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Fraternity Resident Guide

All students are expected to live in University housing for at least six semesters. Semesters spent living in residence halls, fraternity chapter houses, or off-campus study programs will accrue towards the six-semester expectation. Students who have accrued six semesters of housing history are eligible to apply to live off-campus. For students who transfer to 蓝莓视频 (IWU), the campus housing expectation will be adjusted on a case-by-case basis using academic standing and records of housing history at previous institutions to assist in determining an appropriate and proportionate housing expectation.  

Students having met their minimum number of semesters in University housing should submit an online request to the Office of Residential Life (ORL) for approval beginning in November each year. The submission of an off-campus housing application is not a guarantee of approval. Students should wait for written approval ORL before signing any leases or rental agreements for off-campus housing. For students planning to move off-campus, we highly recommend that you talk with financial aid about the potential impact of that choice on your aid. Financial aid typically does not apply to off-campus housing.

Married students, students with medical or mental health conditions that cannot be accommodated in chapter housing, or students living with their parents and commuting to campus may also apply for off-campus housing. In any of these cases, permission must be obtained through the ORL and the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life (OFSL) and further documentation may be required for some claims. Students returning to campus from an off-campus study program or from a period of inactivity may submit an application for off-campus housing during the Spring term.

Eligibility to Live in Chapter Housing

No student initiated into a fraternity may move into a chapter house without having completed one academic year and/or without having a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or higher.  Upperclass students enrolled as full-time and have two semesters of residence hall living who maintain membership in a fraternity are expected to live in their fraternity chapter houses.

Housing is provided for part-time students only with the approval of OFSL. Students who change from full-time status to part-time status during a particular term are expected to continue to live in University housing under the same policies and conditions affecting full-time students.

Expectations of IWU for Residential Chapters & Their Members

Chapters at IWU that choose a residential focus are expected to self-manage the chapter and chapter members at a heightened level. All University rules and regulations set by the University are applicable to members living in and having access to the fraternity house. In addition, rules set forth by the fraternity chapter, advisory board, national organization, or Interfraternity Council may apply where they are not in conflict with University rules. Where a conflict exists between these organizations, the more stringent policies shall apply. It is the responsibility of each member to know and abide by these and any additional residency requirements established by the individual chapters or Inter/national Headquarters.

Each resident and chapter member utilizing the chapter house is expected to abide by common standards of behavior. Individuals will:

Respect the dignity of all persons. They will not demean individuals or groups by insulting, intimidating, harassing, or discriminating. They will strive to learn from and respect differences in people, ideas and opinions.

  • Strive for personal integrity and support the academic endeavor.
  • Demonstrate concern for others, for their feelings, and for their need to be supported in their academic and personal development.
  • Respect the rights and property of others.
  • Do all in their power to see that the chapter house is kept clean and attractive, knowing that such an environment is essential to both physical and mental health.
  • Respect the common areas of the building that are used by all residents and chapter members. They will not damage university property, remove lounge furniture, or smoke in any common area.

Residents and chapter members have the right and the responsibility to voice their opinion and concerns to any individual who disregards these standards of behavior.

Each chapter contracted in a University-owned Fraternity House is responsible for maintaining a House Manager from its membership. The House Manager is responsible for all aspects of the chapter facility including safety, monitoring cleanliness, and day-to-day operations. He is also responsible for the check-in and check-out of each resident, closing the facility at any and all scheduled University breaks, and the reporting maintenance issues. The House Manager is the official chapter contact person to OFSL for housing-related issues. All Chapter members are expected and required to comply with requests made by the House Manager in regards to policy, procedure, and care of the facility.

Duration of Housing Contract

Students will sign a housing contract that covers the entire, regular academic year. The 2018-19 fraternity house contract begins on Saturday, August 25, 2018 and terminates 24 hours after a student's last final examination for the last enrolled semester or at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, April 25, 2019, whichever comes first, for all residents. Graduating seniors will be allowed to remain in the chapter facility through May 5, 2019.

Break Housing

The break periods for the 2018-2019 academic year are defined as days prior to August 25, 2018, Winter Break (beginning at 6:00 PM on December 14, 2018 until 9:00 AM on January 9, 2019), and Summer Break (any days after May 1, 2019; June 1, 2019 if contract is extended through May term).  

A number of students may have a specific need to remain on campus for all or part of Winter Break. Permission is automatically granted to student requests to remain in the chapter facility during this break if their permanent home is more than 450 miles away, are employed with an essential on-campus job, have a musical or theatre rehearsal or performance, have an athletic practice or competition, or have academic commitments. Permission may also be granted to students who have special or unique circumstances.

Any fraternity resident requesting to reside in the fraternity house during a break period must submit an email request to OFSL at least 10 days prior. Guests and social functions are not allowed over breaks.

Coaches, faculty or staff who wishes to express approval for a student to remain on campus may contact OFSL to submit a name or list of names.  However, individual students must also initiate an online request, and both pickup and return their key within stated guidelines to avoid incurring charges. 

Charges may be incurred for students who fail to return a break housing key by 4:00 pm the day after the break ends. Failure to do so will result in a complete recore of the break door and a corresponding charge made to the account of each student who failed to return a break key.

Early Arrival

OFSL realizes that it is inevitable that a number of residents will be required to return to campus before the officially scheduled move-in date for upper-division students. OFSL accommodates requests for early arrival to the extent possible. The standard charge associated with an early arrival is $25 per night from the time a student or a student's belongings occupy the space, with the maximum charge not to exceed $180.

Requests for early arrival should be made with as much lead time as possible so that communication may take place between OFSL, Physical Plant, the Main Desk, and all other affected areas. It may not be possible to provide accommodations in cases where less than ten (10) business days鈥 notice are provided. If an early arrival is accommodated with short notice, students should bear in mind that the room may not be fully cleaned or prepared to normal standards.

Meals are typically not provided for students who choose to arrive early.

