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Course Descriptions

ENST 100 - Environment and Society (AV)

Exploration of the relationship between humankind and nature, designed to encourage critical thinking about the environmental predicaments of the twenty-first century, as well as to provide a theoretical foundation from which to evaluate the causes and possible solutions to these problems. Major theorists, ideas, and schools of thought that have influenced environmentalism are discussed. Required course for the major and the minor. Offered each fall.

ENST 115/PHYS 120 - Energy and Society (PSI)

This course will enable students to acquire a working knowledge of the fundamental science that underpins various energy technologies, and the manner in which these technologies interact with the environment. Students will conduct comparative analyses of the different energy choices that we might make, both as individuals and as a nation. Offered annually

BIOL/ENST 120 - Ecology and Environment Problems (LSI)

Examination of major environmental concepts, problems, and possible solutions. Basic ecological principles will serve as a foundation for discussion of such issues as human overpopulation, resource depletion, and pollution. Required course for the major and the minor. Offered each spring.

ENST/CHEM 130 - Chemistry of the Environment (PSL)

A survey of chemistry principles with an emphasis on the application of these principles to environmental topics such as air and water pollution, global warming, and energy. Laboratory experiments may involve analysis of water from local stream and lakes and the analysis of vegetables for pesticide residue. Offered annually.

ENST/CHEM 135 - Water Quality (PSL)

The definitions of water quality depend heavily on the intended uses of the water supply - for drinking, irrigation, recreation, or ecosystem support. We will take a hands-on approach in studying water quality issues, using local water resources as case studies. A major part of the course will be field trips to measure and monitor water quality in local rivers and lakes. Offered each spring.

ENST 200 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems/GIS (FR)

Master the tool used to plan cities, track endangered species, redraw congressional districts and head off the spread of infectious disease. Join this class to gain skills in gathering geographic data, managing it, combining it, analyzing and in the end producing presentation-ready maps. Offered each spring. 

ENST 230 (formerly 110) - Earth Systems Science (PSL)

Earth Systems Science (PSL) The Earth is changing, and understanding this change requires an understanding of the interrelated systems of the Earth. This course investigates the systems (hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere) and the complex cycles and interactions between them, both globally in the classroom and locally through a field/lab experience. Offered every spring. 

ENST 231 - Environmental Science in Action (PSL)

Join this class and prepare to get dirty as we wade in streams, dig in soils and work in laboratories to gather data about the environment. In this course we will test water quality, sift sediments, measure contaminants and evaluate the impacts of chemicals on insect communities. Offered alternate years, May Term.

ENST/CHEM 234 - Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology (PSL)

Starting from basic chemistry concepts, this class explores the many ways in which the natural world tries to poison us. We will study how contaminants move in the environment, how they enter the food web, and ultimately, the harm they cause to individuals, populations, and communities. Offered occasionally. 

ENST 240 - Health and the Environment (LSI, U)

Environmental factors are among the most important determinants of health status of individuals and communities. While great strides have been made in public health, new challenges have arise with industrial pollution, environmental degradation and climate change. This course explores connections between modern environmental factors and health issues, such as asthma, cancer, and emerging infectious diseases, including disparities among vulnerable groups. Offered occasionally.

ENST 241 - War on Cancer: Does Environment Matter? (LSI)

Why is cancer epidemic in America? And what progress have decades of the War on Cancer brought us? This course looks at epidemiological and other evidence of changing cancer incidence and mortality. We investigate emerging research on cause of cancer, especially environmental triggers. Pathways to prevention are explored within a complex backdrop of politics, science, and culture. Offered occasionally.

ENST 242 - Toxic Threats to Reproduction and Child Development (LSI)

Humans and ecosystems in the United States and worldwide are regularly exposed to some 85,000 synthetic chemicals, most of which are poorly tested or untested for human health effects. This course will explore the effects of chemicals--such as heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, dioxins, PCBs, and endocrine disruptors--on reproduction and child development, and will look at intervention strategies to reduce toxic threats. Offered alternate years, May Term. 

