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Summer Internships

Physics majors at Illinois Wesleyan complete a variety of impressive summer internships, at times approaching 100% placement. Browse our comprehensive lists from recent years:


  • Jack Davine '22 worked on robotic jellyfish at the Institute for Sensing and Embedded Network Systems at Florida Atlantic University. 
  • Yossif Elmadny '22, Katie North '21, Valeria Viteri-Pflucker ’22, Joe Ziegel '19, Suzanne Zhang '20 worked as research assistants at À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ where they conducted research on laser-matter interactions with Prof. Bruno deHarak.
  • Zhenguo (Sherman) Sun '21completed a research internship at Qinghua University, where he worked on Machine Learning for facial recognition systems, which combined software modeling with Optical Systems.


  • Sam Nam '19 was an Eckley Scholar, Suzanne Zhang '20 was a Murphy Fellow, and Binh Phan '19 was a research assistant working on the study of cosmic dust analogues, with Prof. Thushara Perera, at IWU.


  • Krystyna Lopez '17 was a Murphy Fellow working on the study of cosmic dust analogues, with Prof. Thushara Perera, at IWU.

During the spring semester we had two students working on engineering internships:

  • Kyle Moody '17 worked as a Traffic Engineer Intern for the City of Bloomington.
  • Adam Muellers '17 worked as a Sales Engineer/Intern for Air Management Products Company.

As usual, our physics students worked on a broad range of projects during their summer 2016 internships of various kinds, at research universities, government labs, private companies, or on campus.

  • Morgan Bishop '18 worked at 4 Seasons Health Club as swim coach and swim instructor.
  • Hank Bolon '18 worked at the governors club in Chapel Hill, North Carolina as the pool manager.
  • Emily Brown '17 worked at the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency in Springfield, IL through the Governors Environmental Corps internship. I worked jointly with the Office of Community Relations and the environmental education coordinator on the "Jr. GEC" summer camp outreach and on posters and activities for the IEPA IL State Fair booth.
  • Andy Ding'17 worked at Harvard University, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, in their Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.
  • Brannan Hutchinson '18 worked at Barnes-Jewish Hospital observing a cardiac anesthesiologist.
  • Dino Karas '17 worked at Fermi Lab National Accelerator Laboratory on the Muon to Eon (Mu2e) project with Mechanical Engineers, Cryogenic Engineers and Engineering Physicists.
  • Lunjun (Simon) Liu ‘17 worked at the Caltech SURF program, in TIME-Pilot group, physics department, to study the epoch of reionization.
  • Krystyna Lopez '17 took a Ukrainian language course at Ukrainian Catholic University.
  • Matt McGill '17 worked at the University of Kentucky as a research assistant in an atomic physics lab.
  • Adam Muellers '16 worked at Air Management Products and aided in the selection and design of HVAC systems for commercial and industrial buildings.
  • Tim Smyk '18 worked at Morris Business and Technology Center as a maintenance worker on various projects around the building.
  • Troy Southard '16 worked at Elkay manufacturing as an electrical engineering intern on the next generation bottle-filling units and improving manufacturing processes using Labview programming.
  • Rachel Westerkamp '18 worked for Wright Patterson Air Force Base as an ATR Center Intern on a project called "Using Convolutional Neural Networks for SAR feature extraction."
  • Boyang Zhou' 17 worked at Detroit University as a researcher on Magnetic Hyperthermia.

A large fraction of our physics majors are doing exciting research work during this summer.
All five faculty members in the department have students working on research projects with them. 
Here is a brief description of the various projects that our physics majors are working on during their summer internships of various kinds, on campus, and at other research universities, government labs, or private companies.

  • Kyle Connour '15 is working on Trojan asteroids, with IWU Prof. Linda French, at the Observatario Cerro Tellolo, Chile.
  • Brian Kim '15 is working on laser-assisted electron scattering experiments, with IWU Prof. Bruno deHarak, at the University of  Kentucky.
  • Margaret McCarter '15 is doing a research internship, working in the tribology group at Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL.
  • Joe Richards '16 is working on fabricating  nanovaterite particles and using a combination of acoustic and optical techniques for laser trapping in resonant structures, with IWU Prof. Gabe Spalding, at  St. Andrews University, Scotland.
  • Hayley Roberts '16  is doing an REU research internship at the University of Colorado, Boulder .
  • Kyle O'Shea '16, Fiona Breyer '17 and Lunjun Liu '17 are working on  setting up an experiment for the study of cosmic dust analogues, with IWU Prof. Thushara Perera, at IWU.
  • James Connolly '17 is working as a manufacturing engineer intern at GKN, in Woodridge, IL.
  • Toan Le '17 is working with a spatial light modulator to compensate for scattering inside some exotic complex fluids, with IWU Prof. Gabe Spalding, at IWU.
  • Maxwell Leonard '17, a physics economics double major, is working in the financial planning and analysis department at State Farm.
  • Matthew McGill '17, 2015 Bill Murphy Scholar, is working on chemical oscillations and waves, with IWU Prof. Narendra Jaggi, at IWU.
  • Jake Nave '17 is doing glass research in an (industry) internship at Johnson Matthey Noble Metals.
  • Julia Savich '17 is doing an REU research internship, involving forest bioproducts research, at the University of Maine-Orono.
  • Ruomeng Zhang'1 7 is doing an REU research internship, on solar technologies, with Prof. Greg Scholes at Princeton University. ()
  • Vasil Kukushliev '18 is doing an REU  research internship at the University of Texas at Brownsville.
Narendra Jaggi headshot

Narendra Jaggi - Professor and Chair of Physics

Department - Physics