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Alumni, Retirees, Visiting Scholars & Community

If you need assistance logging into MegaSearch, please contact Katy Ritter at (309) 556-3172 or email at kritter@iwu.edu.

Visiting Scholars

  • The library is happy to welcome visiting scholars and researchers. Please contact the University Librarian to discuss your research needs, so that we can tailor access to support you.

Affiliated Staff

  • Affiliated staff may visit the Library Services Desk during regular business hours Monday - Friday to create an account with their IWU ID card. If you do not have an IWU ID, please visit Campus Safety.
  • Activating their account will allow you to check out books from The Ames Library and I-Share with their IWU ID card. 
  • Loan periods for The Ames Library and I-Share are listed below.
  • Affiliated staff with active IWU accounts may use the public computers on a walk-in basis using their IWU NetID and password.
  • Due to licensing restrictions, affiliated staff may not access our licensed electronic databases from off campus. There are a growing number of openly accessible scholarly resources that are available to researchers, and our librarians will be glad to assist in their discovery and use.

Borrowing Privileges

Books, CD's, DVD's, and Scores
4 weeks, 3 renewals
Bound Journals
5 days, 1 renewal
Building use only
4 weeks, 1 renewal


  • Alumni may check out books from The Ames Library using their IWU ID card. If you do not have an IWU ID, please visit Campus Safety.
  • Alumni with active IWU accounts are welcome to use our computers on a walk-in basis using their IWU NetID and password.
  • Due to licensing restrictions, alumni may not access our licensed electronic databases from off campus. There are a growing number of openly accessible scholarly resources that are available to researchers, and our librarians will be glad to assist in their discovery and use.
  • Interlibrary loan privileges are only available to current IWU students, faculty, staff, and emeriti faculty. This service can be provided by your local public library.

Borrowing Privileges

Books, CD's, DVD's, and Scores
4 weeks, 3 renewals
Bound Journals
5 days, 1 renewal
Building use only
4 weeks, 1 renewal

Emeriti Faculty

  • Emeriti faculty may check out books from The Ames Library and I-Share with their IWU ID card. If you do not have your IWU ID, please visit Campus Safety.
  • Loan periods for The Ames Library and I-Share are listed below.
  • Emeriti faculty can also request materials via Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)
  • Emeriti faculty are welcome to use our public computers on a walk-in basis using their IWU NetID and password.
  • Due to licensing restrictions, emeriti faculty may not access our licensed electronic databases from off campus. There are a growing number of openly accessible scholarly resources that are available to researchers, and our librarians will be glad to assist in their discovery and use.

Borrowing Privileges

Books, CD's, DVD's, and Scores
16 weeks, 3 renewals
Bound Journals
5 days, 1 renewal
Building use only
4 weeks, 1 renewal
Print reserves
Building use only

Retired Staff

  • Retired staff may check out books from The Ames Library and I-Share with their IWU ID card. If you do not have your IWU ID, please visit Campus Safety.
  • Loan periods for The Ames Library and I-Share are listed below.
  • Retired staff with active IWU accounts may use the public computers on a walk-in basis using their IWU NetID and password.
  • Due to licensing restrictions, retired staff may not access our licensed electronic databases from off campus. There are a growing number of openly accessible scholarly resources that are available to researchers, and our librarians will be glad to assist in their discovery and use.
  • Interlibrary loan privileges are only available to current IWU students, faculty, staff, and emeriti faculty. This service can be provided by your local public library.

Borrowing Privileges

Books, CD's, DVD's, and Scores
4 weeks, 3 renewals
Bound Journals
5 days, 1 renewal
Building use only
4 weeks, 1 renewal

Community Members

Borrowing Privileges - Residents within a 30 mile radius of IWU

  • Members of the general public may request an IWU library courtesy card, if they present a current adult public library card from any (Reaching Across Illinois Library System) library within a 30 mile radius of IWU and a valid driver’s license or state ID.
  • Borrowing privileges granted with this card are only applicable at The Ames Library. Card renewals will be granted, if individual requests the renewal personally and is in good standing at The Ames Library.
  • Community members may use the public computers located in the rotunda on the lower level, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the library. We do not offer printing to community members at this time.
  • Interlibrary loan privileges are only available to current IWU students, faculty, staff, and emeriti faculty. This service can be provided by your local public library.

Borrowing Privileges

Books, CD's, DVD's, and Scores
4 weeks, 3 renewals
Bound Journals
5 days, 1 renewal
Building use only
4 weeks, 1 renewal

 If you have questions about these policies and your individual situation, please contact the Library Service Desk at (309) 556-3350.