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Major & Minor Requirements

The Major Sequence:
Each student majoring in philosophy must take a minimum of 9 course units in philosophy to include:

  1. Introduction to Symbolic Logic (Phil 102)
    Ancient Philosophy (Phil 308)
    Modern Philosophy (Phil 309)
  2. Six additional courses in philosophy to include (but not including Phil 397). These four must include:
    1. one of the following: 103, 106, 107, 209, 232, 268, 307, 311, 340, 350, 351, 360
    2. one of the following: 105, 204, 205, 213, 214, 224, 225, 230, 300, 301, 304, 305, 310, 356
    3. two upper-division courses in philosophy (but not including 397)
    4. two additional courses in philosophy.

The Minor Sequence:
A minimum of five courses to include:

  1. Introduction to Symbolic Logic (Phil 102)
  2. Ancient Philosophy (Phil 308) OR Modern Philosophy (Phil 309)
  3. Two additional courses at the upper–division level (but not including Phil 397)
  4.  One additional course in philosophy
Andrew Engen headshot

Andrew Engen - Associate Professor of Philosophy

Department - Philosophy