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Writing For and About Illinois Wesleyan

2021 Edition

Prepared by the Office of Communications



This style guide was developed to serve as a resource for those who create written materials targeted at internal and external audiences. Use of the guide will result in more consistency of style in University publications and other communications. It is designed to provide:

  • answers to commonly asked questions related to writing about Illinois Wesleyan, 
  • key facts and information about the University, its programs, buildings, etc., and
  • helpful writing style and usage guidelines based on the Associated Press Stylebook, which is used extensively by the media and by publications of many types.

Use of the Guide

Writing For and About 蓝莓视频 is intended as a reference for communication  produced for the campuswide audience or for the general public. It is not meant as a guide for technical or academic writing.

The main source used for this guide is the Associated Press Stylebook, which is intended for a general audience. Whenever text is sent to University Communications, the AP Stylebook will be the basis for editing. Other reference materials that may be helpful include Strunk and White鈥檚 The Elements of Style and Webster鈥檚 New College Dictionary.

While adherence to the guide is not mandatory, it is encouraged. We realize that style may need to vary in certain circumstances and hope that individual departments will use discretion when deviating from the guide.  

Use the drop-down navigation to explore this online edition.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Office of University Communications by phone at (309) 556-3181 or by email at univcomm@iwu.edu.

Writing About Illinois Wesleyan

Institutional Profile

Basic profile introduction or short profile:

Founded in 1850, 蓝莓视频 is a nationally recognized private university. Illinois Wesleyan鈥檚 liberal arts curriculum and pre-professional programs are designed to encourage its students to think and study broadly. The University is exclusively undergraduate and enrolls students from across the nation and around the globe.

When describing the University for admissions or the media, the following can be added:

蓝莓视频 offers more than 80 majors, minors and areas of study, including highly regarded pre-professional programs and professional programs in business, the fine arts and nursing. 

Located in Bloomington-Normal, with a combined population of 130,000, Illinois Wesleyan is approximately midway between Chicago and St. Louis.

Defining the Liberal Arts

The following defines how we view a liberal arts education at Illinois Wesleyan.

The Liberal Arts at Illinois Wesleyan

A liberal arts education at Illinois Wesleyan allows our students to discover the interconnectedness of knowledge through a challenging course of study beyond their majors. We place emphasis on developing their critical thinking and communications skills, strengthening their cultural literacy, and helping them to become more globally aware and ethically grounded. Illinois Wesleyan prides itself on producing graduates who are well-rounded, broadly educated individuals with a spirit of inquiry who can successfully adapt to the demands of a rapidly changing, complex world.

Use of the University Name

To avoid constant repetition of the full University name in writing about Illinois Wesleyan the following guidelines are suggested.

蓝莓视频 is generally the preferred first reference. The full University name clearly establishes institutional identity.  It is the most complete and formal first reference, making it generally the best first reference for external communications. However, for informal communications, and  communications within the Illinois Wesleyan family, there are other acceptable first reference alternatives.

Illinois Wesleyan is also an acceptable first reference and generally the best second reference. This is especially the case when the full name has been established via letterhead, the full University name or logo appearing on a publication cover, in previous sections of a document or publication, etc. Illinois Wesleyan also is a bit less formal than the full name.

IWU can be an occasional first reference and acceptable second reference, depending on the audience. The initials are best used for internal audiences, younger alumni and informal communications directed at those with close ties to the University. For most external audiences, use of the initials could cause confusion with Indiana Wesleyan (IWU) and Iowa Wesleyan (IWC), or make us appear more like public universities that commonly use their initials, e.g., ISU and WIU.

The University is an acceptable second reference. It can be used internally or externally after the school name has been established.


Messaging Map

Our Story

View as pdf





Supportive Environment

a strong liberal arts core and pre-professional programs

access to extracurricular groups, clubs, and athletics

inspiring people who encourage new directions

modern facilities, equipment, and teaching practices

internships, research, and real-world learning

an open culture that fosters dialogue and discussion

faculty who identify strengths and present opportunities

signature experiences, community engagement, and global exposure

shared values of respect inclusivity, and equality

building knowledge and wisdom

exploration of every opportunity

a welcoming and supportive community


蓝莓视频 is: 


a focused, academic community devoted to sparking the curiosity within every learner



so that students can:



discover, refine, and live out their passion

ability to navigate and adapt in an ever-changing world

cultivating and perfecting multiple talents

the courage to take risks in pursuit of something new

core set of skills to successfully respond to change

practice in assembling teams and leading peers

the desire to aim higher and exceed one鈥檚 own expectations

a learning environment that mirrors today鈥檚 workplace

a portfolio of work to showcase success

appreciation for divergent thought and practice

experiences that develop minds and open doors

purpose and accomplishment on a global scale

an atmosphere of acceptance and belonging


Writing Style Guide

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Academic courses

Formal names of academic courses should be capitalized and put into quotation marks.
e.g. "Introduction to Creative Writing"

