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Parking Rules & Regulations

Parking rules and regulations are in place to maintain order on campus and ensure the safety of all members of the University community. It should be noted, however, that at certain times parking on campus is limited and a permit does not guarantee availability of a parking space. Your cooperation and adherence to the rules is appreciated by all who work, learn and live at ݮƵ.


Online Registration Form


  • All faculty, staff and student vehicles parked on University property must be registered with the Office of Campus Safety and display a valid parking decal. Decals are to be permanently affixed to the lower right hand corner of the front windshield.
  • There is no fee to register a vehicle and obtain a decal.
  • Vehicles can be registered at the Office of Campus Safety at the main desk in Memorial Center.
  • The information needed to register a vehicle is your name, your local address or department, the make, model, year and color of the vehicle, the license plate number, state the license plate was issued and cell phone number.
  • All vehicles parked on campus must be in operating condition with a valid license plate.
  • No vehicle can be stored on campus without permission from the Office of Campus Safety. 


  • Faculty/Staff - park in Faculty/Staff designated lots.
  • Students - park in Student designated lots only.
  • Visitors - park in five visitor spots in the parking lot to the east of the Hansen Center. These spots are reserved for visitors to the University. 
  • Handicapped - parking in any of the designated handicapped spaces is reserved for those individuals with Handicapped License Plates or placards issued by a governmental entity. Temporary handicapped permits may be issued by the Office of Campus Safety. Approval by University Nurse is required to obtain one of these permits. This permit allows the holder to park in the nearest available, legal, university parking space but not handicapped spaces.
  • Temporary Stickers for any of the above classifications can be obtained at the Office of Campus Safety. 


The Office of Campus Safety will issue tickets for all violations occurring on University property.

Violations are written for:

  1. Failure to Register Vehicle or Display Decal. The fine for this violation will be waived if the vehicle is registered within 96 hours of the first ticket. Cars issued four tickets or more for this offense can be towed without further notice. 
  2. Parking in a Faculty/Staff Lot.
  3. Parking in a restricted area. (i.e. overtime parking, visitor's space, maintenance only, etc.)
  4. Improper parking.
  5. No parking zone.
  6. Parking in a fire lane.
  7. Parking in a Handicap Space. The fine is as posted. 
  8. Warning: Eligible to be towed. (Posted at the entrance to lot or vehicle has been issued four or more tickets for failure to register.)
  • The fines for violations are $20 except parking in a Handicap spot. The fine for that violation is the fine posted on the Handicap spot. 
  • All appeals must be made to the Office of Campus Safety within 96 hours of the issuance of a ticket.
  • Vehicles parked in a Faculty/Staff parking lot that is posted at the entrance that don't have a valid Faculty/Staff decal displayed are subject to being towed without further notice.
  • The fine for driving on the university quad is $200.
  • All fines are to be paid at the Business Office in Holmes Hall.
  • A vehicle can also be towed for receiving four or more parking violations, obstructing traffic, parking in a fire lane, being in an unsafe condition or being stored without permission. All charges and expenses from towing or impoundment are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
  • If your vehicle has been towed from a city street contact Bloomington Police Department.
  • Vehicles towed from a University parking lot are towed by Brown's Wrecker Service Inc., 302 Brown Street, Bloomington, IL 61701. Phone 828-3753. The fee to recover your vehicle is $85 minimum.

Parking Lots

All Faculty/Staff parking lots on campus are posted at the entrance to the lot as to their usage. Please observe all “No Parking”, “Visitor Only”, “Delivery and Service Vehicle Only”, “Handicapped”, or any other specially marked parking signs. Only park in a striped parking spot. 


Designated Student Parking Lots

  • Munsell/Ferguson parking lot
  • Dodds/Dolan/Magill/Harriett House parking lots (two parking lots north side of Emerson Street at East Street)
  • Dodds/Dolan/Magill/Harriett House auxiliary parking lot/Commuter Lot (parking lot located on the southeast corner of Hornberger and Emerson St.)
  • Tennis Court/Baseball Field Lot
  • Shirk Center parking lot (parking lot on east side of Shirk Center)
  • Phi Gamma Delta parking lot (residents only)
  • Theta Chi parking lot (residents only)
  • Sigma Chi House parking lot (residents only)
  • Tau Kappa Epsilon parking lot (residents only)
  • Parking lot located to the east of Evelyn Chapel
  • Gates Resident Parking Lot. (Parking Lot at the Northeast corner of  Beecher and Mclean Streets)
  • Parking Lot at The Gates 48 spaces  (This lot requires a special hanging tag.  One tag issued to each apartment.)

Designated Faculty/Staff Lots

  • Center for Natural Science (parking lot at the northwest corner of East and Beecher St.) Vehicles not displaying a Faculty/Staff Decal can be towed Weekdays 7am-5pm
  • Center for Natural Science auxiliary lot enforced 24 hours a day (parking lot on the west side of building). Vehicles not displaying a Faculty/Staff Decal can be towed at ALL TIMES
  • Gulick parking lot. Vehicles not displaying a Faculty/Staff Decal can be towed Weekdays 7am-5pm.
  • Center for Liberal Arts/Hansen Center/Physical Plant (parking lot located between Emerson and Beecher west of Horenberger)
  • Pfeiffer parking lot (parking lot between Pfeiffer and IT Sevice Center)
  • IT Support parking (spots located on the North side of IT Service Center)
  • Shirk/Natatorium Lot (parking lot on north side of Natatorium)
  • Ames Library Parking Lot (Lot to the west of Ames Library, eight spots on south side of drive)
  • Ames Plaza West five posted spots
  • Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center parking lot
  • Holmes Hall Parking Lot

Designated Faculty/Staff/ Visitor/ Commuter Student Parking Lots

  • Sesquicentennial Parking Lot at the SE corner of Graham and Park Street

Parking Information

  • The driveway in front of Harriett House is a “No Parking” zone.
  • All street parking is enforced by the Bloomington Police Department.
  • If your vehicle has been towed off a city street contact Bloomington Police Department.
  • Vehicles towed from a University parking lot are towed by Brown's Wrecker Service Inc., 302 Brown Street, Bloomington, IL 61701. Phone 828-3753. The fee to recover your vehicle is $85 minimum.
  • Do not leave valuables in your car and always lock your doors.
  • Note: Persons who park a vehicle on ݮƵ property are responsible for knowing and complying with these regulations. The University assumes no liability for loss or damage to a vehicle or its contents.