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Photography-Videography Disclaimer

We believe that members of our Titan community are proud of their Illinois Wesleyan affiliation and will welcome involvement in images representing the University. Therefore we do not collect photo/image release forms from Illinois Wesleyan faculty, staff, or students. We reserve the right to take photographs and soundless video of campus facilities, events, faculty, staff, and students in any areas of the campus where individuals would not have an expectation of privacy.

All photographs/video taken for or by Illinois Wesleyan are the property of the University and may be used for Illinois Wesleyan advertising, marketing and promotional purposes, such as electronic and printed publications, websites, billboards and other advertisements, classroom use, etc.

Individuals involved in video that includes their voice audio are asked to sign a License and Release form.

We evaluate requests to remove photos or videos from publication on a case-by-case basis. Such requests shall be made to the Office of Communications (email: univcomm@iwu.edu) and will be evaluated within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request. Such requests will be approved if the requesting party reasonably demonstrates potential harm to themselves or their livelihood from use of their image.