Academic grades

Capitalize and use Roman typeface. Do not place quotation marks around grades.
e.g. A, B, C, D, F, pass, incomplete, grade of B, grades of B or Bs

Academic majors

Lowercase general references; capitalize if proper noun.
e.g. She is a biology major; She is a Spanish major.
See the Majors web page for listing of majors.


Spell out for first citation and follow with the acronym in parentheses. The acronym may be used in subsequent references.
e.g. The Council on University Programs and Policy (CUPP) will deliver a speech. CUPP is an essential organization. 

Adopt, approve, enact, pass

Amendments, ordinances, resolutions and rules are adopted or approved. Bills are passed. Laws are enacted.


Not adviser.

Alma mater

Do not italicize.

Alumna, alumnae, alumni, alumnus

Use alumna for the feminine singular.
Use alumnae for the feminine plural.
Use alumni for the masculine plural or for general plural.
Use alumnus for the masculine singular.

The Ames Library

Capitalize 鈥淭he鈥 in all cases. See also University buildings and facilities.


Bloomberg Finance Lab

See Greg Yess '82 Bloomberg Finance Lab.

Board of Trustees

Capitalize only when referring to a specific group. Use 鈥渢he Board鈥 on second mention. 
e.g. 蓝莓视频 Board of Trustees


See University buildings.

One word.


Identify people as (front row, from left), etc.


Not chairman or chairperson.

Christmas Break

Use "Winter Break" instead.
See also Winter Break.

Class year

Use the following for undergraduate years: first-year, sophomore, junior, senior.
When identifying current students or alumni by their class years, the year is expressed in two digits and preceded by a downward apostrophe.
e.g. Jon Doe 鈥60 

Use full year when referring to a year whose last two digits have repeated in University history, unless context makes this distinction obvious.
e.g. 1906, 2006

Can use full four-digit year if referring to a class as a proper name.
e.g. She is a member of the class of 2007.


Do not hyphenate prefix except when forming nouns, adjectives and verbs that indicate occupation or status.
e.g. co-author, codependent


Capitalize when referring to specific event.


Capitalize when referring to specific event (President鈥檚 Convocation and Founder鈥檚 Day Convocation). Use lowercase for referring to convocation in general. 

Degrees (academic)

Do not capitalize degrees when spelled out.
e.g. bachelor of arts

Use an apostrophe when referring to a bachelor鈥檚, a master鈥檚, etc.
e.g. bachelor鈥檚 degree

Do not use the possessive pronoun.
e.g. She earned a doctorate. (Not she earned her doctorate).

Preferably, do not abbreviate, but if form necessitates abbreviation, use periods.
e.g. B.A., M.A., B.S.

Degrees with distinction

Set in Roman face, not italics and do not capitalize.
e.g. cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude

See also Honorary degree.


Capitalize names of departments if the full/official name is used, lowercase if something other than the full, formal name.
e.g. "the History Department," "the department of history"

See also Capitalization and University departments, programs and schools (official titles).

Doctor (Dr.)

Reserve title and abbreviation for those holding doctorates in medical fields only.
For faculty holding doctoral degrees use specific name.
e.g. Ph.D.
e.g. U.S. first lady Jill Biden, who has a doctorate in education, plans to continue teaching. 

Dorm, dormitory

Use "residence hall" instead.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Gospel Festival

Capitalize when referring to specific event. This is the name of the event; typically 鈥淒r.鈥 is only included for medical doctors. 

Emerita, emeritae, emeriti, emeritus

Do not italicize.
Use emeriti for the plural.
Use emeritus for the singular.
Place after formal title in keeping with general practice of academic institutions.
e.g. Professor Emeritus Mona Gardner. Mona Gardner, professor emeritus.


