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New Employees

Starting a new job is nerve-racking enough. We're here to make the transition easier for you.

Important Paperwork

Either before or on your first day, you will need to fill out and bring the following documentation. 

  • Documentation to  

If you plan to have your paycheck direct deposited, you will also want to bring a voided check. You will also need to fill out the Direct Deposit Authorization Form

Meet with HR Representative

During your first week, you will meet with an HR representative to discuss your benefits in-depth. This will take about 2 hours. An HR representative will reach out to you to schedule. 

ID Card

As an À¶Ý®ÊÓƵ employee, you are required to have a university identification card. During your first week, your hiring manager will go with you to Campus Safety to have your photo taken and your card created. 


During your first week, you will also want to register your vehicle so you can park on campus. You will want to know your vehicle's make, model, and license plate number. Parking rules and regulations can be found on the Campus Safety website.  

Authorized parking lots for staff & faculty:

  • Center for Natural Science (parking lot at the northwest corner of East and Beecher St.) Vehicles not displaying a Faculty/Staff Decal can be towed Weekdays 7am-5pm
  • Center for Natural Science auxiliary lot enforced 24 hours a day (parking lot on the west side of building). Vehicles not displaying a Faculty/Staff Decal can be towed at ALL TIMES
  • Gulick parking lot. Vehicles not displaying a Faculty/Staff Decal can be towed Weekdays 7am-5pm.
  • Center for Liberal Arts/Hansen Center/Physical Plant (parking lot located between Emerson and Beecher west of Horenberger)
  • Pfeiffer parking lot (parking lot between Pfeiffer and IT Service Center)
  • IT Support parking (spots located on the North side of IT Service Center)
  • Shirk/Natatorium Lot (parking lot on north side of Natatorium)
  • Ames Library Parking Lot (Lot to the west of Ames Library, eight spots on south side of drive)
  • Ames Plaza West five posted spots
  • Minor Myers, jr. Welcome Center parking lot
  • Holmes Hall Parking Lot
  • Sesquicentennial Parking Lot at the SE corner of Graham and Park Street 

Phones & Email

Calendar, Holidays, & Events


Directory Updates

The directory is a great resource to find contact information for the IWU campus community. There's several pieces of information you can update yourself. To submit a headshot, or request a new one be taken, submit the . 


Miscellaneous Information

IWU By the Letters

Like many workplaces and communities, we frequently use abbreviations. Here are some of the most common ones! 

ARC Action Research Center Program
BOT Board of Trustees Committee
CC Curriculum Council Committee
CETAL Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Committee
CLA Center for Liberal Arts Building
CNS Center for Natural Sciences Building
CUPP Council on University Policies and Procedures Committee
ES Environmental Studies Program
FDC Faculty Development Committee Committee
FR Formal Reasoning Gen Ed Requirement
G Encountering Global Diversity Gen Ed Requirement
GW Gateway Colloquium Gen Ed Requirement
IGS International & Global Studies Program
IT Intellectual Traditions Gen Ed Requirement
ITS Information Technology Services Campus Office
JWP John Wesley Powell Research Conference
LRC Language Resource Center Program
ODI Office of Diversity & Inclsuion Campus Office
PAT Promotion and Tenure Committee Committee
PE Physical Education Gen Ed Requirement
PSI Physical Sciences Issues Gen Ed Requirement
PSL Physical Sciences Lab Gen Ed Requirement
SBDC Program
SEP Summer Enrichment Program Program
SI Contemporary Social Issues Gen Ed Requirement
SOAD School of Art & Design School
SOBE School of Business and Economics School
SOM School of Music School
SONHS School of Nursing and Health Sciences School
SOTA School of Theatre Arts School
U Encountering US Diversity Gen Ed Requirement
UCD University Council on Diversity Committee
W Writing Intensive Courses Gen Ed Requirement
WAG Web Advisory Group Committee
WLLC World Languages, Literatures and Cultures Department