The Ames Library
The Ames Library, faculty, and staff have received numerous awards over the years. Below is a listing of some of these awards.
- Faculty and staff awards
- Tony Heaton, Interlibrary Loan and Assessment Specialist, won the 2010 Max Starkey Award for extraordinary service to the University.
- Chris Sweet, Information Literacy Librarian, won the 2014 Information Literacy Best Practices Exemplary Award from the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL).
- Stephanie Davis-Kahl, University Librarian and Univeristy Copyright Officer, won the 2014 ACRL “” which honors a distinguished academic librarian who has made an outstanding contribution as an education and/or behavioral sciences librarian through accomplishments and service to the profession
- Meg Miner, University Archivist and Special Collections Librarian Emerita, with , was a co-recipient of the and the
- Library Awards
- In 2008, Ames Library, won the Beautification Award from the Citizens Beautification Committee and the City of Bloomington acknowledging a property that presents a positive appearance to the City of Bloomington. The IWU Grounds Crew was also recoginzed for their outstanding contributions to the landscape surrounding the library.
- The Ames Library consistently ranks high on the IWU First-Year Student Satisfaction Survey. In 2021, 96% of first-year students were either safisfied or very satisfied with the library.
- reguarly mentions student safisfaction with Ames Library in their review of the nation's best institutions for undergraduates.