Capitalize specific events and events of the college year.
e.g. Turning Titan, Commencement


Considered plural.
e.g. The faculty attend the event each year.

Faith organizations

View faith organizations active on campus on the Registered Student Organizations website


Preferred instead of "freshman." "Freshman" is OK in quote or in athletic eligibility

Founders' Day

Capitalize when referring to specific event.

Fraternity and sorority life

Use instead of Greek life. 


See First-year for proper usage.

Full time, part time

Hyphenate as a compound adjective.
e.g. He鈥檚 a full-time professor. He works full time.


Fundraising is never two words.

Gateway Colloquium

Capitalize in all uses. Can also use 鈥淕ateway鈥 after first reference.

Gender-neutral Terminology

See Gender-neutral under Culturally Sensitive Terminology.

Greg Yess '82 Bloomberg Finance Lab

Can also use Bloomberg Finance Lab after first reference.


See Culturally Sensitive Terminology.


Capitalize when referring to specific event.

Honorary degree

Always lowercase.
e.g. "Dawn Upshaw received an honorary degree from Illinois Wesleyan."

Honorary organizations

View a full list of active honorary organizations on the Registered Student Organizations website


Capitalize formal titles.
e.g. Grammy Award-winning soprano Dawn Upshaw.
e.g. She is a Nobel Prize-winner.

Honors Convocation

Capitalize when referring to specific event.

John Wesley Powell Research Conference

Capitalize and use full name upon first reference.

Kemp Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence

Capitalize when referring to specific award. Kemp Award can be used on second mention.

May Term


Minor Myers jr.

Former IWU President. Lowercase 鈥渏r.鈥 in all instances.
See also Minor Myers jr. Welcome Center under University buildings and facilities.


Use full name on first use and last name for subsequent uses.
e.g. Professor Dan Terkla (first use), Terkla (subsequent uses)
Exception: First name on second use is acceptable in publications writing to student audiences where use of first name would make communication more personal.

When writing about people who share the same surname, use first and last names throughout for clarity.

For international students and students who go by a nickname, use birth name on first reference with nickname in quotations.
e.g. David 鈥淣ico鈥 Lopez. 

For people with maiden names, use parentheses.
e.g. Kimberly (Wenger) Diller '15


See University offices and programming under Section I.

Part time

See Full time for proper usage.

The Petrick Idea Center

Capitalize 鈥淭he鈥 in all cases. 

May use "Petrick" as a shortened version.


One word.

President S. Georgia Nugent

Georgia Nugent on first mention in formal writing.
President Nugent in communication to students.
Georgia Nugent, or Georgia in communication to faculty and staff. 

Religious terminology

See Culturally Sensitive Terminology.

Residence hall

When referring to student living units, "residence hall" is preferred.
See also University living units under Section I.


Do not use accents.

Richard F. Wilson

蓝莓视频 president emeritus and emeritus trustee, include middle initial.

Robert S. Eckley Quadrangle

Capitalize proper name. Eckley Quadrangle and The Quad are an acceptable second reference.


Colloquialism referring to the Bertholf Commons / main dining area within the Memorial Center. Currently operated by Sodexo. Use only in quotes and when communicating with current students and alumni. 

Scholars and Scholarships (named)

In reference to those holding named scholarships, "scholar" is not capitalized.
e.g. Fulbright scholar; Fulbright Scholarship


Lowercase unless part of a proper name.
e.g. spring, summer, fall, winter; Winter Break


Do not capitalize.
e.g. fall semester, spring semester


See Culturally Sensitive Terminology.


Use one space after periods, commas and colons when typing text.


Considered plural.


Stands for Titan Green Over Everything and is a hashtag for the University.


Use "theatre" in all cases, unless referring to a movie theater or as part of a proper name.
e.g. McPherson Theatre, School of Theatre Arts


Use "noon" and "midnight" instead of 12 a.m. and 12 p.m.
Do not use :00 when distinguishing time.
e.g. The event will take place at 11 a.m.
Use a.m. and p.m. (lowercase)
Inclusive times: 8:30 a.m.-noon, 8-10 a.m., from 8 to 10 p.m.



