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Information Frequently Required by Granting Agencies

Name and address of organization to which award should be made:
1312 Park Street
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900

Authorized organizational representative (for proposal submissions and grant contracts):
Dave Marvin, Interim Provost and Dean of Faculty
1312 Park Street
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900

For proposals submitted through Grants.gov, Fastlane, and Reserach.gov:

Patricia Medina, Grants Officer
Grants Office, the Office of the Provost
1312 Park Street
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900

Award checks should be mailed to:
C/O Linda Tuttle
Director of Accounting/ Budget
1312 Park Street
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900

Business Office Grants Official:
1312 Park Street
Bloomington, IL 61702-2900

Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), or Tax ID #: 37-0662594

NSF institutional code: 000-620-343

NSF Awardee Organization Code: 0016964000


Fiscal year: August 1 - July 31

Congressional District:  IWU is located in the 11th Congressional District of Illinois. For off-campus projects, use the to find the district in which your project will take place (required for Grants.gov application).      

Indirect costs pay for facilities and administration expenses related to some grants, and are charges on all salaries; on-campus: 45%; off-campus: 15%.

Fringe Benefits are calculated on a case by case basis.  Most often for grants, the fringe benefits recovered only include FICA. In some instances, fringe benefits may includes a full benefits package (medical, life, retirement, etc.) and FICA.  The fringe benefit rate varies according to salary and length of employment.  Please contact Dick Folse, Director of Grants (dfolse@iwu.edu) to determine the proper rate.  

The mileage reimbursement rate is currently 57.5 cents per mile.  

FICA is 7.65% and should be charged on all wages and salaries, including hourly wages earned by students (Summer Only).     

Salary for PI/Coordinator of summer projects is one or two nines of annual salary, for one or two months of summer work.