ENST/HIST 248 - American Environmental History (CH, U)

Overview of American environmental history from pre-colonial days to the present. This course examines the relationship between social and ecological change, focusing on the impact of native American societies, Western colonialism, and market forces on land-use patterns, biodiversity and the development of the contemporary environmental movement in the United States. Offered in alternative years.

ENST 250 - Directed Readings in Environmental Studies

Individualized directed reading on a topic of interest to the student which is not normally a part of the Environmental Studies curriculum. Prerequisite: Approval of supervising faculty member and ES Advisor. 

ENST/PSCI 260 - American Environmental Politics and Policy (CSI, U)

Basic introduction to the institutional and legal framework of contemporary American environmental policy and to environmental politics in the United States. Policy issues explored include water and air pollution, solid and hazardous waste, endangered species and wilderness preservation, energy development, growth management, and environmental justice. Offered in alternate years.

ENST/PSCI 262/362 - Global Sustainability and Asian Development (CSI, G)

Home to more than half the world's population, with a range of political systems and the fastest rates of economic growth, Asia and its development are of immeasurable significance to global sustainability. This course looks at economic growth and development strategies within several Asian countries and the trans-boundary implications of this development for the land and people both in neighboring states and beyond. It demonstrates that economic growth in Asia's prosperous countries is changing landscapes and, in doing so, changing tides for peoples and ecosystems far from the source. Offered annually.

ENST 270 - Special Topics


ENST/ANTH 274 - Peoples and Cultures of East Africa (CSI, G)

Survey of select east African societies whose cultural adaptations to varied ecosystems make interesting case studies for comparative analysis. Reveals the diversity and the congruity of human social systems. Offered annually.

ENST/ANTH 276 - Native Americans and the Environment (AV, U)

Examines the values, principles, and laws that Native Americans use to conceptualize, define, and organize their relationships with the natural world. Students compare these ideas with their own understanding of the environment in written and oral assignments. Students interact with Native Americans, participate in native American ceremonies and spend time outdoors. Offered each fall.

ENST/ANTH 288 - Consuming Passions: The Anthropology of Food (G)

Considers forms of human eating in historical and cross-cultural perspective. Examines various systems of subsistence, from hunting and gathering to horticulture to pastoralism, as well as the symbolic aspects of food choice. Offered in alternate years, fall semester.

ENST 300 - Applied Geographic Information Systems

Advanced study in geographic information systems (GIS), including the techniques used to create weather maps, locate endangered species, and generate efficient delivery routes. Spatial analysis, interpolation, cluster analysis, network analysis and field collection of data will all be studied. Includes individual projects in GIS. Prerequisite: ENST 200. Offered alternate years, fall semester.

ENST/BIOL 318 (formerly 218) - Field Ornithology (LSI)

A general introduction to the biology, ecology and behavior of birds. Students will spend time practicing bird identification and observing bird behavior in the field. Local and regional field trips will be made to observe migrating and resident birds. No previous experience with birds is expected. Prerequisite ENST/BIOL 120 (for ENST) or BIOL 101 & 102 (for BIOL). Offered alternate years, May Term.

ENST/BIOL 321 - Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology

Ecological principles and conservation law and policy will serve as a basis to assess human impacts on biological diversity and to develop practical approaches to prevent species extinction. The course will include off campus lectures and field trips. The topics covered include extinction as an historical/contemporary process, invasive species, global climate change, endangered/threatened species conservation and watershed/ecosystem management. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 & 102. Offered in alternate years, spring semester.

ENST/BIOL 350 - Tropical Ecology (LSI, G)

Introduction to the ecosystems, animals, and plants of Costa Rica, including issues associated with the preservation of bio-diversity. Studies will be conducted both in the field and in the classroom. Prerequisite: Environmental Studies 120, declared minor in Environmental Studies, consent of instructor. Prerequisite for ENST 350 is ENST/BIOL 120; Prerequisites for BIOL 350 are BIOL 101 & 102. Offered in alternate years, May Term.

