Photography & Filming
Library visitors are welcome to take photographs of the Ames building and exhibit spaces for personal use; however, we ask that you please respect our users’ privacy when taking photos or video. Photography or filming for any other uses within library spaces must be pre-approved by the University Librarian by completing the . Completing the form will help us plan for and inform our users about any filming and photography in the building. Events scheduled through IWU Conference Services do not need to fill out this form.
Please review the following before submitting your request:
- Filming for commercial or non-commercial (private) use may include television or video production and still photography.
- Library spaces include floors and rooms for private, quiet study; designated areas for group collaboration; library staff workspaces; Archives and Special Collections, and the bookstacks.
- Film crew (technicians, actors, etc.), and equipment (cameras, video recorders, televisions, etc.) will not distract library patrons or normal library operations.
- Library personnel maintain the right to suspend filming activities if they feel the activity is an interference.
- Changes to library facilities or furnishings (furniture, artwork, lighting fixtures, shelving, etc.) is strictly prohibited. If you need furniture moved, please indicate on the .
- Books should remain on the shelf and not be rearranged in any way.
- Film equipment must not block access to stairways, elevators, emergency exits, walkways, librarian and staff offices, restrooms, or access to library materials.
- Participants assume all risk for any and all liability, losses or damages associated with the photography/filming activities.
- Participants agree to release the University from any an all liabilities, damages, losses or injuries participants sustain to their person or property which arise out of or are related to the photography/filming activities.
If you have any questions, please contact the University Librarian.