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Tate Archives

Mission Statement & Collection Development

  • Guidelines for researchers using archives & special collections
  • IWU Records Management Policy

    Mission Statement

    The university archives documents the history of À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ from 1850 to the present, and the activities of its faculty, staff, and students.  The primary purpose of the archives is to appraise, collect, organize, describe, make available, and preserve records of historical, legal, fiscal, and/or administrative value to À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ, with an emphasis on all significant university publications.

    The purpose of the archives is also to serve as a resource and laboratory to stimulate and nourish creative teaching and learning; to serve research and scholarship by making available and encouraging the use of its collections by members of Illinois Wesleyan University and the community at large; and to promote knowledge and understanding of the origins, aims, programs, and goals of À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ.

    Collection Development Policy

    Records are defined as all recorded information regardless of format or medium. This includes, but is not limited to, handwritten and printed paper documents, posters, ephemera, microforms, photographs, audiovisual materials, and electronic records.

    • The founding charter, statute, or legislative documents creating Illinois Wesleyan University, as well as subsequent authorizing documents substantially affecting the mission of À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ.
    • Records of the administrative, faculty, and student governance committees, including agendas, minutes and supporting documents for meetings of the Trustees, faculty, faculty-student, and student governing bodies.
    • Published and unpublished annual reports of chief executives, and academic and administrative officers (Correspondence and office records of chief executives, deans and policy makers).
    • Summary budgets and financial reports.
    • Publications covering basic institutional mission, including course catalogs, schedule of classes, curriculum handbooks, and degree requirements.
    • Faculty, staff, student, and alumni directories.
    • Newspapers, newsletters, and other publicity issuances from students and official campus offices and student and faculty organizations.
    • Records and publications of student organizations and athletic programs.
    • All other publications issued by administrative, teaching, and student bodies, including scholarly journals, official reports, departmental newsletters, and student organization announcements.
    • Selected publications by faculty and alumni, and students’ honors theses.
    • Personal papers of selected individuals who have played a significant role in the history of À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ.

    To discuss the possibility of donating or transferring materials and to learn about our gifts policy, please Meg Miner, University Archivist & Special Collections Librarian at The Ames Library.

    Download the Archives Finding Aid (caution: large pdf)

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