Titan New Venture Challenge

Capitalize when referring to specific event and award. Formerly Entrepreneurial Fellowship and Entrepreneurship Fellowship

Titles of people

Capitalize formal titles and when they appear before a person鈥檚 name.
e.g. President Nugent, Chair and Professor of Biology Given Harper

Do not capitalize formal titles after a name in press releases.
e.g. Nugent, the president; Given Harper, chair and professor of biology

Do not capitalize titles that are standing alone.
e.g. the president

Courtesy titles are generally not used (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss).

Titles of works

Use italics or underlining for the following:

    books, movies, plays, operas, recordings, musical compositions, newspapers, paintings, drawings, statues, other works of art and art exhibitions, periodicals (journals and magazines), radio and TV shows, albums, names of airplanes, boats, ships

Use quotation marks for the following:

    academic courses, poems, book chapter titles, dance titles, articles, dissertations, individual lectures, paper titles, songs, speeches, stories, TV and radio episodes

Turning Titan

Capitalize when referring to specific event.


Whenever referencing 蓝莓视频 in internal documents or web stories, capitalize.

See Use of the University Name for further explanation.

University buildings and facilities:

  • Alice Millar Center for the Fine Arts (Fine Arts Building)
  • Alumni Engagement Office
  • Joyce Eichhorn Ames School of Art and Design Building
  • The Ames Library
  • Andrew W. Mellon Center for Faculty and Curriculum Development (Mellon Center)
  • Beadles-Morse Courts
  • Bertholf Commons
  • Buck Memorial Library (Buck)
  • Campus Safety
  • Center for Liberal Arts (CLA)
  • Center for Natural Science Learning and Research (Center for Natural Science, CNS)
  • DeMotte Hall
  • E. Melba Johnson Kirkpatrick Laboratory Theatre (Lab Theatre)
  • Evelyn Chapel (The Chapel)
  • Fort Natatorium
  • Greg Yess '82 Bloomberg Finance Lab
  • Hansen Student Center (Hansen)
  • Hart Career Center
  • Holmes Hall
  • Jack Horenberger Field
  • Jerome Mirza Theatre in McPherson Hall
  • Information Technology Services (ITS)
  • International Office
  • Mark Evans Observatory (The Observatory)
  • Memorial Center (Memorial)
  • Minor Myers jr. Welcome Center (Myers Welcome Center)
  • Multicultural House
  • Neis Soccer Field
  • President鈥檚 House
  • Presser Hall
  • Shaw Hall
  • The Shirk Center for Athletics and Recreation (Shirk Athletic Center, Shirk)
  • Carol Willis Park at Inspiration Field (Softball Field)
  • State Farm Hall
  • Stevenson Hall
  • Tucci Stadium
  • Westbrook Auditorium (Westbrook)

For a visual listing, see the Campus Map (or printable (pdf) version)

University departments, programs and schools (official titles):

  • Biology Department
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry Department
  • Computer Science Department
  • English Department
  • Environmental Studies Program
  • History Department
  • Humanities Program
  • International Studies Program
  • Physical Education, Sport and Wellness
  • Mathematics Department
  • Neuroscience Program
  • Philosophy Department
  • Physics Department
  • Political Science Department
  • Psychology Department
  • School of Art and Design
  • School of Business and Economics
    • Accounting Department
    • Business Administration Department
    • Economics Department
    • Finance Department
  • School of Educational Studies
  • School of Music
  • School of Nursing and Health Sciences
    • Kinesiology and Allied Health Program
  • School of Theatre Arts
  • Sociology and Criminology Department
  • Women鈥檚, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program
  • World Languages, Literatures and Cultures

University living units (fraternities, residence halls, sororities)

View the Residential Life website for a full list of living units. 

University offices

View the directory for a full list of offices. 

University restaurants:

View e for a list of campus dining options. 

University services:

  • Arnold Health Services
  • Counseling and Consultation Services
  • Fort Natatorium
  • Hart Career Center
  • Health Services (See Arnold Health Services)
  • Information Technology Services (ITS)
  • Language Resource Center (LRC)
  • McPherson Theatre Box Office
  • Merwin and Wakeley Galleries
  • Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
  • Sodexo Campus Services
  • University Bookstore
  • University Information (Main Desk)
  • Writing Center


See web addresses.

Vice president, vice chair, etc.

Do not hyphenate.

Capitalize only before a name.

    e.g. Vice President Kamala Harris


Do not capitalize "web" in instances such as "website," "webmaster," and "webcam."

Web addresses

Avoid http://. When the web address appears at the end of a sentence it is permissible to add a period. However, do not add other punctuation, such as hyphens, if the web address runs over one line.