ENST/PSYC 355 - Psychology and the Environment

In this course, you will be challenged to apply psychological science to better understand how people interact with the natural environment. For example, we will explore (a) how human behavior impacts the natural environment and (b) how the natural environment influences human well-being. Students will also learn about current environmental threats and efforts to promote environmental sustainability. Learning will occur through a variety of activities: readings, discussion, videos, guest speakers, and, most important, a hands-on laboratory experience in which you will design and conduct your own original research studies. Prerequisite: PSYC 100 and 227 or 300, or consent of instructor.

ENST/PSCI 360 - Comparative Environmental Politics (CSI, G, W)

Examination of how different political-economic systems shape the environmental policy process and impact the environment. This course considers how party-structure, mode of interest articulation, economic system and level of development affect environmental policy. Countries studied include the United States, Germany, former Soviet Union/Russia, China, India, Brazil and Nigeria. Prerequisite: a course in either political science or environmental studies strongly recommended. Offered alternate years, spring semester.

ENST/PSCI 361 - Globalization and the Environment (CSI, G)

Introduction to the international politics behind efforts to deal with tropical deforestation, ozone depletion, global warming, loss of biodiversity and transnational transfer of hazardous wastes. Actors, conferences, and accords involved in the international environmental policy process are discussed, with particular attention to different positions of industrialized versus developing countries. Offered alternate years, spring semester.

ENST/PSCI 362 (also 362) - Global Sustainability and Asian Development (CSI, G)

Home to more than half the world's population, with a range of political systems and the fastest rates of economic growth, Asia and its development are of immeasurable significance to global sustainability. This course looks at economic growth and development strategies within several Asian countries and the trans-boundary implications of this development for the land and people both in neighboring states and beyond. It demonstrates that economic growth in Asia's prosperous countries is changing landscapes and, in doing so, changing tides for peoples and ecosystems far from the source. Offered annually.

ENST/PSCI 363 - Global Responses to Climate Change

How is the planet responding to climate change?  What are the physical impacts occurring to ecosystems in different parts of the world?  How are the lives of people in specific countries on each of five continents (North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America) being affected?  What have governments’ responses in these countries been to addressing climate change?  How are corporations responding? What grassroots efforts are being undertaken? And how are courts and legal systems being used to advance efforts to forestall the worst effects of climate change?  These are the questions we consider in this new and timely course. (Course catalogue description: This course examines from a comparative perspective the effects of climate change in five different countries on five different continents (North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America) and how different governments and peoples in these countries are responding to rapidly changing ecological conditions.) Offered in alternate years.

ENST/PSCI 365 - Ethical Dilemmas in Environmental Politics (AV)

When can non-human claims trump human interests? Does humanism provide a coherent lens for resolving environmental issues? How do answers to these questions influence our answers to dilemmas in environmental politics such as how to weigh the value of biodiversity and whether to use cost/benefit analysis to evaluate and determine regulatory policy? Utilitarian, Kantian, Social Context, and holistic theories are introduced as competing criteria for evaluating the risk of environmental harm caused by human development. Offered in alternate years.

ENST/SOC 367 - Environmental Sociology

Course considers the complex intersection between humans and nature by offering an examination of sociological perspectives on the environment. Students will deepen their environmental knowledge on topics including: environmental inequalities, the treadmill of production, environmental impact on identity construction, and the role of social movements in the development of policies. Offered in alternate years.

ENST 370 - Special Topics


ENST 397 - Internship

Students may arrange an internship with an environmental-related agency. Prerequisites: ENST 100 and ENST/BIOL 120 or ENST 230, declared major or minor in Environmental Studies, junior or senior standing, and consent of the supervising faculty member and the Environmental Studies Director. Offered each semester.

