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Example Course Plan

Mathematics Course Plan (first 3 semesters)

This is an example course plan based on the 2023-2024 University Catalog; your actual schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to select appropriate courses.

As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester towards completing graduation requirements using the degree audit tool.

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

* It is important to take MATH 200 (Techniques of Proof) and MATH 215 (Linear Algebra) before the end of the sophomore year since they are prerequisites for most other upper level mathematics courses. If there are any questions about taking MATH 200 or 215, please see the Mathematics Department Chair.

May Term

  • Optional


Fall Semester

* It is important to take MATH 200 (Techniques of Proof) and MATH 215 (Linear Algebra) before the end of the sophomore year since they are prerequisites for most other upper level mathematics courses. If there are any questions about taking MATH 200 or 215, please see the Mathematics Department Chair.


Study Abroad

Students interested in studying abroad should consult with a faculty member in the Department of Mathematics to decide on a case-by-case basis what semester(s) would be most appropriate. Math majors are strongly discouraged from studying abroad during their second year.

Additional Information
  • The Calculus sequence (MATH 176, 177, and 278) covers everything that would be found in a typical university-level calculus sequence.  One of the fundamental marks of distinction of the Calculus sequence at IWU is the focus on a rigorous approach to studying the foundational concepts of calculus.  MATH 178 is a calculus lab course that incorporates software packages (typically Mathematica).
  • Placement into MATH 177 or 278 is allowed for those transferring AP/IB or college/university credit.  Please consult the Math Dept. Chair to determine which course you should take.
  • Mathematics majors should not take Mathematics 105, 106, 110, 135, 136, 140, 141, 143 or 145.
  • It is necessary in most mathematics courses to have required prerequisite courses. It is the policy of the Department of Mathematics, as found in the University Catalog, that credit will not be allowed for any math course that is taken after the successful completion of another math course, for which the first course was a pre-requisite. Thus, if a math course is taken out of sequence, skipping a pre-requisite course, then the prerequisite course, which may be required for the major/minor, will not count toward the major/minor. Students should be aware that bypassing pre-requisite courses can result in having to take additional courses to complete the major/minor.
  • All students will complete a sophomore project during their second year.  This is part of MATH 220, which is taken during the spring of that year.  Please consult your advisor about how to choose a topic.
  • Students who are planning to double major in Mathematics and Secondary Education should also follow the Mathematics/Secondary Education Course Plan .
Zahia Drici headshot

Zahia Drici - Professor and Chair of Mathematics

Department - Mathematics