Culturally Sensitive Terminology

University Nondiscrimination Policy

Preferred Terminology

American Indian

Synonymous with Native American, though choice should be left to individual or group preference. Use specific identification, such as Sioux or Navajo, whenever appropriate.

Asian American

Use to express dual heritage for someone of Asian descent. However, when appropriate, use a more specific identification, such as Japanese-American.


Stands for Black, Indigenous, People/Person of Color. POC, people/person of color, is also acceptable. When able, be more specific (e.g. if teaching about the accomplishments of Black scientists, use Black rather than BIPOC or POC). 

Use instead of 鈥渘on-white,鈥 as 鈥渘on-white鈥 persists the perceived normalcy of whiteness and the otherness of people of color. 

Biracial, multiracial

Both are acceptable. Avoid 鈥渕ixed-race鈥 as this can carry negative connotations. Some people may prefer to identify as mixed race, but when unsure, use biracial or multiracial.


The preferred AP style; Use African American if quoted or as part of an organization鈥檚 name. Preference should be left to individuals or groups.


Use person/people with disabilities or disabled people. Use nondisabled or person/people without disabilities instead of normal or able-bodied when comparing people with disabilities to others. 

Use wheelchair user or person who uses a wheelchair instead of wheelchair-bound. 

Avoid terms that invoke pity such as 鈥渟uffers from,鈥 鈥渧ictim of,鈥 and 鈥渟tricken with.鈥 Instead use neutral language such as 鈥渢hey have muscular dystrophy.鈥

Avoid slurs such as retard, cripple, crip, etc. 


To avoid gender bias in written materials when possible, gender-neutral terms should be used.

When appropriate, substitute non-gendered terms for those with masculine or feminine markers.

    e.g. firefighter, police officer, flight attendant, server

    Not: fireman/firewoman, policeman/policewoman, steward/stewardess, waiter/waitress

Avoid substituting person for man.

    e.g. chair

    Not: chairman, chairwoman, or chairperson

    Exception: official titles including the terms chairman or chairwoman

When appropriate, write in the plural.

    e.g. All students must meet with their professors.

    Not: Each student must meet with his professor.

    Never: Each student must meet with their professor.

When appropriate, write in the second person.

    e.g. Students, you should bring your books to class.

    Not: Each student should bring his books to class.

Avoid the third-person singular, gendered pronouns.

    e.g. Each applicant submitted a resume.

    Not: Each applicant submitted his resume.

Avoid slash constructions. If necessary, write he or she.

    e.g. All performers played their instruments.

    Not: Each performer played his/her instrument.

AP style notes that a few terms are still used to provide gender specificity.  If desired, use of these terms may be avoided by substituting a verb for a noun.

    e.g. host/hostess; Mrs. Smith was the hostess.

    Instead: Mrs. Smith hosted the party.


Hyphens are no longer used in conjunction with 鈥淎merican,鈥 for example what used to be 鈥淢exican-American鈥 is now 鈥淢exican American鈥. 


Use to express heritage for someone whose ethnic origin is in a Spanish-speaking country. Some prefer the term Hispanic, Latino (masculine) or Latina (feminine). Use a more specific identification when appropriate, such as Cuban-American.


Stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual/aromantic. Use to describe the community as a whole. Use a more specific identification when appropriate, such as gay man, trans woman. 

Mental Illness

Do not use derogatory terms, such as insane, crazy/crazed, nuts or deranged, unless they are part of a quotation that is essential to the story.

Predominantly White Institution

Use Predominantly White Institution or Historically White Institution on first mention. Can abbreviate to PWI on second mention. Used to describe universities that are, or have been, majority white students. Often referenced in contrast to historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). 


Use the term multi denominational to describe a service that covers all Christian denominations; the regular IWU Chapel Hour is an example of this. The term non denominational typically refers to Christian religions that develop their own specific beliefs, which vary from church to church. The term interfaith and multifaith refers to services that include two or more religions.

Capitalize the names of religious orders and the terms applied to their members.

    e.g. They are members of the Roman Catholic Church; They are Catholic

Do not capitalize terms such as church when used descriptively.

    e.g. a Roman Catholic church

Terms such as rabbi or priest follow the same rules as other titles. 

    See also Titles under Section II.