Specific guidelines exist for students who fall into the following broad categories: 

  • Summer housing . Students who reside in summer housing transition to fall spaces in early August in accordance with summer housing guidelines. The early arrival charge for summer residents is incorporated into the summer housing costs.
  • Academic commitments . Students returning to participate in an academic commitment, such as orientation, a musical or theatre rehearsal or event, a student teaching commitment, or any other event that is required to fulfill a curricular expectation are allowed to return the day before the commitment begins.
  • Campus work . Students who request an early arrival to begin work on-campus full-time may do so without charge during the full week before the start of classes.  Early arrival charges will be waived beginning the day before the work commitment begins, but no earlier than August 17. Students, whose campus work begins before August 17, will be incorporated into the summer housing program and assessed the appropriate associated charges.
  • Athletes . Athletes participating in fall sports may arrive as indicated by the coaching staff, typically on the day of or the day before the team's first scheduled practice.
  • Significant travel distance . Students who reside more than 450 miles from campus may request an additional day before standard move-in or their first commitment to help accommodate family travel needs.  Students who return to campus from outside the United States are allowed to return up to five additional days before standard move-in or their first commitment to help account for international travel itineraries and minimize the effects of jet-lag.  Submission of travel itineraries or ticket stubs may be requested so that travel dates can be verified before charges are waived.
  • Student organization leaders . With permission from OFSL, leaders of chapters may arrive on campus beginning August 18. Individuals will be charged the appropriate arrival fee that corresponds to their arrival.

May Term Contract Extension

The contract may be extended through the end of May term for those students eligible to live in University housing during the term if the following conditions are met: 

  1. The University will keep the chapter facility open for May Term if the chapter is able to maintain an occupancy rate of 33% or higher.
  2. The chapter is required to maintain a house manager. The May term house manager may be an individual different than the academic term house manager and may be an elected officer of the chapter, but he must complete the house manager training held during May term break.

If these conditions are met, the chapter house will remain open and this contract will be extended through Friday, June 1, 2019. In the event that these conditions are not met, the University will work with residents to be relocated to other campus housing for May term.

With notice, the University reserves the right to close the chapter facility during May term for conduct issues or scheduled maintenance/renovations.

Fraternity House Occupancy Expectations

Each fraternity house must maintain 100% of its standard capacity rate for the academic year to avoid financial penalty. The assigned capacity designated by the University for each room is the maximum number of residents that a room can be assigned. Single room assignments are made on a priority basis according to the guidelines of the room selection process established by each individual chapter. Single rooms may also be assigned in cases of medical or mental health exigency.  Details regarding those requests are available online.

A room designated by the University as a multiple occupancy room can be occupied at a lower occupancy. If this causes the house to fall below the minimum occupancy requirements, the members of the fraternity will be required to make an additional payment to the University in the form of an under-capacity fee which is at a rate of $500 for each empty bed below the 100% capacity per semester. The rate of the under-capacity fee is determined by calculating the total semester under-capacity fees for the chapter and then equally distributing that amount to all members who began the academic year affiliated with their Chapter, and are currently enrolled at 蓝莓视频, regardless of current residency. The Chapter will not have access to unoccupied rooms during terms of this contract.

Contracts for individuals wishing to live in the Chapter houses must be completed through the MyHousing portal during the Spring Semester with the timeline designated from the Office of Residential Life and OFSL.  The house manager will be responsible for communicating specific room assignments to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life no later than May 31 each year.

Room Changes

Students wishing to move from one location to another should contact their house manager, OFSL, or the Residence Director of the area to which the resident wishes to relocate. Official room change paperwork must be completed before a student may move into a new room. Once the proper paperwork has been received, the student will work with his house manager to turn in the keys to his old room and receive keys to the new room.


Conflict in roommate situations is not uncommon, as living with another person naturally causes disturbances to one's own routine. In situations where roommates are unable to resolve their disagreements through the use of mediation with their House Manager or Executive Board, opportunities will be made available to both residents regarding possible moves to underassigned spaces. At that point, one or both roommates can choose to move to a more suitable roommate situation. In the event that neither roommate will move, and the roommate situation does not show dramatic signs of or potential for improvement, the situation will be resolved through the mandatory relocation of both roommates to other spaces.

Food Service

All students who live in chapter houses are required to carry a board plan.  Available plans are listed on the Dining Services website.  Plan costs are determined by the Business Office and listed on the Tuition and Fees schedule.

Students with uncommon severe food allergies or who practice specific religious preparation (i.e. Kosher or Halal practices) may apply for a waiver from the meal plan.  Documentation may be required to support the written request, as well as consultation with Dining Services and Health Services staff.  Vegetarian, vegan, and other health-conscious practices can be supported through the board plan and are not eligible for a waiver.

Meal tickets are nontransferable as board charges are based on some expected absenteeism.  All meal plan changes must happen through the MyHousing Portal. If you need assistance figuring out how to change a meal plan, please view this quick YouTube video on How to change your Meal Plan.

For Fall 2018, all changes must be made by August 25, 2018 by 4:00 PM.  For Spring 2019, all changes must be made by December 9, 2018 by 4:00 PM for Fall residents and by January 11, 2019 for new Spring residents. 

Housing and Meal Plan Accommodations

Housing accommodations, such as single rooms, are granted to students who provide appropriate medical documentation supporting the need for a single room. Decisions are made through the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life in consultation with the Office of Student Accessibility Services.  Students who receive room or meal accommodations may have additional fees added to their account related to the specific type of accommodation, including single room accommodations.

Decisions are made based on the most recent supporting documentation based on the specific recommendations of the appropriate professionals. It is also Illinois Wesleyan University's expectation that during the term of the housing contract, the student adhere to the treatment plan assisting them in their need. Note: A room accommodation will not be automatically granted from one academic year to the next. Students will need to supply ongoing supporting documentation stating the student's progress, ongoing diagnosis and documenting the continued need for a room accommodation.

For returning students, deadlines for submission of documentation and requests for room or meal plan accommodations for the Fall semester is March 1, for full consideration, and for the Spring semester is November 1, for full consideration.  Requests received after this date will be considered but accommodations will be granted when space is available to meet the needs of the student. Documentation guidelines and the Verification of Disability for Housing and Meal Plan Accommodations form can be found on the Office of Student Accessibility Services website.

Care of Student Rooms and Common Areas

Students are responsible for the rooms to which they are assigned. Simple health habits and respect for roommates and neighbors will promote good living conditions for all. If a student鈥檚 room has a private restroom, the occupants are responsible for cleaning the restroom. Students are expected to recycle paper and mixed containers in the appropriate containers on their chapter house. Wastebaskets are to be emptied into trash containers on each floor. All large objects must be taken to the dumpsters or designated trash pick-up area. Equipment (brooms, mops, and vacuums) is available for check out through the House Manager to help keep rooms clean. Trash, dirt, and lint are not to be swept into the hallways. Students whose rooms seem to be inconsistent with health and community standards will be confronted and expected to comply with requests concerning cleanliness.

