RSOs can host approved fundraisers, but RSOs are not covered under IWU's 501(c)(3) corporate umbrella. RSOs are responsible for following the RSO Fundraising Policy and all fundraisers must be approved by the Dean of Students/Office of Student Involvement. RSOs should complete the no later than 15 business days prior to the proposed event.
Registered Student Organizations
Resources, FAQs, & Policies
â–· View RSO Manual
How does my organization receive funding from Student Senate?
Visit the Student Senate Financial Advisory Board webpage for information on the types of things Student Senate can fund for your organization as well as the forms you will need to complete to petition Student Senate for funding.
Can my RSO host a fundraiser?
My organization needs an account to hold funds collected from dues, donations, fundraising, etc., how do we set this up?
RSOs can set up Agency Accounts in the Business Office for holding funds besides those allotted by Student Senate. Typically these funds are from dues, fundraising, or donations.
Like a checking account at a local bank, a positive balance must be maintained at all times. The funds in an agency account maybe used for on campus expenditures such as printing, laminating, vehicle renting, and catering. These funds may also be used to pay invoices and for check requests to valid vendors or speakers.
To open an agency account, an RSO must first contact the Office of Student Involvement make certain the group's contact information is updated. The office coordinator will email the updated information to the Assistant Comptroller in the Business Office.
RSOs may then go to the Assistant Comptroller in the Business Office to set up an account. Organizations must have funds to deposit at the time the account is opened. A positive balance must be maintained at all times.
For assistance in filling out Business Office forms, see the Office of Student Involvement or the Accounts Payable Specialist in the Business Office.
My RSO needs transportation to an event such as a conference or convention, can we use a university-owned vehicle to get there?
Visit the University Vehicle Driving Policy webpage for information on use of University-Owned vehicles and policies for transporting fellow students in personal vehicles. Only students, faculty and staff who have completed the authorization process with Campus Security may operate a university-owned vehicle or transport other students, faculty or staff in their own personal vehicles. To reserve a university vehicle for your group contact Mary Anderson in Physical Plant at x3066. A budget or Agency Account code will be required at the time you make your reservation. If Student Senate is providing funding for the vehicle rental, you will need to ask the Student Senate Treasurer to provide a budget code for the expense. Your group will be charged for mileage based on the Current Mileage Rate set by the IRS. Book your transportation as far in advance as possible to increase the odds that the vehicle of your choice will be available.
My RSO is hosting an event where minors will be present. Is there any additional registration for this event?
Events registered in the 25Live system must indicate when minors will be present at an event. Student Involvement and/or Conference Services staff will contact your organization to get more information. If you are hosting an event that is not registered in 25Live (on or off campus), RSOs must notify the Office of Student Involvement, who will provide further instruction.
If your organization is participating in an event where minors are present at an off-campus, third party organization (school or local service agency), your organization and members are responsible for following the minor policies of the third party.
My RSO is hosting an event off-campus, an event that involves travel, or an event with added risk. Where can I get a waiver for participants?
All off-campus events/meetings must be approved by the Office of Student Involvement. The off-campus agency should adhere to similar health and safety guidelines set forth by À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ and students should practice physical distancing and wear masks for the duration of the activity. Prior to engaging in off-campus events, the RSO needs to contact the Office of Student Involvement at RSOs should take attendance and keep record of the attendance as well.
Contact the Office of Student Involvement ( no later than two weeks prior to your event to obtain a waiver. It is the recommendation of OSI that RSO leaders consider the risk of all events and inquire about a waiver for off-campus events and on-campus events with risk.
My RSO wants to show a movie. Can we stream Netflix?
Rights must be appropriately acquired/purchased for all movies/films/TV shows that are shown by RSOs. Failing to acquire/purchase rights puts the organization and institution at risk for fines. Netflix/Hulu/Amazon memberships do not fulfill this requirement. For suggestions on where to purchase rights, please contact the Office of Student Involvement. RSOs can screen films through Kanopy, a service provided by Ames Library. Contact Ames for more information on utilizing Kanopy and other services!
I want to print materials to promote my RSO or an event sponsored by my RSO. Is there a place on campus that I can do this?
Titan Print and Mail can print a wide variety of materials for your organization from brochures, flyers, and posters in various sizes and now recently they can print on a variety of larger media such as banners, signs, etc. PPMS' services are not free, so you will need to make sure you have funds available to cover printing costs. Visit their website for more information on how to submit print requests.
My organization needs to reserve space for a meeting or event, how do we do that?
25Live is the system used for reserving space at IWU. You will need a 25Live log in to get started. Be sure your RSO information found here is up to date first. For questions about planning events on Center Court in Hansen Student Center contact the Office of Student Involvement. All RSO meetings and events must be registered in 25Live in a room with appropriate capacity or they will not be permitted to take place.
*If you wish to have a fire pit at your event, your RSO must follow the campus Fire Pit Policy
What do I do if I missed the Student Senate and Office of Student Involvement training for RSOs?
RSOs must attend the Student Senate and Office of Student Involvement training annually. If you have not yet been trained, you need to contact the Student Senate Treasurer to be trained on financial policies for RSOs.
The Office of Student Involvement RSO overview can be reviewed here. Please contact the Office of Student Involvement at with any questions.
Registered Student Organizations are Expected to Abide by the IWU Code of Conduct in Addition to the Following Policies:
1) All RSO members must be enrolled as a student at À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ
2) A member of each RSO must attend mandatory RSO trainings
3) In order to maintain active RSO status, an RSO must have an up-to-date purpose statement on file with the Office of Student Involvement and register each academic year
4) All RSOs must maintain a level of membership of no less than three students
5) All RSO members must abide by campus policy, code of student conduct, city, state, and national laws. An RSO that violates city, state, or national law may be potentially liable in civil and criminal court as well as through the IWU student disciplinary process
6) RSOs and members will be liable for disciplinary action as a result of actions of individual members of the organization, while representing the organization
7) RSOs will be held responsible for all activities and/or damages resulting from events. RSOs must exercise reasonable precaution to ensure that events, and agents acting on its behalf, do not harm people or cause damage to the property of students, university employees, other organizations, or the University
8) RSOs cannot organize, sponsor, cosponsor, or in any way coordinate an event in University facilities with any student organization that has been prohibited from participating in that type of event or has had its RSO status suspended, placed on interim suspension, or terminated
9) RSOs should be in good financial standing and will be responsible for keeping record of the organization's finances (Through the IWU Business Office or otherwise)
10) Post flyers/advertising materials on designated bulletin boards only or on designated areas with approval of the Office of Student Involvement and 25Live.