ENST 450 - Independent Study

Individual study in an area of interest relating to the environment. Students must devise a plan of study in cooperation with a supervising faculty member. Prerequisites: Environmental Studies 100 and ENST/BIOL 120 or ENST 230, declared major or minor in Environmental Studies, junior or senior standing, and consent of the supervising faculty member and the Environmental Studies Director. Offered each semester.

ENST 451 - Independent Research and Writing (W)

Individual study in an area of interest relating to the environment. In cooperation with a supervising faculty member, student must devise a plan of research which includes a significant writing project. Students must present this preliminary research proposal to a faculty member in writing, and receive the faculty member's approval of the topic and consent to provide instruction in writing appropriate to the subfield of Environmental Studies. Prerequisites: ENST 100 and either ENST/BIOL 120 or ENST 230, declared major in Environmental Studies, junior or senior standing, and consent of the supervising faculty member and the Environmental Studies Director. Offered each semester.

ENST 480 - Senior Seminar: Creating a Sustainable Society (W)

An advanced analysis through a seminar format of a particular topic in Environmental Studies, selected in consultation with ES students in their junior year. Applying the subfield perspective they have acquired in earlier coursework, each student will research and write a substantial paper on the seminar topic and present his or her findings orally. Taken collectively, these individual works will provide a multidisciplinary analysis of the seminar topic. Prerequisite: Majors and minors with senior standing who have completed ENST 100, ENST/BIOL 120, ENST 230 and at least two ES-approved courses at the 300-level or above. Offered annually. See a sampling of select student research papers.


Courses which receive credit in the Environmental Studies Program but are not cross-listed as ES courses

BIOL 306 - Plant and Fungal Diversity

An examination of the major groups of plants and fungi plus a consideration of their evolutionary origins and phylogenetic relationships. Four hours of lecture and five hours of laboratory per week. One field trip. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108. Offered each fall.

BIOL 314 - Microbiology

Study of microorganisms, emphasizing biology of bacteria and viruses and including basic study of immune responses to antigenic substances. Four hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108 (306 recommended). Offered each fall.

BIOL 316  - Evolution (LSI)

An examination of evolutionary theory, covering genetic and biochemical concepts of evolution; adaptation, selection, and the origin of diversity; biogeography; earth history; palaeontology; and systematics of plants and animals. Three hours of lecture and one hour of lab/discussion per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108. Offered each fall.

BIOL 319 (formerly 219) - Biology of Invertebrates

This course is a comparative study of the functional morphology, behavior, and ecological and evolutionary relationships of invertebrate animals. Students work with live specimens whenever possible. Three hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108. Offered each fall.

BIOL 323 (formerly 209)  - Biostatistics and Experimental Design

An introduction to statistical theories and tests applied in the analysis of biological data, and to the proper design of scientific experiments. Students will practice asking pertinent questions and critically reading scientific literature in preparing for research projects. Each student will orally review and critique published research articles. Prerequisites: 101 and 102. Offered each spring.

BIOL 324 (formerly 217) - Principles of Ecology (W)

An introduction to the major concepts of ecology; the structure and function of ecosystems, population and community dynamics, and plant and animal adaptations. Four hours of lecture and four hours of laboratory/field work per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108. Offered each fall.

BIOL 327 - Experimental Ecology (W)

A detailed examination of selected topics in ecology, such as foraging strategies, life history strategies, and community organization. Three hours of discussion per week. Discussion will focus on critical examination of current literature pertinent to lecture topics. In addition, students will conduct research on a topic of their choice, and summarize their results in an oral presentation and a poster. Prerequisite: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108. Offered occasionally.

BIOL 345 (formerly 230) - Behavioral Ecology

An exploration of animal behavior from an evolutionary perspective. After examining the theory of natural selection, this concept will be applied to topics including territoriality, foraging ecology, antipredator behavior, sexual selection and altruism. An examination of experimental studies testing hypotheses about these behaviors will be used to explore these topics. Prerequisites: BIOL 101 and 102, or BIOL 107 and 108. Offered as needed.