In addition to the care of their own rooms, students are responsible for the condition of the hallways and common areas and are held accountable for any damages done to them. Hallways, stairwells, lounges, recreation areas, lobbies, laundry facilities, study rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms are to be kept clean and orderly at all times. University Physical Plant provides approximately 20 hours of custodial service per week in order to clean restrooms and showers and empty trash containers in the public areas of the building and, if time remains, to perform floor and wall care in public areas. In the event that the janitorial staff has extra time in the facilities, common hallways and then common areas will be cleaned. Janitorial staff may provide special cleanings of common areas during holiday breaks. Although the custodial staff is responsible for the regular upkeep of these areas, student cooperation is necessary.

If at any time a janitor deems that an area within the fraternity house is beyond normal cleanliness, he or she will inform the house manager and will not proceed with cleaning until appropriate measures have been taken within the fraternity to restore the space to its original condition. In the event that the custodial staff is required to provide additional service, cost associated with this additional service will be charge to the responsible party or if no party claims responsibility, either the residence of the individual room or all members of the chapter, regardless of residency.

Sporting activities and the throwing of balls and other projectiles are not allowed. The bulletin boards on each floor are to be used for signs, pamphlets and other literature. Such items should not be posted on the walls by anyone.

University Provided Furniture & Decorations

Residential Rooms

Each residential bedroom will be set up with the standard furnishings for the chapter facility. The standard furnishings vary per chapter house but may include a bed, bed frame, mattress, desk, desk topper, desk chair, dresser, and a wardrobe in rooms without a closet or hanging shelf. All provided bedroom furniture is inventoried by room and is expected to remain in the room throughout the contract and must be in the bedroom upon vacating.

Residents who do not wish to utilize all of the University furnishings or are in rooms occupied below the designated capacity are given the option to have the desired items removed and stored for a rate of $250.00 for up to 3 items within each standard furniture set with an additional $25 for each additional item in that set. If a resident desires to store items from more than one set, the fee will be charged on a per set basis.  This fee covers labor for moving the items out, storage, and moving the items back in at the end of the year. Requests not received prior to August 1 may not be completed until after the date for returning student move in.

It is recommended that students keep in mind the size limitations of chapter house rooms when bringing belongings to the chapter house. Student construction of furniture, makeshift or unsafe furniture arrangements, lofts, platforms or other apparatus is not permitted. Pre-manufactured finished wood or metal loft systems/bunk beds will be permitted as long as there is a minimum of 30鈥 of headroom between the mattress and the ceiling. For approved structures, they are not permitted within 18 inches of fire safety equipment (extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinkler system). Students may not remove University furniture from common areas for their private use in their rooms.

The use of nails or screws to hang decorations must be pre-approved by the house manager. The use of double-sided tape or duct tape to hang decorations is prohibited. The use of non-abrasive tape (blue painter's tape) is encouraged as an alternative to hang wall decorations. Decorations are not permitted within 18 inches of or on fire safety equipment (extinguishers, smoke detectors, sprinkler system). Students may not paint bedrooms in fraternity houses. Students who choose to paint their room will be assessed a repainting fee, charged to their student account. Ceilings and doors are not to be painted. Wallpaper is also prohibited. Evidence of decoration policy violation will result in damage charges and may result in disciplinary action. Please direct questions to the house manger to ensure compliance and avoid potential damage charges.

Common Areas

The University provides furniture in some of the common areas of the chapter house, unless otherwise requested and agreed upon with the chapter. Only University provided or approved furniture may be utilized in these spaces. Rooms provided with furniture specific to each chapter house can be confirmed through OFSL but generally include designated living rooms and study lounges. For those chapters with a designated Chapter/Ritual Room, the chapter is responsible for furnishing that space. TVs in living rooms or TV lounges are provided by the chapter, if so desired by the members. The Chapter is responsible for providing decorations. Students may not remove University furniture from common areas for their private use in their rooms.

Individuals who have furniture they would like to donate to the University for use in the chapter facility should contact OFSL to discuss the donation. Donated items become the property of the University. OFSL will determine if, how, and where donated items will be utilized. Any permanent additions to the chapter facility must be approved in advance by OFSL and become property of the University.

Students may not paint walls in common areas in fraternity houses. Chapters who choose to paint their walls will be assessed a repainting fee, charged equally to all members of the chapter. Ceilings and doors are not to be painted. Wallpaper is also prohibited. For chapters that would like to add fraternity specific murals to their walls, the house manager must work with OFSL, in cooperation with the Physical Plant, for approval. Murals will be approved in a manner that allows a fraternity to add individuality to their facility yet also does not hinder routine maintenance of the facility.

Kitchen Facilities

Kitchen facilities including a refrigerator, sink, microwave and/or oven are available in each chapter house for the preparation of food. Students should remain in or near the kitchen facilities when food is cooking and make sure that the facilities have been cleaned after each use. Some chapters may maintain an inventory of cooking supplies available for use by residents and chapter members. When students have finished with these, they should be returned in their original condition. While students are allowed to keep food in common area kitchens, the risk of doing so is entirely theirs; moreover, students are expected to consume only that food which belongs to them.

Laundry Facilities

Washers and dryers are installed for the convenience of students in all chapter houses. Mechanical devices of this sort are subject to occasional breakdown. Malfunctions of the machine should be reported on the card attached to the machine, or in the absence of such, to the House Manager or Fraternity & Sorority Life staff immediately. An outside vendor services this equipment. Please be patient when waiting for repairs to occur.

Chapter House Security

Chapter Houses are locked 24 hours a day. All residents are given swipe card access for gaining entry to their chapter house. All card access holders share responsibility for maintaining the security of the house. Students who come across security risks should take appropriate steps to eliminate or report those risks. For example, students who become aware of a propped door are expected to un-prop the door. Students who observe suspicious behavior are expected to report it to Campus Security or appropriate Fraternity and Sorority Life staff.

Safety and Maintenance Inspection

The chapter shall at all times keep the fraternity house in good order, condition and repair. University maintenance personnel are responsible for ensuring a safe and fully functional living environment which includes maintaining all structural and mechanical portions of the premises including roof, walls, plumbing, heating and electrical systems, emergency and life safety systems, grounds, exterior entrance, locks, glass, doors, fixture and other similar items in good condition and repair. The University will perform snow removal on the sidewalks and parking lots, in the same manner, it does for other residence halls. Repair and maintenance are to be performed by the Physical Plant Department through the regular work order system. The submission of a work order is considered authorization for maintenance personnel enter an individual鈥檚 room.

