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Do Well & Do Good Involvement Awards

The Office of Student Involvement recognizes the achievements and accomplishments of student leaders, advisors, and student organizations during the annual Do Well & Do Good Student Involvement Awards Ceremony, hosted each April in the spring semester.

Currently, we recognize 14 award categories that celebrate students, advisors, organizations, and programs.

2024 Student Involvement Award Recipients

Fraternity/Sorority Chapter Advisor of the Year: Kasey Evans, Kappa Delta

Registered Student Organization Advisor of the Year: Courtney Turnbull, Campus Activities Board

Emerging Leader of the Year: Mannat Kandal & Chloe Shapkauski

Breakthrough Leader of the Year: Joelle McMillan

Fraternity/Sorority Leader of the Year: Justin Hart, Theta Chi

Registered Student Organization Leader of the Year: Valeria Suarez, Women in Politics

Minor Myers, Jr. Change Agent of the Year: Maya McGrew

Fraternity/Sorority Chapter of the Year: Alpha Gamma Delta & Theta Chi

Registered Student Organization of the Year: International Student Organization (ISO)

Collaborative Program of the Year: Lunar New Year hosted by Asian Pacific American Coalition (APAC), Campus Activities Board (CAB), and International Student Organizations (ISO)

Educational Program of the Year: Schools of Need hosted by Golden Apple Scholars

Innovative Program of the Year: Mental Health Awareness & Education Programs hosted by Awareness, Wellness, Education (AWE)

Social Program of the Year: Pelt-A-TKE hosted by Tau Kappa Epsilon

Social Justice Program of the Year: Hunger Banquet hosted by Amnesty International