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Tyler Schwend

Tyler Schwend

Assistant Professor of Biology
Molecular regulation of corneal nerves during eye development

Animal physiology, biology & ethics

Brad Sheese

Brad Sheese

Professor of Computer Science
Behavioral development

Teratogenic Influences on Development

Jason Themanson

Jason Themanson

Professor of Psychology

Self-regulation and action monitoring; neural activity during social interactions; situational and dispositional influences on patterns of neural activation during social and cognitive task engagement

Brian Walter

Brian Walter

Associate Professor of Biology
Cell and developmental biology

Evolution of developmental mechanisms; cellular and molecular aspects of craniofacial development in fishes.

Joe Williams

Joe Williams

Associate Professor of Psychology

Relationship between hippocampal/frontal EEG and memory; effects of alcohol on learning and memory

Tyler Schwend headshot

Tyler Schwend - Associate Professor of Biology

Department - Biology