The University reserves the right to enter the chapter facility and students鈥 rooms for the purpose of inspecting the house/room or for responding to maintenance needs. In addition, the University reserves the right to make appropriate inspections as necessary to help guarantee that state laws and University policies are being followed and that the health, safety, and welfare of its students are ensured. Such inspections will be made at least as often as the chapter houses close for a break period. Illegal materials, drugs or items that pose an immediate danger to the health or safety of the residents, will be removed if they are noticed in the course of a room inspection. The student will be notified of this action immediately.

A student's room will not be entered without knocking. A sufficient time lapse will be allowed to provide the resident ample opportunity to open the door. If no response is received, the room may be entered to make appropriate inspections as necessary.

The University understands the sensitive nature of the ritual materials and agrees to restrict access to the designated ritual room/closet, if applicable, to authorized official University personnel with notification to the chapter when this will occur. In an emergency situation, official personnel will enter, not student employees. No personal property may be stored in these areas.

Room Damage

Students are responsible for maintaining the facility in which they reside. Students should, in cooperation with their house manager at check-in, carefully note the condition and inventory of the room's movable furniture, and the condition of the walls, floor, ceiling, and built-in items.

Repairs or replacement of items whose condition has changed since the completion of the Room Condition Report form (completed at check-in) will be appropriately charged to the student on the student's University statement. Students are also liable for charges for any unusual housekeeping service, such as cleaning rooms left dirty when moving out.

Damage charges are assessed equally against all occupants of a room unless personal liability can be determined. Only University personnel may repair damage to chapter house rooms or furnishings. Students are responsible for any damages caused by adhesive substances, such as mounting tape, scotch tape or self-adhesive fixtures. Students also are responsible for the condition of their room door, both inside and out.

Common Area Damage

At the start of each academic year, OFSL staff will complete a condition report for all common areas within the fraternity house. Copies of this document will be filed with the house manager and the OFSL for the duration of the housing contract. The house manager and OFSL will coordinate a regularly occurring walkthrough of all common areas and reassess the condition of the house.

Damage to common areas is billed to residents with access to that living area and exterior key holding members when the individual(s) responsible is/are not identified. When a student has knowledge that an individual has caused damage to a common area, it is his responsibility to share that information with the house manager or Fraternity & Sorority Life staff member. Damage to the community areas of the chapter house will be charged directly to the person(s) responsible for such damage. Each House Manager will maintain and update an area in the chapter house tracking damage to the house and its effect on the chapter. Any damages that cannot be traced to the responsible individual(s) will be assessed collectively to the residents/key holders of the chapter house at the end of each month. Common areas are defined as lobbies, lounges, recreation areas, study areas, hallways, stairwells, community and public bathrooms, dormers, laundry facilities, and building exterior. A living area is defined as either the floor/wing/suite or the entire building.

Students are responsible for their actions, the actions of their guests, and are expected to take an interest in the community around them. Each student, as a contributing member of a housed fraternity, is responsible for the prevention of accidental or intentional damage within his chapter house. If each chapter member pays attention to inappropriate behavior and loud noises, students can prevent the damage from occurring or identify the responsible person(s). When such damage does occur, it is the responsibility of the students to identify the individual(s) responsible, or to absorb the cost of repair.

Repairs or clean-up billed as common area damages are those which are considered beyond normal wear and tear and/or are those which are believed to be acts of misuse or irresponsibility.

How decisions are made

Damages are tracked by the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. The item will be considered billable if it is believed that the damage was, or could have been, done by students or witnessed by students. It will also be considered billable if it is believed that the damage could have been prevented. This would be the case if: 

  • the individual gained access to the building by following a resident into the building;
  • the individual gained access by entering through a propped door;
  • the individual was a guest of someone in the building;
  • a stranger without an escort in the building goes unreported;
  • irresponsible behavior is not addressed by building residents and damage occurs.

If the person(s) responsible or witnesses come forward, the damage charge is assessed to the person responsible for the damage.

At no point will an individual be excused from a common area damage charge billed to their living area. Room and area damages will have their student account billed for the damage amount.


Vandalism in the chapter house costs the University, and our students, thousands of dollars each year. Excessive clean-up of body spills, shaving cream, water fights, etc. by staff in any living area will be charged at a minimum of $25 and an additional $25 for each hour of labor.

Alcohol, Drugs, and Controlled Substances

蓝莓视频 students are expected to be familiar with the alcohol policy. Underage possession of alcohol is prohibited by Illinois state law and is also a violation of the student judicial code. Any student violating the University's alcohol policy is subject to sanctions. The University places its highest enforcement priority on enforcing violations that are repeated, disruptive, dangerous, and/or flagrant. Alcoholic containers are not permitted outside your House. Pictures, posters, full or empty containers, and signs that refer to alcohol and other drugs and are displayed for public view are prohibited. Kegs, cases, and/or large common containers containing alcohol are not allowed in or outside of any University building.

Residents who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to have beer or wine in their private rooms at the ratio of 6 beers or 1 bottle of wine per room resident that is of legal drinking age. Hard liquor is not permitted in fraternity houses, and if found will be seized immediately. Allowed alcohol is not allowed in common areas of the chapter house unless in the spaces designated as the location for social functions during an event registered event.  "Drinking games鈥 are prohibited.  The definition of drinking games includes but is not limited to the consumption of shots of alcohol, liquor or alcoholic beverages, the practice of consuming shots equating to one鈥檚 age, 鈥渂eer pong,鈥 鈥渃entury club,鈥 鈥渄ares鈥 or any other activity involving the consumption of alcohol which involves duress or encouragement related to the consumption of alcohol. Students may not engage in drunk or disorderly behavior that disrupts the community. There may be formal disciplinary action taken for a student's failure to abide by the University's alcohol policy. Students who violate any alcohol policy or policies may be referred to the Alcohol & Other Drug Educator and/or the Judicial Administrator. There may be formal disciplinary action taken for a student's failure to abide by the University's alcohol policy.

Students are prohibited from the use, possession, distribution or sale of marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines or any other controlled substance covered by the Federal and State Controlled Substance Act. For further explanation of the University's policy regarding drugs and controlled substances, consult the more complete text of the Student Handbook.


Due to fire safety regulations and damage, bicycles are not permitted to be stored in hallways or other areas where they may restrict the movement of individuals inside the fraternity houses. Do not lock bikes to fences or handrails.  All bicycles are expected to be removed after the facilities close each year. Procedures for abandoned bikes are outlined in the IWU Bike Policy found at /bikes/policy.html.

