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U.S. Department of State

Organization Description: As the lead U.S. foreign affairs agency, the Department of State helps to shape a freer, more secure, and more prosperous world through formulating, representing, and implementing the President's foreign policy.

Internship Program: The Department manages several student employment programs for students to get experience in a foreign affairs environment through first-hand knowledge. Some of our students work in Washington, D.C., and others have the opportunity to work at an embassy overseas. Positions are both paid and unpaid and many are available during spring, summer or fall.

Experiences Offered:
*Policy Research
*Economic Research
*Media Relations
*Legal Relations

Preferred Academic Level:
*Law Students

Preferred Major(s):
*Political Science/Policy 
*International Studies/Development
*Foreign Language

Semesters Available:

*Fall: March
*Spring: July
*Summer: November

Application Materials:
*Cover letter
*Academic Transcript
*Other: Download application from web site-3 copies are required


Contact Person: Ms. Allison Wood
Office of Student Programs

2401 E Street, NW, H-518
Washington, DC 20037

Phone: 202-261-8854
Fax: 202-736-7508