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Engineering+ Suggested Curriculum

Jump to: First three years (except computer/ mathematics engineering) | Computer Engineering 3-2 ProgramBiomedical Engineering  | Systems Science/Mathematics 3-2 Program (Washington University only)  |  Chemical Engineering

Engineering+ Suggested Curriculum (except Computer / Mathematics Engineering)

This is an example course plan based on the 2022-2023 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses.

As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester toward completing graduation requirements using the degree audit tool.




Suggested Curriculum for Computer Engineering 3-2 Program

This is an example three-year plan; your actual schedule can/ will deviate from this sample. Your faculty advisor will work with you to match appropriate courses with your interests.


Suggested Curriculum for Systems Science/Mathematics 3-2 Program (Washington University only)

This is an example three-year plan; your actual schedule can/ will deviate from this sample. Your faculty advisor will work with you to match appropriate courses with your interests.


Suggested Curriculum for Chemical Engineering / Process / Environmental Engineering and Biomedical Engineering 3-2 Program

This is an example three-year plan; your actual schedule can/ will deviate from this sample. Your faculty advisor will work with you to match appropriate courses with your interests.

Biomedical Engineering students will need an introductory biology course in addition to the following listings. 

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

May Term

  • Gen Ed

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

May Term

  • Gen Ed

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

  • CHEM 322
  • Major Requirement
  • Major Requirement
  • Gen Ed

May Term

  • Gen Ed
Gabe Spalding headshot

Gabe Spalding - B. Charles and Joyce Eichhorn Ames Professor of Physics

Department - Physics