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Humanities Minor

A Humanities minor helps students appreciate the value of languages, literatures, philosophy, religion, history, and art to all human pursuits. Students who minor in the Humanities will develop their critical and creative thinking skills, learn how to communicate in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes; and gain a deeper understanding of the traditions and innovations that shape human thought and achievement in all fields. Minors are particularly encouraged to meet regularly with their designated Humanities mentor (assigned by the coordinator of the Humanities program) to discuss values and skills acquired in the minor, how courses overlap and differ within the minor, how they relate to the student’s major, and how the skills and knowledge acquired in the minor can enhance opportunities as a student prepares for graduate school and/or the job market.

Minor Sequence in Humanities

A minimum of six courses selected from Art History, English, Hispanic Studies, History, Humanities, Japanese, Music History, Philosophy, and Theatre History.

1) Two courses from the World of Ideas sequence: HUM 101, 102, 103, and 104.

2) Three courses from the following programs: English, Hispanic Studies, Humanities, Japanese, and Philosophy. (See complete list of approved courses


3) One from the following programs: Art History, History, Literature and Culture, Music, Theatre, English, Hispanic Studies, Humanities, Japanese, and Philosophy.

4) Two courses must be at the 300-level or above.

5) No more than one independent study may count toward the Humanities minor.

Courses approved for the Humanities minor:

Art History

ART 115: Introduction to Art History (AR)
ART 320: Global Modern Art (AR, G)
ART 322: Global Contemporary Art (AR, G)
ART 370: Special Topics in Art History


ENGL 109: Slamming, Jamming, Understanding: Poetry through Performance (LIT)
ENGL 110: The Short Story (LIT)
ENGL 115: Science Fiction (LIT)
ENGL 116: Travellers and Travel Liars (LIT)
ENGL 117: I love a Mystery (LIT)

French and Francophone Studies 

LC 125: Special Topics in French Literature in Translation

Hispanic Studies

LC 224: Muslim Spain: The Rise and Fall of the Caliphate of Cordoba (912-1031) (CHC)
LC 232: Resisting Dictatorship: Spain and Chile (CHC, G) 
SPAN 240: Spanish for Social Justice (U)
LC 241 Don Quixote: the First Modern Novel (LIT)
LC 244 Dangerous Texts (LIT, G)
LC 246 Visual Cultures of Modern Spain (IT, G) 
LC 251 Identity and Alterity in Latino Literature (LIT, U) 
SPAN 307: Reading and Writing Culture (W, G)
SPAN 308: Introduction to Literature (LIT, G)
SPAN 499: Independent Study
LC 135: Special Topics in Hispanic Literature in Translation (LIT)


HIST 101: Introduction to Japanese History (CHC, G)
HIST 122: Modern Global History (CHC, G)
HIST 151: The United States (CHC, U)
HIST 152: The United States (CHC, U)
HIST 214: Ancient Rome (CHC)
HIST 221: The Holocaust (CHC)
HIST 223: The Two World Wars
HIST 241: The Great Depression in the United States (CHC, U)
HIST 244: Women and the American Experience (CHC, U)
HIST 311: Art and Architecture of the Roman World (AR)
HIST 318: Blood Rites and Mystery Cults (CHC)
HIST 322: Love and Death in Freud’s Vienna
HIST 325: Modern Germany
HIST 344: Reconstructing America, 1865-1900 (CHC, U)
HIST 350: Women, Work and Leisure, 1890-1930 (CHC, U)
HIST 351: Modern America, 1900-1945 (CHC, U)
HIST 352: Recent United States (CHC, U)
HIST 370: Studies in History


HUM 101: World of Ideas: The Ancient World (IT)
HUM 102: World of Ideas: ca. 10th-16th Centuries (IT)
HUM 103: World of Ideas: 17th-18th Centuries (IT)
HUM 104: World of Ideas: The Modern Era (IT, G)
HUM 370: Special Topics in the Humanities

Italian Studies 

LC 165: Special Topics in Italian Literature in Translation (LIT)
LC 260: Italian Cinema
LC 265: Renaissance Italy (LIT) 


JPN 310: Studies in Literature and Humanities (to be taken abroad)
JPN 311: Studies in Social Science (to be taken abroad)
JPN 306/LC 106: Japanese Studies Through Popular Culture (CHC, G)
LC 105: Special Topics in Japanese Literature in Translation (LIT)
LC 202/JPN 202: From Atom to Akira: Japan’s Pop Culture (LIT, G)
LC 205: Language and Culture in Japan (CSI, G)
LC207: Language and Gender: U.S. and Japan (CSI, G)
LC 303/JPN 303: Blades, Bows, and Boshido: The Samurai in Context (CHC, G)
LC 304: Cross-Cultural Communications: U.S. and Japan (AV, G)
LC 308: Japanese Way of Life: Traditions and Changes (IT, G)

Literature and Culture in English Translation

LC 110: Playing Revolution (LIT)
LC 170: Special Topics
LC 207: Language and Gender (CSI, G)
LC 224: Cultural Questions and Contexts in African Film, 1960-Present (LIT, G)
LC 242: Strangers in Their Own Home: Yiddish Culture of Eastern Europe (IT, G)
LC 247: Fairy Tales of the 20th Century (AV)
LC 270: Special Topics
LC 273: Standing in the Shadows: Global Film Noir (AR)
LC 274: The Superwoman of Central European Fiction and Film (CHC, G, W)
LC 370: Special Topics
LC 377: Studies in Comparative Literature
LC 380: Introduction to Literary Theory


MUS 164: The Gourmet Listener (AR)


PHIL 102: Introduction to Symbolic Logic (FR)
PHIL 103: Mind and World (IT)
PHIL 105: Rights and Wrongs (AV)
PHIL 106: God and Science (IT)
PHIL 107: Introduction to the Philosophy of Natural Science (IT)
PHIL 170: Special Topics
PHIL 204: Introduction to Ethical Theory (AV)
PHIL 205: What is Law? (AV, W)
PHIL 209: Philosophy of Religion (IT)
PHIL 213: Business Ethics (AV)
PHIL 214: Philosophy of Education (AV)
PHIL 224: Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy (AV)
PHIL 225: Medical Ethics (AV)
PHIL 230: Philosophy of Feminism (AV, U)
PHIL 232: Philosophy of Race (U, W)
PHIL 268: Hume’s Philosophy of Religion (IT, W)
PHIL 270: Special Topics
PHIL 300: Biology and Ethics (AV, W)
PHIL 302: Ethics and the Environment
PHIL 304: Ethical Theory (AV)
PHIL 305: Philosophy of Law (AV)
PHIL 307: Philosophy of Natural Science (IT, W)
PHIL 308: History of Ancient Philosophy (IT)
PHIL 309: History of Modern Philosophy (IT)
PHIL 310: Social and Political Philosophy (IT, W)
PHIL 311: Philosophy of the Mind (IT, W)
PHIL 340: Philosophy of Language (W)
PHIL 350: Knowledge, Belief, and Society (W)
PHIL 351: Metaphysics (W)
PHIL 351: Major Philosophers or Philosophical Movements (IT, W)
PHIL 356: Contemporary Ethics (AV, W)
PHIL 360: Advanced Symbolic Logic
PHIL 370: Special Topics
PHIL 380/381: Independent Study in Philosophy


THEA 241: Introduction to Dramatic Literature (AR, W)
THEA 378: Costume History (AR)

Joanne Diaz headshot

Joanne Diaz - Isaac Funk Endowed Professor of English

Department - English