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6th Annual Human Rights Undergraduate Research Workshop


February 23-25, 2018

Click here to view the 2018 schedule

The Center for Human Rights and Social Justice at Illinois Wesleyan will sponsor its fifth annual Human Right Undergraduate Research Workshop on Feb. 23-25, 2018. This year's theme is Revolution and Social Justice. This three-day event will gather undergraduate students from liberal arts institutions to present their independent research related to this theme. In the spirit of the workshop setting, presentations will be informal and there will be ample room for dialogue among all participants. Faculty mentors are also encouraged to attend. 

All workshop expenses including food and lodging are paid for by Illinois Wesleyan University. However, students are required to obtain independent funds for their travel to and from Bloomington, Illinois. In order to be considered for participation in the workshop, students submitted a 500 word abstract summarizing their research project and obtained a letter of support from a faculty member at their home institution.  

keynote speaker updated



Past workshops:

â–· 2015 - Human Rights and Free Expression

â–· 2014 - Religion, Identity, and Conflict