Compliance with Local, State and Federal Statutes

It is expected that students will conduct themselves responsibly at all times. This includes following appropriate local, state and federal statutes. Generally, behaviors restricted by local, state or federal laws are not appropriate behaviors in which to engage in the chapter houses. Based on this principle, public indecency, for example, would be inappropriate in the chapter houses although a particular Illinois Wesleyan University Policy might not name it specifically.

Compliance with Requests from Fraternity & Sorority Life Staff

The Fraternity & Sorority Life Staff is responsible for helping to create a secure atmosphere conducive to studying, socializing and learning to live with other individuals. Each resident is expected to respond in an appropriate and timely manner to requests from staff and fellow residents concerning behavior that disrupts this secure atmosphere.

Failure to comply with a reasonable request by the Fraternity & Sorority Life Staff, including failure of a student to present his university identification card when requested, is a significant violation of University policy. Upon request of the student questioned, the University official must show identification and state the source of his/her authority.

Electrical Equipment and Appliances

Electrical equipment and appliances with an open heating element are prohibited in chapter houses. Such items include, but are not limited to, toasters, toaster ovens, hot plates, halogen lamps, space heaters, indoor grills and sandwich makers, etc. Because of the higher level of responsibility accepted by students in chapter houses, one toaster will be allowed in each chapter house kitchen. The toaster must be monitored at all times during use and unplugged when not being used. The privilege of a toaster will be revoked if the appliance is found plugged in and unattended three times during the academic year.

Appliances that require alterations to the structure of the room and/or represent a risk to safety are subject to a $50/day fine per item. Such items include, but are not limited to, air conditioners, light dimmers, ceiling fans, non-university locks, etc. Microwave ovens are permitted in student rooms.  In the interest of electrical safety and to avoid the overload of electrical circuits, students are expected to use extension cords, power strips and surge protectors that are 14 gauge or greater.  

Fires and Fire Safety

Recognizing the serious threat of fires in the chapter houses, 蓝莓视频 offers the following guidelines for student conduct concerning: the inappropriate use of and tampering with fire alarms and equipment; arson; evacuation; and fire hazards.

Fire safety in the chapter houses is a shared responsibility, and, to that end, the University has installed smoke and heat detectors and sprinklers in addition to the alarm system and firefighting equipment throughout the buildings. Students are urged to respect these lifesaving devices and must respond to all alarms appropriately. Students found abusing safety equipment (such as exit lights, stair rails, fire alarms and fire exits), causing false fire alarms or refusing to vacate buildings after alarm sounds or at the direction of a university official will be subject concurrently to both University and civil/criminal sanctions.

Fraternity house safety inspections, including fire drills, are to be coordinated by OFSL Staff once per academic semester. Annual inspection by the Bloomington Fire Department will also occur (some inspections may include individual rooms as is dictated by the Bloomington Fire Department). At the start of each semester, the house manager will present emergency evacuation procedures to the entire chapter. The evacuation plan will be conspicuously posted on each level of the fraternity house.


Lighting fires in the chapter house is considered a serious offense that could result in suspension or dismissal from the University. Information concerning arson in the chapter house is given to the appropriate city department and can lead to criminal charges. Withholding evidence concerning a fire will result in disciplinary action.


In case of a fire, it is important to know the location of the nearest fire exit and fire-fighting equipment.

If you encounter a fire, follow these guidelines: 

  • Isolate the fire by closing any doors.
  • Pull the nearest fire alarm.
  • Call 0 and/or 9-911 to report the fire.
  • Notify the house manager/OFSL staff.
  • Evacuate the building immediately when the alarm sounds.
  • Follow all house manager/OFSL staff members' instructions.
  • If your door is hot to the touch:
    • Do not try to open the door. Remain in the room.
    • Wedge cloths under the door to keep the smoke out.
    • Open a window, wave sheets or a towel.
    • Stay low; breathe fresh air near the window.
    • If possible, dial 0 or 9-911 and report your situation and location.
    • If your door is cool and the hallway is clear:
      • Exit via the nearest stairwell after closing your room door. Do not use elevators.
      • Close all doors as you leave.
      • If you encounter heavy smoke in a stairwell, go back and try another stairwell or exit.
      • If all exits are blocked, go back to your room.
      • Close your door and wedge cloths under the door to keep the smoke out.
      • Open a window, wave sheets or a towel.
      • Stay low; breathe fresh air near the window.
      • If possible, dial 0 or 9-911 and report your situation and location.
      • Failure to evacuate the house when the fire alarm sounds could result in serious injury or death, and, at a minimum, may result in disciplinary action.

Fire Hazards

Anything that may create a safety or fire hazard is not allowed in the chapter houses. This includes, but is not limited to, candles, incense, large ceiling or wall hangings. Students should use extension cords and/or multi-plug adapters (a minimum of 14 gauge) equipped with a circuit breaker and UL approved. Please be reminded that circuits can be easily overloaded by simultaneous operation of high-draw electrical equipment such as hair dryers, stereos, televisions, and refrigerators. Please refer to the "Electrical Equipment and Appliances" policy for further guidelines regarding what electrical items constitute a fire hazard. This policy is in accordance with the local fire codes.

Possession, manufacture or use of fireworks or explosives on University property is expressly forbidden. Definition of these items includes, but is not limited to, firecrackers or sparklers, gunpowder, and unstable or hazardous chemicals, except for those stored and used in appropriate laboratory facilities. No flammable or combustible liquids such as gasoline or kerosene may be stored in University housing.


Chapter houses have open visitation, allowing guests of the opposite sex to be present at all times without restriction. Individual chapters may set specific guidelines for guests of residents and chapter members. While open, the policy requires that roommates be in agreement with the number, frequency and hours of guests. Any student who needs the support, advice or assistance of a trained staff member in resolving a roommate conflict should contact the House Manager or Fraternity & Sorority Life Staff.

Students may host overnight guests for a maximum of three nights with the agreement of any and all roommates. Students must escort their guests while they remain in the chapter house. Neither students nor guests may sleep in any common area and must use the bathroom facilities designated for their sex. In chapter houses with dormer facilities, guests must sleep in their host's assigned room and not in the common sleeping area. Guests must obey University, FSL, and Fraternity policies. Students are responsible for the actions of their guests at all times. If violations of policy do occur, guests and visitors will be removed from the chapter house and future admittance to the chapter house may be restricted. Guests under 18 years of age are normally not permitted to stay overnight in chapter houses without a letter of permission addressed to Fraternity & Sorority Life staff. Individuals not associated with IWU are guests of the institution, hosted by campus residents.  Thus an individual who remains on campus for a span greater than three days, even when hosted consecutively by different campus residents or occasional nights spent elsewhere stands in violation of this policy.

