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3rd Annual Human Rights Undergraduate Workshop

Schedule of Events - Feb. 27-28, 2015

Theme: Human Rights and Free Expression 


Friday, February 27

4:00-4:20 pm State Farm Hall (SFH) 102  Arrival and Check-in
4:30-5:30 pm SFH 108

Session A: Expression, Rights, and the Roots of Conflict

Jennifer Oswald, IWU (Voices of Gaza)

Calvin Waller, Luther College (Origins of Terrorism in India: Homeland or Borderland)

5:45-6:45 pm Evelyn Chapel Introductions and dinner
7:00-8:00 pm SFH 102 

“Hate Speech and the Limits of Free Expression”

John K. Wilson (Co-editor, AAUP AcademeBlog, Editor, Illinois Academe)

8:15-9:15 pm SFH 108

IWU Multifaith Ambassadors

“Wam! Bam! Islam!” Film and discussion

Saturday, February 28

8:00-8:10 am


Greeting by IWU Provost Jonathan Green

8:10-8:50 am

SFH 108  

Session B: Freedom of Expression and the Clash of Cultures

Betsey Fawcett, Luther (Islamist Recruitment)

Kemi Adeleye, IWU (The Clash between Freedom of Expression and Culture)

9:00-10:00 am

SFH 108

Session C: Expression, Engagement, and Collective Action

Nicole Jovicevic, IWU (Youth Engagement and Human Rights Through Case Studies

Sara Saltman, Macalester (No Title: Marriage and reconciliation after the Rwandan genocide)

Sarah Menke, IWU ( Your Story Matters: An Adaptation Theatre ––Piece with the Boys and Girls Club of Bloomington-Normal )

10:15-11:15 am

SFH 108

Session D: Resources, Exploitation, and Expression

Mike Dickinson, IWU (On the Global Water Crisis)

Emily Sena, Luther (No title: Conflict Diamonds)

11:30 am

Faculty Dining Room


12:45-1:40 pm 

SFH 104 

Keynote Address, Professor Semahagn Gashu Abebe, Visiting Assistant Professor, Human Rights Institute, University of Connecticut and Scholar at Risk,The Implications of Anti-terrorism Laws on Freedom of Expression in sub-Saharan Africa.”

1:50-2:45 pm 

SFH 108

Session F:  Free Expression and the Media 

Joe Ruskey, IWU (No Title: Media)

Fabian Pop, Luther (Independent Media: Indigenous People in  Guatemala)

3:00-3:45 pm

SHF 108

“Je Suis Charlie”: A Roundtable Discussion

Dr. Irv Epstein (IWU), Dr. Mark Criley (IWU), Chaplain Elyse Nelson Winger (IWU), Dr. Chuck Springwood (IWU), Dr. John K. Wilson (AAUP), Dr. Victoria Christman (Luther)

3:45-4:15 pm

SFH 108

Closing Discussion: Moving Forward


Past workshop information

2014 -   Religion, Identity, and Conflict

  2018 - Revolution and Social Justice

▷&Բ; 2019 - Changing Climates