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Campus Safety and Security Tips

  • Save the Campus Safety phone number (309.556.1111) in your phone. Consider making it a favorite so it’s easy to call if needed!
  • Register your phone number for emergency notifications . To ensure your phone is added to Wesleyan’s emergency notification list, please follow these instructions:
  • On MyIWU, go to Banner Self-Service / Ellucian Banner
  • On the Banner Self-Service card, select "Personal Information"
  • In the Phone Number section, add or verify your mobile number. (If you need to update your number, click the blue pencil icon to edit, or click on the "+ Add New" link to create a new number.)
  • Get familiar with the Campus Map . Dealing with an emergency on campus is much easier if you know the campus layout and important locations. 
  • Notice the locations of Blue Light Telephones stationed around campus. These phones call the campus emergency line directly.
  • Be observant. Use appropriate caution in areas with limited illumination or visibility, or places where someone can easily hide. Security always involves tradeoffs, and sometimes the safer path is not the more convenient path.
  • Practice traffic safety and pedestrian safety. The Illinois Wesleyan area includes several busy roads and numerous intersections. Please use caution when driving or walking.


Apartment and Residence Hall Safety:

  • Check your door locks to make sure they’re working correctly. If you have problems with door or window locks, report them to your RA or property management as appropriate. 
  • Don’t prop doors open, or hold doors for strangers . Residence halls should only be accessed by residents of that hall, invited guests, and authorized staff with keycard access. Don’t let strangers “piggyback” behind you when you enter the residence halls. Lock your door whenever you leave your room unattended, and communicate with roommates and floormates to stay aware of what’s going on and keep your areas secure.       
  • Report Lost Keycards . If you lose your Wesleyan keycard, or if it is stolen, please report it promptly and come to the Campus Safety office to receive a new card.   
  • Check the exits. Notice the locations of fire exits and fire routes. If there is a fire alarm, always leave the building immediately, and use the stairs instead of elevators. 
  • Check the smoke detectors. If you live off-campus, make sure your living space has smoke detectors. Never cover or block a smoke detector or other safety equipment! If you are in a rental property that lacks smoke detectors, bring that to the attention of property management—they are required to provide them.  
  • Be fire wise. Space heaters, toasters, toaster ovens, hotplates, electric grills, candle warmers, electric blankets, and other heat-producing appliances are not permitted in residence halls. If you are in a rental property where heat-producing appliances are permitted, always learn to use them properly and never leave them running unattended! Never use candles, incense, grills, cigarettes, or other ignition sources in residence halls, and use with caution if they are permitted on rental property. When doing laundry, check the lint traps on the dryers before use. Failing to clean the lint traps is a common source of smoke alarms! Use common sense when cooking, and never leave a stove or other heat source unattended. Note the locations of fire extinguishers around your living space. If you are in a private rental and don’t have access to any fire extinguishers, consider requesting one from property management or acquiring one yourself.    

Personal Safety and Property Safety:

  • Use caution after dark. The risk of crime as well as accidents increase at nighttime and in dark conditions. 
  • Light it Up. Consider getting a small LED flashlight for your pocket, purse, or book bag. Flashlight functions are available on almost all smartphones as well.      
  • Use the buddy system . If you have any concerns about safety, consider going with a friend or another trustworthy person. The Campus Safety Department can provide safety escorts as requested, give us a call or hit a Blue Box Phone to request one!
  • Be observant. You are more than a spectator in your own safety! Pay attention in crowds and public areas. Smartphones and headphones are great tools for safety, but be aware of distractions and lack of awareness when using electronic devices in public areas.    
  • If you do drink, drink responsibly . If you are of legal age and decide to drink alcohol, do it responsibly and within the Wesleyan code of conduct. Always arrange for sober transportation or plan to call a ride instead of driving under the influence! 
  • Keep emergency contacts in your phone . Having the Campus Safety number (309-556-1111) and other emergency contacts in your phone, can be helpful when a stressful situation occurs.   
  • “Security Through Obscurity”: Most crime is opportunistic. You can reduce the risk of being singled out. Don’t flash valuables when out on the town, or leave valuable items visible in your car when it’s parked unattended! If you arrive somewhere during the day but know you will be returning to your car later at night, try to park in a location with good visibility and illumination.        
  • Guard your social media. Be cautious when revealing information about family, friends, your personal life and relationships, location, activities, vacations and travel, valuable possessions, and other information that you might not want your extended social network, current or prospective employers, or random members of the public to know about.
  • Beware of scams. Scams and fraud carried out through phones, text, email, social media, and other electronic resources, have become a common feature of modern life. Some scammers start by collecting information about you from social media. Certain red flags can help you decide whether to trust the communications you receive. If someone claims to be affiliated with the police, government, immigration, courts, campus safety, campus administration, an employer, job recruiter, or other seemingly-legitimate sources, use caution before revealing any personal information or payment information. Phone numbers can be “spoofed” to look like a different party in the recipient’s caller ID. Legitimate authorities won’t call directly to demand payment information over the phone. Legitimate authorities won’t ask for payment in gift cards, cryptocurrency, or other alternative formats. If you receive questionable emails or text messages with links to log into your account, don’t follow the link. Instead, check your account separately through the legitimate website. If a caller threatens to have you arrested if you hang up or refuse to provide payment over the phone, that is a sign that the caller is not legitimate.                
  • Keep some backups . Consider keeping some cash or a backup debit or credit card, a second set of keys, photocopies or scans of your IDs/passport, bank info, or other important documents in a secure location separate from your normal wallet or purse. 
  • Track your valuables . Consider taking pictures of valuable property, including serial numbers or other unique characteristics that can be used to track down expensive or important items such as phones, bikes, jewelry, music or sporting equipment, electronics, etc…
  • Protect your bike. Bike theft is one of the most common crimes on campus and around town. If you ride a bike, get a quality lock and remember to use it. Simple chain locks can be easily cut or broken. Heavy U-locks are recommended. If you have a choice, lock your bike in well-lit areas with good visibility.
  • Run, Hide, Fight. If someone is clearly trying to physically harm you or others, there are three primary protective tactics:
  • Run : The first tactic is to “run” from the area. In other words, to quickly get away from the danger. When you’re in a safer position, contact Campus Safety or 911! If you can safely get away from the danger, that is always the best option. 
  • Hide : The second option is “Hide.” If you can’t safely escape the danger, try to avoid being targeted by hiding. Barricade and lock doors, windows, or other entryways, turn out lights, silence phones, and take other measures to avoid being detected and targeted by a hostile person. Meanwhile, contact police and/or Campus Safety if possible, and provide information about the threat so authorities can respond more effectively. If you believe it necessary, find objects that can be thrown or used as weapons. 
  • Fight : The last option is “Fight.” If you are clearly threatened with violence and cannot escape, you have the right to defend yourself as a last resort. If possible, team up with others and make a coordinated effort to protect each other and escape! If Campus Safety or local law enforcement arrive, always follow their instructions for everyone’s safety!