ENGL 220 - American Ground Zero


ENGL 220 - Thinking like a Mountain: Literature and Environmental Consciousness

From Aldo Leopold's attempt to think "like a mountain" to Gary Snyder's challenge to bring "the wild" into our lives no matter where we live, writers and poets have played an important part in the forging of a contemporary environmental consciousness. Readings will include the classic and the contemporary, the pragmatic and the visionary. Although the course is writing based and writing intensive, assignments will also take you outside of the classroom to engage more directly the natural world. Offered occasionally.

HIST 360 - Modern Brazil, 1825-Present

An in-depth study of Brazilian history and culture from the independence period to the present. Brazil is the most populous Latin American nation with the world's eighth largest economy and fifth largest area. Offered in alternate years.

MATH 300 - Mathematical Modeling

This course demonstrates the applicability of mathe- matics in the formulation and analysis of mathematical models used to solve real world problems. Students are expected to write the results of the models obtained in technical reports and to give oral presentations. This course is taught with the aid of a computer lab. Prerequisite: one of the courses 263 or 166, 215, and at least one additional mathematics course at the 200-level or 300-level. Offered every other year.

PHIL 301 (formerly 302) - Ethics and the Environment

An examination of different ethical theories to see which provide an adequate basis for an environmental ethics—a basis for deciding whether and how we ought morally to treat non-human entities, including non-human animals and "nature." We will consider the answers they provide to fundamental ethical questions concerning the environment. The specific normative issues we examine will vary from year to year but they will include issues such as factory farming, genetically engineered crops, air quality, and the preservation of endangered species. Offered in alternate years.

PHYS 239 - Problems of Nuclear Disarmament (PSI)

An examination of reasons for the continual existence of nuclear weapons. Elementary atomic and nuclear physics, the physics of nuclear weapons and the results of their use. Consideration of possible approaches to nuclear disarmament and the responsibility of scientists with respect to disarmament. Literature and film, exploring the effect of nuclear warfare on life and culture in Japan. Offered annually.

PSCI 201 - State and Local Government

Analysis of the different structures and political cultures of state and local governments in the United States. Focus is on institutional structures, behavioral patterns and trends, public policies, and on the interplay of levels of government in a Federal system. Prerequisite: PSCI 101 or consent of instructor. Offered in alternate years.

PSCI 326 - Globalization and Development

Explores the roots of global poverty and inequality by examining the interplay of ideas and power that shape poor countries' development strategies. Analyzes foundational ideas of classical thinkers: Smith, Marx, Durkheim, Weber. Assesses concepts of modernization, dependency and neoliberalism. Analyzes effects of multilateral organizations, states markets, civil society organizations and local cultures. Offered in alternate years.

PSCI 341 - Congress and the Legislative Process

This course introduces students to the contemporary U.S.Congress. Topics include explanations of how Congress organizes itself and the implications of those perspectives, and how Congress relates to the executive branch and the courts. Individual research projects allow examination of a topic of particular interest to a student. Prerequisite: PSCI 101. Offered in alternate years.

PSCI/SOC 395 - Action Research Seminar

This seminar bridges theory and applied research in community action. The course introduces the student as scholar-citizen to the multiple ways of seeking information on communities and examining community issues.On teams with community partners and faculty, students develop action plans and implement research projects. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. Offered each semester.

PSCI/SOC 398 - Grant Writing

Grants are a funding challenge and opportunity for non-profits. Successful grants must construct a compelling argument and align with funder priorities. Students partner with community leaders to complete applications in support of actual programs. This course is designed for upper level students and does not count toward the major or minor in Sociology or Political Science. Offered by arrangement.

Aaron Wilson headshot

Aaron Wilson - Chair and Associate Professor of Environmental Studies

Department - Environmental Studies