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Undecided Course Plans

Course plans are an outline to help you with class registration. Until you have declared a major, you should explore courses that interest you and meet the shared curriculum requirements for IWU students. For example, all students must meet a Formal Reasoning (FR) requirement. When you see “Calculus (FR)” on the course plan, you know Calculus meets the Formal Reasoning requirement. 

IWU students generally register for four courses per semester. If you are a first year student entering IWU in the fall, one course must be a Gateway Colloquia, which is a small, discussion-oriented class designed to develop students’ proficiency in writing academic and public discourse. For the other three courses, use Banner to look for classes that interest you and bring a short list to your advising appointment. Make sure you search for the current academic year. You can also review the course plans here that are related to your general interest area(s) or from the list below of electives to consider.

These are example course plans based on the 2023-2024 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses. Course descriptions can be found in Banner and the University Catalog. As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester towards completing graduation requirements using the degree audit tool in Banner.


  • Gateway
  • CHC Course or enter your Foreign Language Sequence (Spanish 101 is not offered in the fall)
  • CSI Course (Political Science, Economics, or Sociology) or Global Diversity or US Diversity Flag
  • An elective course of interest (For first year students, 100 & 200 level courses are recommended)

  • Gateway
  • Econ 100 (CSI) or ACC 112
  • Finite Math or Calculus
  • Start your Language Sequence or take a CHC, ART, or LSI class

  • Gateway
  • Perspectives in Global Health (G) or Medical Ethics (AV) 
  • Finite Math or Calculus (FR)
  • Language (because it is hard to get the language sequence in with upper level courses) or CHC or CSI attribute

  • Gateway
  • If interested in media-based arts: Graphic Design (ART 141)
  • If interested in theatrical arts: Fundamentals of Acting (THEA 102) 
  • If interested in musical arts: MUS 103 and/or sign up for choir or audition for a band 
  • PSYC 100 (LSI)
  • Any attribute course or flag course

  • Gateway
  • ENGL course (LIT)
  • HIST course (CHC)
  • Second language sequence or a CSI attribute course 

Look at these courses as good “common denominator” classes - good for everyone and hits a shared curriculum (or two):

Possible Courses Attributes/Flags
PSYC 100: General Psychology  Life Science Issues
CS 125: Intro to Computer Science and Data Science  Formal Reasoning (FR)
HUM 102: World of Ideas  Intellectual Traditions (IT)
HUM 104: World of Ideas Global Diversity (G) & Intellectual Traditions (IT)
PSCI 101: American Politics US Diversity (US) & Contemporary Social Institutions (CSI)
ENST 101: Environment & Society Analysis of Values (AV)
MATH 110: Finite Math Formal Reasoning (FR)
Physical Education General Requirement
Sociology 101 Contemporary Social Institutions (CSI)