Insurance Coverage

蓝莓视频 expects students to arrange for insurance of their own personal property and chapters to arrange for insurance of chapter property. The University does not carry insurance to cover students' or chapters鈥 personal property, and the University is NOT liable for the loss or damage to any residents' property, except in cases in which it is found that the University has been negligent. Families should review their homeowners or tenant insurance policies to determine whether coverage is extended to students' personal property while attending college. The insurance provided by your Inter/national fraternity does not cover damages to chapter property. In addition, the University annually distributes information regarding the availability of insurance through National Student Services, Inc. Questions may be addressed to the Office of the Vice President for Business and Finance (309-556-3022).

Items Not Allowed

The following materials are not allowed in the chapter houses. The University may add items to this list as it deems necessary.

  • Air conditioning units
  • Incense
  • Candles, unless the wick has been completely removed
  • Candle warmers
  • Student Built Lofts ( others must be approved by OFSL )
  • Ceiling fans
  • Non-University locks
  • Empty hard alcohol containers
  • Pets
  • Empty beer and wine containers (for students under 21)
  • Space heaters
  • Toaster ovens
  • Fireworks
  • Toasters
  • Waffle Makers
  • Wireless networks
  • Grills/Propane/Lighter fluid ( Grills are allowed on back patio/porch areas as long as the patio is not covered. These cannot be stored in the chapter house nor can the propane tank or lighter fluid ).
  • Traffic signs
  • Halogen lamps
  • Weapons
  • Hand-made furniture
  • "George Forman" or like grills
  • Hotplates
  • Extension cords, power strips or surge protectors with a gauge of less than 14

Keys and Locks

Keys that are issued to students represent responsibility for individual security as well as responsibility for the security of others. Therefore, a student who loses a room key will be charged for the cost of recoring the door and for the replacement of keys to the room, suite, and outside door. The cost for recoring a student room is $35 and for an outside door key it is $100. Lost keys should be reported to OFSL immediately. Keys that are unaccounted for at the conclusion of this contract will result in key and/or lock replacement costs billed to the individual鈥檚 student account.

Unapproved locking mechanisms on chapter house doors, closets and windows are prohibited and subject to a $50/day fine per lock. Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to chapter houses premises or unauthorized entry, even through an unlocked door, is prohibited.

Students are expected to carry keys to their rooms at all times. If a student should become locked out of his room, the house manager or chapter president provides a lock-out service. One of these two will utilize the building's submaster key to access the student's room.

Students will work with their House Manager to turn in keys when changing rooms, leaving due to early graduation or study abroad, and/or at the end of the contract year.

Mail and Other Shipments

The following addressing template should be used for everything sent to IWU students living in chapter houses.

Addressing template:

student name

living unit name*

living unit street address

city, state  ZIP+4



Tommy Titan

Alpha Beta Gamma House

1209 N Main St

Bloomington, IL  61701-1792


*To protect the privacy and safety of your student, please do not address items using the students' room number.


The United States Postal Service (USPS) delivers mail and packages to each chapter house daily during the regular academic year on regular postal delivery days.

Items improperly addressed (to a previous residence, for instance) will be forwarded to current students (but may be delayed 3-5 days) or returned as per USPS regulations.  Items sent Express Mail or overnight mail are received centrally at Publications, Printing and Mailing Services (PPMS), Monday through Friday; PPMS is closed on Saturday and Sunday.  From the time they are received on campus, these packages take 24 to 48 hours to reach their final destination at the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. This means that even items shipped "overnight" will take at least 2-3 days to reach the student.  A signature from the student is required for any package or for any piece of mail sent with special services, such as delivery confirmation.  Signatures are obtained by OFSL staff during posted hours.

Mail received during breaks (between University closings and openings) is delivered centrally to Publications, Printing and Mailing Services (PPMS), and typically unavailable to students.  Students who need access to mail delivered during breaks should contact PPMS directly (309/556-3387) to arrange a time.


IWU's preferred shipper is UPS because we have found them to be the most responsible, dependable, and able to interface with our campus systems. Shipments are also commonly accepted from Fed-Ex and DHL, and less commonly from other shippers, as well.

All shipped packages are received in the Physical Plant during regular IWU business hours; this means shipped packages are not accepted on Saturdays. From the time they are received on campus, shipped packages take 24 to 48 hours to reach their final destination at the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life.  This means that even items shipped "overnight" will take at least 2-3 days to reach the student. UPS commercial rate shipments generally arrive from the Chicago area at IWU on the next delivery day. Please keep your tracking number until your student has confirmed receipt of the package. Once a package is received in OFSL, the resident will be notified via email. Packages may be picked up during regular business hours for the Hansen Student Center.


If unusual circumstances require a package to be sent to you outside the delivery conditions and timeframes indicated above, please contact Publications, Printing and Mailing Services (PPMS) to mutually determine the best delivery method and timeline.  PPMS office hours are 8:00-Noon and 1:00-4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Chapter House Street Addresses  


1401 N Main St




Phi Gamma Delta

1601 Franklin Ave




Tau Kappa Epsilon

1609 Franklin Ave




Theta Chi

404 Beecher St






All animals except fish are prohibited in the chapter houses. While aquatic frogs, turtles, and other similar species do live in tanks, they are not fish and are not allowed in the chapters. If an animal is found and reasonable attempts to determine ownership of the animal or to find off-campus shelter for the pet fail, the Bloomington-area animal shelter will be called. Students found in violation are subject to a $50/day fine.


Materials to be posted in the chapter house are governed by the campus posting policy, available in full as a part of the student handbook.  The posting policy is coordinated through the Office of the Dean of Students.

Quiet Hours

First and foremost, the chapter houses are places where students must be able to sleep and study. Therefore, students are expected to respect the rights of others to live in an environment free from disturbances caused by loud stereos, shouting and similar disruptive behavior. There are no quiet hours set by the University for chapter houses however individual chapters are encouraged to determine their own quiet times. Residents and chapter members should be considerate of other residents of the chapter facility. Upon request of a resident, individuals are expected to moderate their noise levels to reduce distractions that limit others from sleep or study. 