University Timeline: Illinois Wesleyan and the World

University Event


World Event

蓝莓视频 founded



Central Portion of campus acquired


Republican Party formed

Old North Hall built





Darwin presented theory of evolution



Abraham Lincoln elected 16th President



Civil War began



Emancipation Proclamation issued



Civil War ended; Lincoln assassinated

Establishment of first fraternity at IWU, Phi Gamma Delta



John Wesley Powell explored Colorado;

Black students admitted


Alaskan Purchase

Female students admitted



Old Main built





Chicago fire

School of Law established;

Female Professor hired;

Establishment of first sorority at IWU, Kappa Kappa Gamma





Custer's last stand



First commercial telephone exchange

College of Music established


First "five-and-dime" store opened

Wesleyana produced


Haymarket riot

Football team organized


Ireland's Bloody Sunday

International Students admitted



College of Oratory opened



The Argus published



Scholarships awarded



Summer school programs





Spanish-American War

College of Liberal Arts organized;

Domestic Science program begun


San Francisco earthquake

Cheer song written and arranged


Peary reached North Pole



World War I

Student Council organized



North Central Association accreditation





World War I



19th Amendment gave women right to vote

Construction of Memorial Gymnasium



School of Nursing organized


First woman governor elected



Lindbergh flew the Atlantic

Hedding College adopted





Stock market crashed

Presser Hall completed



Wesleyan accepts produce as tuition during Great Depression





Amelia Earhart's flight



World War II began



Pearl Harbor attacked

Hedding Hall (Old Main) fire





G.I. Bill



World War II ends

School of Art established


First U.N. general assembly

School of Drama established





Rosa Parks sparked Montgomery Bus Boycott

Collegiate School of Nursing organized


Vietnam War began



John F. Kennedy assassinated

January "Short Term" introduced



Old North razed for Sheean Library


Medicare instituted

Library completed;

Robert S. Eckley became 15th president


Apollo 8 lunar flight

Honorary degrees to Apollo 8 crew


Apollo 11 landed on moon

IWU Student Senate asks administration to lower flag; President Eckley approves


Kent State University Shooting

Alice Millar Center for Fine Arts;

campus radio station WESN 88.1


Richard Nixon visited China



Vietnam peace pacts signed



Nixon resigned



Ronald Reagan elected 40th President



First woman in space

Evelyn Chapel dedicated



Fort Natatorium dedicated


George H. W. Bush elected 41st President

IWU rated #1 in Midwest by U.S. News;

Minor Myers jr became 17th president


Fall of Berlin Wall

Renovation of Buck Memorial Library





Gulf War in Iraq and Kuwait

GLBT rights group established;

蓝莓视频 Magazine


Bill Clinton elected 42nd President

Optional May Term replaced January Short Term

Illinois Wesleyan registered the domain


World Wide Web released

Faculty and students send first emails;

Shirk Center dedicated


GOP took both houses of Congress

Center for Natural science dedicated,

later featured as model building by the National Science Foundation


Itzhak Rabin, Israeli prime minister, assassinated

IWU website launched


Clinton elected to 2nd term

Sherff Hall renovated into Center for Liberal Arts;

new residence hall opened, eventually called Harriett Fuller Rust House


Dianna, Princess of Wales, died in a car crash

Faculty Colloquium Program launched


Al-Qaeda bombed U.S. embassies in South Africa

Jack Horenberger Field dedicated;

Ground broken for The Ames Library


World population reached 6 billion

IWU Sesquicentennial celebrated at Homecoming


George W. Bush elected 43rd President



World Trade Center attacks

The Ames Library opened;

Hansen Student Center opened in what was once Memorial Gymnasium





U.S. invaded Iraq

Richard F. Wilson became 18th president


Indian Ocean tsunami

Organic food introduced to campus dining services


Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

Website began webcasting events;

IWU had first snow day in 40 years





Virginia Tech and N.I.U. campus shootings

Minor Myers jr Welcome Center dedicated,

Bloomington's first LEED-certified building


Barack Obama elected 44th President










State Farm Hall opened (fall semester)





Eric Jensen became 19th president




Donald Trump elected 45th President






S. Georgia Nugent became the 20th president of IWU, and the first female president of the University.




COVID-19 global pandemic

Joe Biden elected 46th President

Ann Aubry headshot

Ann Aubry - Director of Communications

Department - Office Of Communications