel Porea dporea@iwu.edu
Student Senate Krysten Walowski senate.president@iwu.edu
Student Senate Diversity & Inclusion Commissioner Celina El Ghossaini senate.diversity@iwu.edu
Students of Color in STEM Gnandeep Chintala scs@iwu.edu
Student with Disabilities Association (SDA) Sam Voss sda@iwu.edu


Does your RSO have a strong commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social justice?

Is your organization interested in joining the CIA? 


For questions, concerns or more information, please contact the CIA Advisor Dr. Taren Nance at tnance@iwu.edu

Taren Nance headshot

Taren Nance - Director, Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Department - Office Of Diversity & Inclusion