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After Graduation

Environmental Studies graduates can work in a wide variety of fields including conservation and natural resource management; energy policy; environmental advocacy; consulting, economics, education, engineering, health, journalism, law, or policy; green architecture and green design; parks and recreation; waste management; toxicology; and wildlife biology. The range of careers is expanding and the demand for experts in the field is growing. In addition, graduates can also pursue law school or graduate school in a variety of fields related to the environment. Finally, several service programs, such as Peace Corps and Teach for America, are open to graduates with interests in the environment and social justice. Students should consult with their advisor early on to determine the best course of undergraduate study at IWU to prepare them for pursuing their career goals.

To learn what ES alumni have done with their degrees, or contact alumni in fields of interest, check out our featured alumni.

Career Directories          Graduate Programs          Service Programs

Career Directories

(wetland-related jobs)

Graduate Programs

The following schools offer highly respected graduate programs in various environmental fields. This list is by no means comprehensive, so be sure to check out the graduate and law school resources located on the Environmental Studies bulletin board and in the file outside Dr. Jahiel's office, or the graduate school directories listed below.

The Princeton Review offers helpful timelines to guide students along the graduate application process. View the and application timelines.

Environmental Graduate Program Directories

General Environmental Programs

Environmental Architecture and Engineering

Environmental Law

Environmental Programs Abroad


Service Programs

is an intensive service program that places volunteers in education, public safety, health and environmental assignments. AmeriCorps members, who receive a living and educational allowance, serve with more than 2,000 non-profits, public agencies, and faith-based and community organizations.

is a year-long program of full-time, rigorous community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. Corps members serve as teachers' aides in public schools, run after-school programs, do physical service, run service-learning programs, and teach health and public-safety curricula. Corps members receive a weekly stipend and  are eligible for additional funds toward college tuition or job training.

hires recent college graduates to launch their organizing and advocacy careers through hands-on training and experience. The program is a one-year, full time, paid opportunity.

volunteers work in a developing country for 27 months in the following areas: education, youth outreach, and community development; business development; agriculture and environment; health and HIV/AIDS; and information technology. Volunteers receive a monthly living allowance and a stipend upon completion.

participants work four days each week for ten months at a nonprofit organization to strengthen the community by working in areas such as youth development, community development, public health, and economic development. Each Ally is provided a monthly stipend as well as an educational grant.

provides a $10,000 stipend for a graduating college senior to pursue one year of public service anywhere in the world.

recruits high-achieving seniors from top colleges to teach for two years in inner-city or rural schools. Students do not need to have a background in Education, and receive a salary and benefits.

offers exceptional young men and women first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the Federal government. White House Fellows typically spend a year working as full-time, paid special assistants to senior White House Staff, the Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries and other top-ranking government officials.

arranges for volunteers to teach for one year in Ecuador, Costa Rica, Namibia, the Marshall Islands, and China. There is also a summer program to teach in all these countries. No teaching experience is require