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Outdoor Spaces

Registered Student Organizations (RSO's) and Faculty/Staff may request use of the various outdoor spaces on campus for University-sponsored events.

Reservable outdoor spaces with their 25Live codes include:

-the Eckley Quadrangle (EQ)
-the Egbers Quad (EGQ)
-the Mini-Quad (MINIQ)
-the sidewalk in front of the Joslin Atrium Steps (EQ ATR)
-McPherson Beach on the Eckley Quadrangle (EQ MB)
-the Commencement Plaza on the Eckley Quadrangle (EQ CP)
-the Cabana (MC CA)
-the Peace Garden (PG)
-the Peace Garden Hexagon - outdoor classroom and meeting space (PG HEX)

It is important that you request use of these spaces and any resources you may need using .  Some common resources needed for outdoor events include tables, chairs, trash cans, and extension cords.  Please consider cleanup and ways to make your event more environmentally friendly, especially when hosting an outdoor event.