Example Course Plan
Political Science Course Plan – First Three Semesters
This is an example course plan based on the 2023–2024 University Catalog. Your actual
schedule may deviate from this example. Your faculty advisor will work with you to
select appropriate courses.
As an IWU student, it is your responsibility to track your progress each semester
towards completing graduation requirements using the degree audit tool.
Fall Semester
- Choose one from the following:
- PSCI 101: American National Government (CSI, U)
- PSCI 102: International Politics (CHC, G)
- PSCI 103: Comparing Nations (CSI, G)
- If you have a qualifying AP credit, you can take a 200 level course instead.
- General Education Course
- Gateway Colloquium
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEX)
Spring Semester
- If not completed in the fall, choose one from the following:
- 200-level PSCI Course
- General Education Course (or Gateway if not taken in the fall semester)
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
May Term
- Optional
Fall Semester
- 200-level PSCI Course
- 300-level PSCI Course (check with professor for suitability)
- General Education Course
- Second Language Course
- Physical Education (PEY)
Study Abroad
Students interested in studying abroad may do so in any semester. However, depending on the program, students typically study abroad once they have reached the second semester of their sophomore year. We recommend that Political Science students study abroad during their junior year.
AP Credit
AP credit in U.S. government qualifies students to replace the PSCI 101 requirement with an elective of their choice among the remaining American politics courses.
AP credit in comparative politics qualifies students to replace the PSCI 103 requirement with an elective of their choice among the remaining comparative politics courses.
Students who, despite their AP score, feel uncertain about their knowledge base in these fields are encouraged to select PSCI 101 or 103. In the latter case, the AP credit will count as an elective in the overall 32 course/unit requirement.
Taking PSCI 392
Students are strongly encouraged to take PSCI 392 in their sophomore year. (Note that this course is offered only in the fall semester.)

William Munro - Betty Ritchie-Birrer '47 and Ivan Birrer, Ph.D. Endowed Professor of Political Science
Department - Political Science