In cases of persistent, excessive noise emanating from a room and causing disturbance, all possible and reasonable attempts to contact the residents of the room will be made (i.e., House Manager will knock on the room door; friends and associates will be queried about roommates鈥 whereabouts; cell phones will be called and residents will be IM鈥檇, as contact information is available).  If, after such efforts, the residents of the room are still unreachable, FSL staff accompanied by Security will be permitted to enter the room to end the noise disturbance.  A note indicating that an entry was made will be left on the device for the residents, and any policy violations in plain sight will be documented.

Weight lifting equipment and musical devices or instruments whose sound carries may be used only with approval of one's roommate(s) and without disrupting others. Radios, televisions and stereo equipment should be used in a manner that does not disturb the study or environment on the floor/wing or in the chapter house. Students are encouraged to use the practice facilities provided by the School of Music. Improper use of sound-making equipment may result in the student being required to remove such equipment from the chapter house.

Satellite Dishes and Cable

IWU provides cable service to each student room, and to the designated common areas in each chapter house, the cost of which is absorbed into the basic room charge.  For living units that desire enhanced viewing options in a common area, a privately contracted satellite dish installation is allowed within the guidelines listed below.

Prior to installation of the satellite dish or the signing of any contract for satellite service with a provider, the following items must be submitted to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and the Vice President for Business and Finance. 

  • An application (to be reviewed by committee)
  • A $100 deposit ($50 of the deposit will be returned when the dish has been successfully removed.  The other $50 will be applied to returning the grounds/building to the original condition).
  • An installation plan from the satellite dish company. (to be approved and supervised by Physical Plant)
  • Documentation for insurance coverage of university property (TV, VCR) from lightning strikes
  • A copy of the satellite service agreement with passages verifying the acceptability of common area/public viewing highlighted
  • Documentation that the installation provider has workers compensation coverage, general liability and auto liability insurance with limits of at least $1,000,000.

Satellite dishes should not be visible from the front (street side) of the chapter house.  Dishes are to be mounted away from the facility and are not allowed to be mounted, secured or clamped onto university-owned buildings, including railings, walls, windowsills, roofs, ledges, fire escapes, etc.  Dishes must be properly grounded and cables leading off of dishes must be buried.  Cables may be temporarily installed through a window except those used for fire escape.

Physical Plant must approve and supervise installation plans. Dishes must be installed in a way that allows for Physical Plant to maintain the grounds/building around the dish.

The organization or group that contracts for service accepts all responsibility for equipment as well as installation, removal or damage incurred with required hardware.  IWU is not responsible for theft or vandalism to installed satellite dishes or the cable boxes, which accompany them.  Damage to University property, including connected electronic components, such as televisions, due to lightning strikes on satellite dishes will be the responsibility of the satellite dish owner.  A minimum of $1,000 coverage for university-owned equipment must be verified.

Selling, Soliciting and Peddling

No one may sell, solicit or peddle in University chapter houses. Door-to-door campaigning is prohibited as well.


蓝莓视频 is committed to creating a safe, healthy and productive environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Because environmental tobacco smoke is one of the most widespread and harmful indoor air pollutants, IWU shall be completely smoke-free indoors. This smoke-free policy shall apply to all IWU facilities and vehicles, owned or leased, regardless of location.

Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, and related products, is therefore not allowed in the chapter houses. Additionally, possession of such smoking devices as hookahs, water pipes, or any other type of smoking aid is prohibited. Students found smoking or in possession of these items may be subject to judicial referral and could be reassigned to a different living unit. When prohibited items are found, such prohibited items may be seized immediately.


Personal belongings generally cannot be left in the fraternity house over the summer. The University assumes no responsibility for theft or damage to items left in the house during the summer. Failure to remove one鈥檚 belongings at the end of the term of occupancy shall constitute an abandonment of that property. The University, at its discretion, may dispose of such property and bill such costs accordingly.

Limited storage of personal items is provided only as a convenience and is made available to those students who reside more than 450 miles away from campus.  Permission to store belongings in a chapter house does not ensure the security of a student's property from damage, theft or loss.  Storage is generally available in each chapter house and is provided on a first-come, as-available basis.  No promise is made that even students who have a legitimate storage need will be provided with storage space once designated spaces are full.  Students are encouraged to take as many of their belongings home as possible so that all students with a need will have access to storage space.

To store items, students must make contact with the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life to determine the availability of space remaining in the chapter house.  It is important to recognize that most requests for storage take place during check-out, which is a very busy time for staff.  Confirmation of a storage appointment should be made with OFSL staff at least 72 hours before a student expects to actually place items in storage; storage requests provided with less than 24 hours鈥 notice may be unable to be accommodated based on the availability of staff. To retrieve items, students must make contact with OFSL staff.  Most storage retrieval appointments will be made during regular business hours. Confirmation of a storage appointment should be made with OFSL staff at least 24 hours before a student expects to retrieve items from storage.

Each student who meets the criteria may place up to six containers in storage.  All belongings placed in storage must be stored in sealed containers (typically cardboard boxes) that fall within UPS shipping guidelines.  This excludes many plastic storage containers that are unable to be completely sealed or shipped.  Items that cannot be secured in boxes, such as furniture pieces and carpets are not allowed in storage.  In the event that a student does not return to campus, and alternate arrangements for item retrieval cannot be made, stored belongings will be shipped through UPS to the student's permanent address of record and his IWU account will be billed for the associated charges. Students are not allowed to store items that violate University policies or state or federal statutes. In addition, flammable items, food and perishable items, and items which pose a danger or health risk are prohibited. For students who do not qualify for campus storage or who need additional storage, contact should be made with storage companies in Bloomington-Normal.

Technology and Networks

The use of individually administered wireless networks in chapter houses is prohibited because they create security vulnerabilities and opportunities for less scrupulous persons to make use of IWU鈥檚 network in ways inconsistent with the IT usage policy.


The Weather Services uses a two-step alert to warn people of tornado danger: The WATCH tells you that atmospheric conditions are ripe for tornadoes, although none have been sighted; the WARNING tells you a tornado has actually been spotted, visually or on radar.

When a house manager is made aware of a tornado warning condition that includes the IWU campus, he will direct residents to evacuate to designated tornado shelter areas in each chapter house.  Residents are strongly encouraged to evacuate immediately at the onset of the warning, and before the sounding of local sirens indicating an imminent or immediate risk that may not give students time to move to safety.  Residents will be released from shelter areas when the "all clear" is given by civil defense authorities.

Traffic Signs

State law maintains that "it shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession any official traffic-control device except by reason of his employment. Conviction of possession of such devices (i.e. stop signs, street signs, city limit signs) is punishable by a $100 fine and/or 30 days in jail."


The possession, storage, or use of any firearm, weapon, or destructive device on or within a chapter house is strictly prohibited. A "weapon" is here defined as any firearms, BB, pellet, paintball or starter guns/pistols, bows or crossbows, slingshots, nunchakus, brass knuckles; or any switchblade knife, ballistic knife, sword, or other bladed projectile or spear; or explosives of any type, etc.  Replica weapons are similarly prohibited.

Windows, Roofs, Ledges, Fire Escapes, and Attics

Windows and screens are to remain in place at all times. Students are not allowed to place anything outside their windows or to throw objects out of open windows due to the potential for injury to those on the ground. A $25 fee will be assessed for reinstalling screens.

For reasons of safety, students are not allowed on the roofs, ledges or fire escapes of chapter houses except during a fire emergency. Students are also prohibited from chapter house attic areas and equipment/machinery rooms.

Cancellation of Contract

Cancellation of this contract for any reason may result in the billing of a) applicable room charges to the student鈥檚 account, and/or b) empty bed fees established by OFSL to the fraternity. In the event of cancellation for any reason, it is the student鈥檚 responsibility to find alternative housing.

Cancellation by the Student

If the student voluntarily withdraws from the University for such reasons as: leave of absence, December graduation, University recognized study abroad program, field study, transfer, marriage, or induction into the military service, and desires to cancel this contract the student must contact OFSL.  Upon the verification of the stated circumstances by OFSL, the student will be responsible for room and board charges through the date of his departure. Such cancellations may result in an empty bed assessment penalty.

If the student continues to attend 蓝莓视频 but nevertheless desires to cancel this contract because of reasons other than those listed above, he must file a petition with OFSL. Each case will be reviewed on its individual merits.

Cancellation by the University

Substantial interference with the rights of other residents to use the facilities, including conduct of a student that is dangerous or disruptive to himself, another person or persons; intentional or negligent property damage; or drug or alcohol violations or abuse shall constitute grounds for immediate cancellation of this contract; and, where deemed necessary by the University to protect the safety or security of the community, any or all fraternity house members. Suspension or expulsion of a student from the University shall constitute immediate cancellation of this contract. Students whose contracts are canceled pursuant to this provision will be responsible for room and board charges through the date of his departure. Such cancellations may result in an empty bed assessment penalty.

In case of such cancellation, the University will, in person or by certified mail, deliver written notice to the student stating the hour and the date of cancellation when the student must vacate the room. In the case of conduct deemed to be dangerous or disruptive to person or property, the University may demand that student immediately vacate the room.

Cancellation by the Fraternity

Failure of a resident member to remain in good standing with the fraternity shall constitute grounds for the fraternity to request cancellation of this contract by the University. Such requests must be submitted to OFSL by a fraternity alumni advisor, house corporation member, or national representative for approval. Upon verification of the stated circumstances, the student will be responsible for room and board charges through the date of his departure. Such cancellations will result in an empty bed assessment.

In case of such cancellation, the University will, in person or by certified mail, deliver written notice to the student stating the hour and the date of cancellation when the student must vacate the room. In the case of conduct deemed to be dangerous or disruptive to person or property, the University can demand that student immediately vacate the room.

Cancellation due to Fraternity Loss of University Recognition

Suspension or revocation of fraternity recognition by the University or the fraternity鈥檚 national office shall constitute grounds for the University鈥檚 cancellation of this contract with all resident members. All fraternity residents will be responsible for room and board charges through the date of their departure from the building.

In case of such cancellation, the University will, in person or by certified mail, deliver written notice to all resident members of the fraternity stating the hour and the date of cancellation whereupon all fraternity members must vacate the fraternity house. In the case of conduct deemed to be dangerous or disruptive to person or property, the University can demand that the fraternity immediately vacate the fraternity house.

Charges, Reservations, and Refunds

Students are required to live in University-approved housing (residence halls or chapter houses) for six semesters. For students admitted prior to Fall 2014, the number of semesters expected in university housing is four semesters. Housing contracts are signed for both the Fall and Spring semesters during the current academic year. Charges for chapter house room and board plans are published by the Business Office as a part of the Tuition and Fees schedule. By signing the fraternity house contract, students are legally responsible for the payment of all billed housing charges. Nonpayment will result in the automatic withholding of grades, transcript, registration, or diploma by the University.

The following dates and deadlines are important to keep in mind.  We have differentiated them by term and student cohort for clarity.

Spring 2019, Returning students

Students not planning to return to University housing for the Spring 2018 semester must complete an online request prior to December 1, 2018. Exceptions for canceling housing after one semester includes participation in an off-campus study program and inactivation from the University, including graduation or school transfers.  Students are not allowed to cancel the housing contract to move off-campus or into a Fraternity House mid-year.

Fall 2018, Returning students

Information regarding chapter house residency for the upcoming year is sent to returning students in late September. Members must complete the Fraternity Chapter Housing Contract online by February 1, 2018. Students not planning to return to University housing for the Fall semester must complete an online request prior to February 1, 2018. There is a $200 charge attached to student accounts in the Business Office for room reservations canceled after April 1, 2018.

Appeals to Housing Charges

Students are able to appeal assessed housing charges for the following reasons: 

  • Charges were assessed in error
  • Extreme circumstances warrant exemption from assessed charges
  • Assessment of charges did not follow institutional process
  • New information exists that would influence assessment of charges

Appeals must abide by the following conventions:

  • Must be in writing
  • Must be submitted within 60 days of the assessment
  • Must cite the grounds (numbered above) upon which the appeal is based
  • Must make explanation of the associated circumstances to fully inform the deliberation of the Housing Appeals Committee.

The Housing Appeals Committee is drawn from the following individuals and groups: the Business Office, Interfraternity Council, OFSL Professional Staff, Associate Dean of Students.  The Committee is co-convened by the Director of Fraternity & Sorority Life who serves as non-voting members. This group meets quarterly in October, January, April, and July and hears appeals submitted prior to the first day of the month during which the meeting takes place. Students will be notified of the committee's decision within two weeks of the Housing Appeals Committee meeting or by the end of the month in which the meeting takes place, whichever is earlier. Students should decline payment of billed charges associated with an appeal until a final decision is made.